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Radio show date 04-02-2021

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Get his Book The Egg Shell Effect Now


John C. Morley: Hello, everyone. It's that time for the JMOR Tech Talk show where we answer questions about technology, explain the way they should work and why they tone sometimes. And now here's your host, John C. Morley.


John C. Morley: Well, Hey, everybody, welcome once again to the JMOR Tech Talk Show. It's another Friday and Marcus, we are at the very first Friday of Yes, April. Well, yeah. After April fool.


Marcus Hart: Yeah. So

Did you get any April fool’s pranks?


John C. Morley: No, I actually was very alert that entire day. I didn't catch anybody either. So yeah, which is all right? And I just I just liked it that I didn't that I didn't get into any troll myself. But can you believe Marcus that we are in the month of April? I mean, I don't know. Where the heck, where did the month go?


Marcus Hart: Yeah, we're cruising right along here. So in about two months, we'll be midway in no time.


John C. Morley: Well, you know, I have to say, the apple chief store finally admits that they messed up. Apple actually admitted that they did not have enough staff. And they said it was because of cutbacks. It was a mistake they claim. And it's being reversed. And they just thought that this was going to save them money, unfortunately, which they thought was going to put them in the black really put them slightly in the red.


Marcus Hart: Yeah, he did. Well, at the time of this recording, they're, they're back up several percent a little bit. This is a leadership issue. Okay. And the formula that they were originally using, it was it caused a lot of shifts, you know, for their already employees to be cut. And the retail locations were very heavily understaffed and, you know, it, they just, they just weren't ready to rectify this problem. And it shows you that you know, when you continue to follow under the old system and not look at the innovation that, you know, you don't care about the consumers, the customers that you work with work for.


John C. Morley: Exactly. When they talk about customer satisfaction, they can say that to their blue in the face, but I always say it really comes down to your actions, not what you say but what you do.


Marcus Hart: You are right John, you know that right there. Point on the head there. So that is


John C. Morley: We are speaking about nailing things on the head, we would want to throw eggs to someone's head or nail those on the head. But our next guest actually talks about the eggshell effect. Now, this is going to be a really interesting guest, because he actually, from what I understand, because I actually read the book from cover to cover, he went through a lot of these challenges. And I'm going to get a chance to talk with him about this book, because this book was absolutely amazing. Joel Holc is a learning disability energy coach, and his passion for life. And the way he puts to market his book called the eggshell effect, which was released not too long ago. It's a great book. And this is a person that is trying to help people understand the challenges they have, and what they can do to, you know, move on, and have a better life. And just the way he does it when you think of eggshell effect. What exactly is that? Well, we're going to learn in just a moment. Please help me welcome tonight to the JMoR Tech Talk Show, Mr. Joe Holc. Well, Hey, everyone, it's John C. Morley, with the JMOR tech talk show. And I'm here with another great guest, Joel Holc, who is actually the author. I'm not sure if you guys can see it here in the eggshell effect book, which is a quite amazing book about his journey in life. And I just have a quick question for you first, welcome to the show, Joel.


Joel Holc: Thank you very much for having me here, John,


John C. Morley: It is my pleasure. So the eggshell effect, when I think about eggs, I know of making scrambled eggs for omelets, you always have to be pretty careful about them, right. But if you do the right thing, you tend to get a good meal. So just share with me I'm sure there's some inspiration. Where did that title come from?


Joel Holc: Sure. And actually, we'll talk about the actual effect now from a completely different point of view. This is not the view of, of a meal or anything; this is actually the way that the name came together. And when I was 10 years old, I grew up in Israel, I grew up into keyboards, a keyboard is a farm living environment. And as kids, we always work. We always work there from the day that I remember myself, I remember working, and I was 10 years old. And at the time, I was working in it in a petting zoo, we had the petting zoo. And in the petting zoo, we had a shed where we had all kinds of animals that were living in the shed. And we also had an incubator for eggs that were abandoned. And on that particular day, I was working and cleaning the floor. And all of a sudden I saw in the incubator. I saw a chick trying to break through the eggshell. And I was fascinated by that. It was an amazing view to watch a real life beginning. And as I was watching over, suddenly the chicks started moving. And I immediately reach up with my arm to help the chick to break the eggshell. And luckily, the gentleman that was supervising the kids to make sure that we didn't have it herself and her animals happened to stand next to me. And as I retreated my arm to help the cheek to break the extra, he immediately grabbed my arm and said don't do that. And I looked at him and said why not to because I really want to help the cheek and he said that the cheek excuse me have to build his muscles inside the actual by breaking the eggshell to be able to survive outside the actual. Now what does this have to do with the story? What this got to do with the book is that 35 years later, when I was 45 years old, and when my life at the time occurred, it fell apart. I want somebody to reach out and to help me. I want somebody to reach out to fix all my problems. But it was then at that moment that I realized that in the same way like the chick 35 years earlier, it was for me to break through. And all the actual that I built around myself throughout all my life to protect myself for myself to protect myself from the world to numb myself to for me just was basically to build eggshell to protect myself from everything. Now what happened when I was 45 years old. As my life fell apart, this eggshell became a liability became too small and at that point, I had to hit the had two choices, I was the only one that was able to break this actually, to myself. So this is really where the name of the book came from. And it's really just how my life has been evolved. And it just, for me makes so much sense that, that as people were just building walls, we're building actual around ourselves, to protect ourselves from everything,


John C. Morley: You always hear the phrase, a lot of people say this, you know, I don't want to be around that person. It's like I'm walking on eggshells. But I guess a lot of times, you know, it's not the person that's walking around them, it's the person that really needs to do the work that you're afraid of, that's the person that really needs to adjust themselves. And we're thinking about, you know, cooking in the kitchen, but I just love that point in your book, where you know, you, you just come from your heart with a genuineness to want to help that baby chick, and then you know, that person just kind of takes your hand, I think a lot of times in life, you know, we get opportunities, and other people come in to try to help us, which I think is great. But a lot of times, like you're saying, Joel, we have to learn these things on our own. You mentioned, you know, building the muscles of the chick. But I think a lot of times, it's also building the muscles of our brain, whether it's in finances, or it's in relationships, which we'll learn later. It's really about developing ourselves. Then the other question I have for you is, you know, with coming to writing this book, you had challenges in your life, and obviously, that's what made you, I guess, want to write the book. But what I want to ask you is you talk about something really remarkable in your book, and I'm not going to share the whole book, because we want people to read it. You talk about a gift from your father, can you share a little bit about that, and maybe how that relates to some of our lives?


Joel Holc: Sure. So what happened when I was 45 years old, and it's my life fell apart, and just to give a context to the conversation is, my mom passed away. And a week later, and I came back home, I was in Israel and she passed away and I had the privilege to be with her for the last week of her life. And I stayed there for a week after. And I came home the following day at a time. My wife says I'm leaving. So within a week, time I lost my mother, and I lost. I lost my wife. And I asked myself the probably the most important question: how did they get here? And for me to understand this question, I had to go back in time and really go to understand what happened, how my life turned up to be the way that it is how I ended up living in Pittsburgh, How did I end up having it being a single parent? How did I end up having a business that I really not did not enjoy? I actually ended up having an autoimmune disease, like what happened? How did life work out that this is how my life ended up to be. And I had to go back in time and go back in time. And there was one point that I actually was struggling to, struggling to sleep, struggling to eat as I lost my mom. And as I lost my wife and I went to acupuncture and in the acupuncture. And actually he helped me to relax my mind and just to be able to just slow down for a second. And in that moment a clear vision of my father showed up. And I remember the first thing that I told my dad is that I'm sorry that I offended you. And my dad at that point passed it was five years when he passed away six in that point. And this is the first time that they had any interaction with him since he passed. And for some people say this is completely out there for me just was as real as I'm sitting in front of you and talking and his response really what changed me for anybody that is apparent and listening to this when our kids telling us I'm sorry, generally speaking for me as a parent is sure I forgive you, I understand. But my dad actually taught me the best lesson that I could learn is that he did not say I forgive you or I understand or never mind, you don't have anything to apologize for. His response was a no. And the fact that he actually answered I know what kept me into the conversation is why even I told my dad that I'm sorry that I offended you why even I occurred to me that they abandon him. Where does the word abandonment even show that in the conversation and that the fact that he really did not close the door just kept the door open? By saying, I know eventually led me to the self-discovery of myself of how much fear of abandonment I carry on. There was no accident that they actually told me that I'm sorry that they abandoned you. Because the fear of abandonment always showed up. And for people that are afraid to be offended, they have an equal amount of fear to abandon other people. So just going hand in glove and the doors that open up for me from the fear of being abandoned, just tremendous. As far as that might heal in my self-healing journey.


John C. Morley: This reminds me of something pretty remarkable. You know, a lot of times you might hear people say, you know, don't burn any bridges. And sometimes people aren't at the same point in life that you are, I don't say that to be better or worse than one. It's just that they're at a different stage in their life. And I know throughout the book, you were at a lot of different stages in your life. And if we are not open, and we're not patient, you make another good point in your book, and it's in chapter 18. Life is a journey. There is no destination in life, even though we all want our destinations. Life is just a continual journey. Can you maybe share a little bit about that, Joel?


Joel Holc: Sure. So there are no accidents, and everything is connected. Now the challenge is that when we live in life, from fear, and at the end, the subtitle of the book is my journey from fear. When we're living life from fear we are living life as it needs to be calculated, that needs to figure out what the next move that needs to figure out what is the next business move? What is the next relationship move, how to parenting, how to grow the business, how to do how to make more money, how, how, me, me, me, how can I get more. But when we focus on life, from that point of view, there's always winning and losing. Because if your goal is to get to 50, and you only got to 40, you did not accomplish your goal. But if there is no accidents, and everything is connected, and there's really nothing bad happened, because it's all part of the journey, part of the education that we're learning about yourself, at that point, what we can look at, as a loss, we can actually look at this lesson, what can look as a pain is an opportunity. Where when I felt the pain of losing my mother and losing my wife in the same week, at the time, I could look at this and probably in the beginning, I did look at this as Why me How can we tap into me? Again, and this was not the first marriage that I actually that fell apart for me. But this was actually also an opportunity for me to grow, and to learn, when we are relating to life as a journey. Everything is part of the journey. Everything when we grow, everything that we learn, everything that we experience, is just part of the journey. And the beauty of the journey is that there is really no destination, the purpose of the journey is the journey itself. So the beauty is to enjoy today, and to get the most out of today. Because if we live on the destination we are not experiencing today, we will be happy when we get there.


John C. Morley: We always want to be grateful for the moment and be grateful for what we have been grateful for in the present. And this brings something very interesting to mind. When I got out of college, before I became an entrepreneur, and then a serial entrepreneur. I got my first job while starting one of my companies just a year before I got out of college. But I was only running at part time. And I got a job with a government agency that owes me the greatest thing in the world. I was with them for a few years. And they weren't treating me the greatest but I didn't care. I just liked the experience. There were some people that were nice. And something clicked in my head. Just before I was about to get vested I was like three months before I was about to get vested. And something clicked. And I went to the HR department the day before the Thanksgiving break. And I went in to see the lady. And I said to her, I just want to say thank you. She's like, Oh, you're welcome. I said no, I want to say thank you. And she's okay. I want to say thank you for helping become a better version of myself and for helping me to help you become a better version of yourself. Because this is the last day of my employment here. And her jaw just dropped. And everybody in the office was all chattering and they all just went silent. I finished up my work that day. I went home and everybody didn't know what to say to me. And I said, it’s okay. I said, don't worry about it. I said, Thank you all for helping to become a better version of myself. And I hope I've helped you on your journey to become better versions of yourselves. And these people thought I was nuts. And that's when I realized that everything in our world joy, I guess happens for a reason, like you said, there are no coincidences. And so if that didn't happen, I would have never got on my journey. Something happened a few years ago that people might have thought of as not being the greatest thing. But the effect didn't happen, it wouldn't have kicked my butt, to get into gear to become a serial entrepreneur. So I think there are reasons but sometimes I guess, Joel, they're not easy are they? Like they're, they're challenging.


Joel Holc: Most of them are not easy. The ones that are easy, we don't really experience and we don't really remember, the ones that are actually causing us pain and suffering. This is the ones that we learn the most from. Now, I'm not suggesting for anybody to go and cause suffering and pain for themselves. Don't worry, it will show up if you want it or if you don't want it, it will show up. It's how you handle it that is how you were in a relationship to the pain and suffering, if your relationship to pain and suffering is why me and I'll always get circumstances like that, and not nothing ever worked for me. Or even people start to do not themselves, you know, start to use Samsung inside, people start picking up bad habits, to be able to numb this pain. Then we skipping the opportunity, and the lesson that we have,


John C. Morley: To learn versus going to keep playing a lesson I've learned when it's a record or whether it's a song, but that lesson is going to keep playing again and again and again and again in your life. Until you learn it, isn't it,


Joel Holc: My experience. And my and my and working with people, I see it again and again and again, is that we in the beginning, we're getting a little bit of pain to learn the lesson, and we don't learn it. And then we're getting more pain, just to be able to pass this great. And if we don't learn it, eventually the pain will be so much that we will have no choice but to learn the lesson or not. Because not everybody learns the lesson. But those that do. They are getting so much value out of learning the lesson and instead of relating it's really a relationship to life is a life of a journey that will be allowing you to experience things that are not pleasant. And understand that this is part of the journey. And there is a bigger picture and there is something to learn. And there's an opening that actually can show up once we learn the lesson.


John C. Morley: No, I never wish anything bad or want pain anybody either. But I sometimes believe a Joel that you know when sometimes things happen to them or they go to the hospital again, I never wish this on anyone. I think sometimes that needs to happen. And it's because their life is going in. They're like this hamster on a wheel, you know, just going round and round and round around. And something you say okay, we got to stop, stop, and stop. And everything. It's like the world suddenly stops. And when that happens, people are like, different. They're more humble. As much as people are not crazy. But this pandemic, I have to say it was a blessing. And people think I'm nuts. But the reason I say that is and you probably can agree with me. People are connecting more with each other. People are becoming more compassionate, except for the ones that will knock you over if you take the last, you know, bag of potato chips or, or the last, or paper or, or bounty paper towels, the big rolls that are on sale. But most of the people's joy and seeing are really trying to become more humane. Uh, you know, bringing out that quality that I think has been missing for so long. And you know, there's always going to be people that are not, but I feel that this is something that when you talk about I don't want to say a near death life experience or something that is really quite traumatic that stops someone's life doesn't kill them. It doesn't put them in a coma. But it really causes them to pause. And I think the pandemic has done that for everybody. It's given them a free card to pause for a while. They are dangerous. I think some people are holding that card and they're not ready to go, even though there is not really a big danger anymore.


Joel Holc: Agree and this epidemic definitely changed the way that a lot of people see the world not now we have to remember first of all that obviously that our hearts go to all the families that lost loved ones and the people that got sick and people still battling with that. So we cannot. I mean, we have a responsibility as human beings to really get connected to that as an individual. Because I know multiple people that passed away in the last year from the COVID. And people that got sick. So obviously our heart is with this family. But as a whole, as a society, we basically hit the reset button. Its people, I often say, Hey, I can't wait for things to go back to the way that they used to be the way that they used to be. I really hope that we will grow from here to become something new, I hope we will not go back to be back the way that we used to be. If you think about it today, people sharing more time with their families, care about their parents, care about the kids, parents becoming teachers, for the kids, instead of sending the kids to school, they involve in the kid's life. Now does it bring challenges and they bring new opportunities? Absolutely. It's not easy. But what is being developed, it's not all bad, even you and I john, we made through multiple zoom meetings that went all over the world, that people are getting connected, we are in the social distancing society, but we actually have become much closer. Today I work for the last year, I actually expand my coaching business all over the world, that prior to COVID, it was only people that live in Pittsburgh, because I thought that the only way for me to work with people is to meet with them one on one, today, I can meet with them one on one, all over the world. So these opportunities like anything else is an opportunity they some people that suffer and businesses that suffer that, that we cannot be called for that we feel that but these also great, great opportunity that to create something new here to create a world that will be a better world that we left if we going back to 2019, like nothing happened. There is no purpose for what happened. I think that my belief and my hope and my goal, and as a society that we will grow to become something better than what we left.


John C. Morley: I hope for that too. I'm also a responder and volunteer. And so I know, my heart goes out to a lot of the people that lost their lives as well. And I feel it's very important I take it as not something that I'm told to do. But something I want to do to protect others myself. I get tested every two weeks. Now some people think I'm nuts. I still practice all the protocols. But I just feel that, you know, you need to really be cognizant of what's going on, you know, I love one thing you do in your book job. And after every chapter I haven't seen this from an author in a very long time. You actually at the end of each chapter basically have, if you will, a passage and what you call an invitation to reflect which maybe one two or three paragraphs is maybe,, and it gives you a chance to stop and just listen. And then also after that, which I think is really nice. You have an invitation to reflect notes. So after you've pondered for a few moments, you can actually jot down some of those things that you talked about something else very interesting in your book. You are not very much into spiritualism. I'm a Roman Catholic. I've always believed in Jesus and in my religion and I and I and I volunteer. Talk to us a little bit about it, I guess if someone right now wants to have a conversation, regardless of who their believer of who the creator of this world is. What is it they should do? He or she should do it to have a spiritual conversation to have the kind of connection like you did; they're all not going to go to somebody to put needles in their ear or their back. They may not all do that. So what can somebody do? Because we talked about meditating, but some people just don't get those signals or they don't get those voices, can you give us any insight to help people that might be really new at this?


Joel Holc: So again, we, my invitation is to anybody that chooses to do the work for themselves, if they choose to read this book, and really worked on the invitation to reflect this book is an active book. And this book is not really booked to share. Most people share books. And it's a great thing. But this book is really, at the end of each chapter, there is an invitation to reflect and then there is for the reader an opportunity to write their own story. And on what they got out of this book. I think that the way that the book is designed is designed in a way for people to look within themselves. And the big question is to ask them, how did they get here and make no difference if you don't need your life to fall apart? To be able to ask yourself this question, how did you get here, and maybe your life did fall apart, maybe it's worse than my story, maybe it's a different story that you have, but your life is unique, because it's your life and your story is unique, because it's your story. For me getting connected to spirituality, it was a, it was part of my survival, I had to look at something I had to feel something I had to, to be able to know that this is something bigger than me that this is not over. And this is just got to continue. Now, growing up in Israel in Israel, it is a Jewish country and growing up in the Jewish culture, spirituality and religion are two different things. And, and my opinion that they had about religion was a completely different experience, that I actually confuse religion and spirituality. And now some people are using religion to be able to connect to spirituality. And it's great. For me, it did not work for me; my life had to get to a point that I had to seek into spirituality. And the invitation is to; I think that the easiest way to start to tap into this is to start to meditate. And if you can meditate for a minute a day, and there's no right or wrong way to meditate. Now, obviously, today, throughout, you know, to today, there's many apps for meditations, there's many on YouTube, different ways to meditate. But if the meditation is only four minutes, or two minutes, or three minutes, whatever it's work, and surrounding yourself with people that have what you want, and willing to share it with you. And this was a big thing for me in my spirituality, because there are a lot of people that have what I want, but they're not willing to share it with me. But for it for anybody here is to find somebody in their life to find somebody that is willing to share with them what they got, obviously, I'd be happy to support anybody that shows into it to get my support, and to really to grow into the spirituality part. But I think the first thing is really to meditate, to start to meditate a day, and a minute a day, two minutes a day, just keep growing. You cannot meditate one, you can't, and you can't break anything.


John C. Morley: I started meditating many, many years ago, without my whole long story. But when I first started, it was very short. And now I've done it for probably around, I take a walk every day today I won't because if the weather's not so great, but I usually walk for about an hour a day. And I have some meditation music that I put on. And every night I meditate, usually for about 30 to 45 minutes, sometimes a little longer, and sometimes in the morning, and I find that it just gives you a very warm sense of calm. That things that might have seen heavy, don't seem as heavy as they once were. Any challenges that you're facing just seem like they are there but they don't have a lot of energy. And the tip I have for that is that when you put less energy on something, whether that's physically or mentally, it really takes a weight off the body.


Joel Holc: That and we talked about earlier at Gianni actually before we start today. The broadcast is really about our subconscious mind. And really where the meditation works is in our subconscious mind. And really where the meditation works is in our subconscious mind. And my invitation for anybody that's meditating for the first time is again, is there is no destination. There's no goal, there's no place to be, there's no place to go. You're exactly where you're supposed to be. And just meditate for a minute, meditate for two minutes and just sit still for a minute and just whatever it needs to. And slowly, slowly it will become like you say you can walk for an hour and meditate I can sit for. I can sit for an hour and a half and meditate and I feel like a minute pass by.


John C. Morley: Yeah, it seems like the time gets longer. But it's like there is no comprehension of time. A person I followed for many years, Dr. Joe dispenza. He says that when you focus on becoming no one with any Gender, okay, in any time about nothing, you truly become someone because then that's when the world and the universe infinite possibilities have the opportunity to manifest your life. And it's really something you just have to literally just release everything. And just let what comes to you. I'm sorry.


Joel Holc: And to talk to this point, obviously, Dr. Joe is an extremely powerful person when we get our own story about ourselves of whom we think we are. This is when we can become what we meant to be in this world. A better limit is because we believe and we think again, it's from a destination point of view that this is who we need to be to become x. But this is the limitation in the same way.


John C. Morley: Well let's look at that four letter word and it's not a bad word, f e a r, false evidence appearing real. How many people really dissect that they just don't even think about that. They just think about the word. And all the things that they're going to think about that weather wise person once said, you know, you change your words, your things, your thoughts, you change your thoughts, you will in fact improve the quality of our life. And that is what we want. Now, most people don't believe that you need to get serious about the things you say and do have a journal, oh; I don't have time for that. I'm too busy. Well, then I guess they're not interested in improving the quality of their life for themselves. And for others. This isn't for everyone. I mean, it's for a lot of people. But some people are going to become hamsters in a wheel, if that's your thing. But other people want to have a life of creativity, let's just say the ability to be persistent, and a deliberate creator, while other people just want to be part of other people's chest sports. And although there's nothing wrong with that, you have to decide what you want. And I know Joel, I'd much rather be a deliberate creator and create the world that I want and not be part of someone else's plan.


Joel Holc: Absolutely. And let's go back to the word fear.


John C. Morley: Yes.


Joel Holc: And I know that my approach to fear is a little bit different. And because I'm working with energy, when I'm working with my own energy, when I work with people, we all energy, all of us and Part of our memories is our fearful events that happen in our life. And most of our life we live in and are aware of what we are actually doing. And we recycle experience that we experienced from age from; we'll talk about this lifetime. So from, from age eight, from the first day in our life until age 10. Most of the experience that we experience us already recycles from that point of our life. And all of it is basically a reaction to fear. If we look at basically living life, most people, and living life is a reaction from fear. We're not freely choosing our life, we think that we are choosing our life, but the truth of the matter is just a survival mechanism. From an experience that happened to us prior to age 10. In my book, we're talking about my dyslexia, and we're talking about me having to stay in first grade again. That moment, my logic was that smart kids are going to second grade. And, and stupid kids have to do first grade again. And from that moment on, I live life from that point of view. And I subconsciously just kept running and running and running. It's creating a relationship with fear. Because for as long as we will breed, we will have fear in our life. Now, our fear level is changing as we grow. And as we're becoming more successful, and as we're becoming more in peace. And as we're becoming a creating relationship, our fear levels will change based on our circumstances in our life. But fear energy will always be there. Now, if we understand that fear, energy will always be there, instead of avoiding and pretending that it's not there. Let's create a relationship with that. And once we create a relationship with fear, at that moment, that fear loses its grip on us, and we stop reacting, because we're actually acknowledging the fact that right now, I'm afraid. And right now, as a survival mechanism, I will do 1234. And only at that moment, when we realize that right now, right this second, I'm afraid, this is the only time that we can actually choose life, and energetically will either go to choose at that format, most people will not choose to react from fear, but they can actually create from love. But if we're not aware of where we sourcing ourselves from, we will always go to be in a reaction, reaction, reaction. In the end of the day, in the end of the month, and the end of the year, in the end of our life, we say, hey, what we create, but we really create nothing, because we will always be in a reaction from an event that happened to our life, prior to age 10.


John C. Morley: Look what happened with Albert Einstein. Okay, there were all these stereotypes. And most people don't know this. Albert Einstein, very smart gentleman. He actually had a learning disability. But people didn't start bringing it out too recently. And now, what we're learning is just because someone may take information in differently, doesn't make them a bad person doesn't make them dumb. It just means that they take information differently, and they have to learn it differently. And this brings me to a very interesting point, Joel, and that's in our life, things are going to happen to you and I, that's going to happen to strangers we know and to friends and loved ones. That's not the issue. The real concern is how you and I, and people around us choose to respond to those situations. I think that's really the main thing. We have time for just one more question. This has been really remarkable learning about your book, and, you know, your, your journey, you guys definitely want to pick up this book, which is called the eggshell effect. Again, we're not going to tell you everything in the book, that's why you have to go read it. But again, be prepared when you read the book, to not just sit down and read it, you know, be prepared to open up and just let the stuff flow into your mind. Because if you have a mindset that okay, I'm against that, well, the book isn't going to do anything for you. And you're going to be judgmental, and you know, this book is yours. No one's gonna have to know you bought it. Okay, it's confidential, and you can read it and it could be a personal thing. And you know, we all want to improve our lives and no one has to know you're improving your life. That could be your secret later on. You can brag about that. But I have to ask you, Joel with all this baby's things you're working on and with this great book that you put together. What are Joel's next plans? Is there another book in you or what else down the pike?


Joel Holc: So it's been an amazing journey to write this book it took me over, over five years to actually write it. So, it was ready to be published when it was ready to be published. Not a second, not a second before that. And now I'm continually growing my, my working, I work with people, I have speaking engagements and I really want to my commitment is to impact as many people that they can by touching their life by reading this particular book on my next book, and the next book is probably this is where it's still in the work. It's not, it's not there yet. I mean, the first book took me five years, I don't know if the second book will take me as long. But it's really the actual effect. And it's the journey, the journey from money. I see a lot because today, I run multiple businesses, and I'm working with a lot of entrepreneurs. And I can see the fear energy that comes to people when they are talking about money and the self-awareness that they have about money and the self-feeling that they feel when they are successful, or were they not successful? Where is it coming from? Not everybody wants to make money; there are a lot of people that are just happy to make a living. But for those that are looking to become wealthier financially, where is it coming from? And if we can actually get it completely, to understand where it is coming from, once they understand that their possibilities to create wealth is much higher, because they are operating from a completely different source. And they can get those people; they can read the actual effect of my journey from fear now. And they will get that if this is what they focus on, they will get the value for that. So they don't have to wait for the next book to come out. But this is basically just to keep growing, and making a difference. And it's me making an impact. I want to say different making an impact is many people that they can all over the world.


John C. Morley: Joel, this has been really remarkable. Like I said, the journey really starts with you. And you have to make the decision. To take that first step as one wise man once said, you know, success starts by us all first taking our first step. And if we can get started on the journey, the second, the third step is not so hard. But taking that first step, well, that might take a little bit of courage, muster a little bit of faith. But once you take that first step, each step after is going to get progressively easier.


Joel Holc: Let me just let me just tap into what you say for a second, consider that the journey starts way before we are aware that the journey starts, the journey does not start when we are aware that the journey starts. It's like gravity, the law of gravity is effective 100% of the time, and we don't need to understand that the law of gravity is there. It's there all the time. Right, and same thing with our journey, our journey begins from the moment that we are born, this is part of our journey. And for some of us, including myself, I had to leave for 45 years, not aware that life is a journey. But this was part of my journey not being aware. And for some people, they have the opportunity to basically become a word. And then there are different openings available. So the journey starts from the moment that we take our first brace on this earth.


John C. Morley: So once you take your first breath, that's when you have to realize that consciousness has started. And whether you're aware of it as Joel saying or not. You know that the rides start if you get on the amusement park ride and you're not ready, well, they're still starting. So make sure you get your seat buckled up for the ride, but you better be buckled up for the right job because it's going to get going with or without you.


Joel Holc: Yeah. And once you open your eyes, you can shut them off. Once the eyes are open, you can do it just like you can’t. It's an amazing, amazing experience.


John C. Morley: Well, Joel, thank you very much for your time. Is there any information you'd like to share with our viewers if they'd like to reach out to you for more information, obviously, they can get your book on Amazon. And we'll put a link to that at the bottom of the video where they can we'll give you a link you can go get the book. But is there anything else you'd like to share with our viewers?


Joel Holc: I mean, if people want to connect with me they can go to draw or to the actual effect that calm and then we can get connected from that point. If anybody I'm open for conversation, I'm getting calls on a daily basis from people that read the books and share with me their experience and why the opening for that. So I am thrilled every morning to wake up and to see who's going to reach out to me and it's just been a privilege to be a part of people's life.


John C. Morley: Well ladies and gentlemen, Joe Holc, the author of the eggshell effect, and my journey money from fear. So definitely get yourself a copy of that. And be prepared because it might just change your life. Thank you so much, Joel. Thank you. What did you think of Joel's interview with me?


Marcus Hart: You know, he has a very compelling book, and the mere fact that he has figured out a way to break through to egg shells, but you know, with the weapon of love, that's impressive. I love it.


John C. Morley: He just has this amazing gift. And when I first sat down to, you know, read the book, as we took away from this wonderful interview, you thought he was going to be talking about, you know, maybe baking or, you know, being very careful. But really, for our viewers and listeners, the eggshell effect, as we learned from the interview, was about him actually, disturbing possibly the eggs of a potential newborn. And when someone right there by him kind of knocks his hand out of the way and says, What are you doing, you need to realize that if you help them, when they get out, they won't have the ability to survive. I think that happens to us in life, if things are done for us, Marcus, that's why I believe we need challenges, we have to become stronger. Because if our parents or others do it for us our entire life, we're not going to have the skills, the mental fortitude, and the ability to live on our own.


Marcus Hart: Okay, that is so true in just his background. And he says a lot about where he come from so and that for him to put out just as information is just it again, it's compelling, you know, it makes you want to change your mind,


John C. Morley: He had so many challenges, and we'll have a link to his book later on. He had so many challenges, which just blew my mind away, that he was able to just keep overcoming them. And like I said, when our site does get the video gets published back to our main site, which will be in about 714 days, we'll have a full transcript of this, and a link to this amazing book, about the eggshell effect and how he just literally was on the edge of his life. And he kept coming back. It is such an inspirational story, Joel, thank you so much. From the bottom of my heart for taking time and being on our show. You've definitely helped so many people, I've learned a lot from your book, I've learned more than I thought I was going to learn. And I know you're helping people in all different walks of life, embrace the way to change and have better outcomes, and to not do things that would harm your life or others. So I think that was just remarkable. Well, Apple is adding again, Apple and our good friends we know at Tesla. And so this is a very interesting story. Alan Musk had something to say. He pushes a tweet out there. And then he actually retracts it.


Marcus Hart: I'm stumped. Surely shocked about this. This is a rarity for him, because rare is something he does such as delete a post. He's an outspoken gentleman. From what we know about Mr. Musk and for him to you know, put something out there. Yeah, I guess it really must, can spark up some controversy.


John C. Morley: I think the challenge is coming right now because it's getting a point where he has to put his money where his mouth is, and I don't mean his personal money. I mean, is corporate money. And is Tesla able to be a $1 trillion company? I don't know yet. But the challenge is coming, where people are seeing where we have a car. And they say the car needs to be under someone's full attention all the time. But yet they say it's a self-driving car. So help me out with that Marcus. I'm just a little bit dumb.


Marcus Hart: You know what it sounds like? It really sounds like they try to try to sell you on something that they haven't delivered on yet. And it is sort of like part of the promotional posts that they normally do. And really like you say, you know Eli might have probably stuffed his foot in his mouth and decided like, okay, let's not, you know, get ahead of ourselves here, you know, because we are still in competition.


John C. Morley: I think that it wasn't his decision to retract that tweet. I think it was his company, or legal advice. I just don't think he wanted that himself. He was given advisement, to pull that tweet back. I really believe that.


Marcus Hart: That sounds interesting. And that's very possible as well. When you do well,


John C. Morley: We'll never know the truth. We won't.


Marcus Hart: We won't know the truth of that.


John C. Morley: Well, listen, ladies and gentlemen, we're at the end of another show. I don't know where the shows go. But we have some great guests coming up this month. We always have great guests. That's no surprise. We have Dr. Granger, going to be talking to us about the COVID situation. Later in the month. We actually have Paul Claxton, who will be on and add more down the month, we have Kimberly fried mutter, well known internationally. And she is an amazing person, and I'm going to get to interview her, which I'm really looking forward to. And at the end of the month, we have Chris Odessa, who actually wrote a National Geographic kind of encyclopedia called attainable, sustainable. So we have a lot of great guests coming. But listen, ladies, gentlemen, if you have an idea for a show, or you would like me to unbox a product for you, simply visit Click on the Reach out icon at the top right, and then go to the web inquiry screen. And let us know what it is that you like to hear from or see on our show? Or possibly, what would you like me to unbox? Again, remember, if you are applying to be on our show, it is of a non-sales nature. So you need to be providing value. If you're thinking that you're just going to sneak on here and try to sell a product. Well, that's what our advertising is for. But that's not for being on the show. We want people that are going to inspire others that are going to get people to change their life and see things an entirely different way. Well, ladies and gentlemen, I hope that you enjoy your holidays if you are celebrating Easter like me if you had Passover, right. I hope that you had a happy Passover. Have a wonderful time with your family this weekend and friends and get together of course be socially distant at those events, stay in your family bubble this way next year, we can actually be in a larger bubble. So that's something to think about. But just be smart. Practice social distancing. Think with the head up here, put your ego aside and realize that our situation has got to get better. But it all relies on each and every one of us. And unfortunate Marcus, I guess we got to say goodbye. Until next week. Bye everyone. Have yourself a great weekend. We'll see you next week. Thank you for tuning in to the JMOR weekly technology show where we answer your questions about how technology is supposed to work. And sometimes why you have challenges getting it to work that way. For more IT support and tips, just text IT support to triple eight triple one. That's IT supports triple eight, triple one, and you'll get tips on technology. I'll see you next week. Right here on the JMOR Tech Talk Show. Remember







Get his Book The Egg Shell Effect Now



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