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The JMOR Tech talk show is a weekly technology show that helps you understand how you technology is supposed to work and what to do when it doesn't.  Plus we have a variety of guests that are either thought leaders, tech innovators, authors.  We often times invite manufacturers and those have used technology in a different method than what is was originally designed for.

Our show is not sales presentations but instead a place where are listeners can derive value from the education we provide.


We have talk to people to learn the lessons they have learning and the inspiration they share for our audience.


During the show we bring content you need to know about when it comes to using technology from recalls, warnings,  insights and tips to using  technology.

The show is a great dynamic duo between Host John C. Morley, Serial Entrepreneur and Co-Host Marcus Hart that always keep the audience entertained, educated and craving more.



Click Here to watch our last Episode or to see us Live at our 5:30PM Eastern Scheduled Airing Time