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Some of the solutions we have installed during COVID are:


  •   IP Cameras with DVR System that can be viewed or searched even from your smart phone
  •   COVID Scanners at office reception areas and restaurant to quickly check if someone has a fever or not with touch-less operation.
  •   VPN Solutions that enable your staff to work from home safely and transparently while still keeping your business running.
  •   Remote Phones that act as part of your main system and your clients never know that your team is working from home.



To learn more reach out to us by clicking on the (Red Phone Icon) at the top right!


YES, we wear masks and use sanitizer!


COVID19 (Remote Friendly Support Service)

What this actually mean; its are new norm right.  Simply put is a way of doing business that is either remote and or on-site with the strictest adherence to social distancing, etc to insure you stay safe and so do we.  We under stand that the time we are going through is challenge but we want you to to know that JMOR; cares about your health and safety before your business.  When you reach out to us; we will always try to handle your matter remotely first but if that is not feasible; then a safe deployment of technician to your site will be scheduled.  Thanks for trusting The JMOR Connection to help you with your technology in the past and especially during the pandemic.