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Kimberly Friedmutter: When you look at the way that nature and the universe works, it works on a system of reciprocity. Now being a female and females watching will understand this and feel this and males to a degree are that women are very coy about getting. And we really need to snap out of that, because we're going against nature's law when we don't give to get. And the reason that series of reciprocity works is because it's beneficial for both parties. How many times are you married, by the way?
John C. Morley: So it's just me myself.
Kimberly Friedmutter: So in relationships, even with a dog or anything around you, is there is reciprocity, and we all know dogs love and why cycle is an energetic cycle. And it's very important to ask for which, because people aren't mind readers. And so the whole point being the male female dynamic, where, you know, I don't know, you should know, I want anything that kills me,
John C. Morley: we all know.
Kimberly Friedmutter: That statute also will show parents, fathers a mother doesn’t matter when you give in to kids. And that literally is what's gonna give about this mostly in line, give until you get down. So we're here to say, there's another favorite chapter one minute set that was here to say is that he okay with that person, it's there for a reason. You will be much happier, the person giving to you will be much happier. And it just works.
John C. Morley: Without having an expectation, because you want to volunteer or whatever it is. You do it because you feel good. That should be good.
Kimberly Friedmutter: Yeah, that is not actually very good. It's actually zero.
John C. Morley: Well, Hey, everybody, and welcome to the JMOR Tech Talk Show. It is great to be here on another wonderful Friday, Marcus, how are you doing this evening?
Marcus Hart: I'm doing outstanding. John, it’s very good to be here as well.
John C. Morley: It is fantastic to be here on fantastic fabulous Friday. Hey, I just invented Ah, yeah. Well, we have a great guest, I got to tell you coming tonight, Kimberly fried mutter, who is actually an international celebrity, and she is the author of subconscious power. So we're going to get to talk to her just a little bit later. So please do stay seated on the chair all the way, in a safe position, because it's gonna be a little while till we get to her. So let's talk about what's happening in the news. You know, lots of stuffs happening, right? And for once, I'm not mentioning anything about COVID for a second, but I can't promise I'm gonna stay off of it. So how many of us here use Google? Use Google? Marcus? Do you use Google? Can
Marcus Hart: I do us were just talking about it. Yeah, Google,
John C. Morley: Right. Well, a few days ago, this week, I went to go to my Google Calendar, like none of us do. And I went to go below a certain point. So like, when you get past a certain point, even if you're on like a month view and you try to go to more, you click on I kept seeing the word, please wait updating, huh. And I figured, well, maybe it's a Windows Update. So my phone was fine. There was no problem on the phone. I tried other computers, I tried it in the office got the same message. I searched to see if anything was wrong. There was nothing wrong. I said this is eventually going to catch up with somebody. And nothing happened. I think a whole day or two went by. And then I Google again, I found out that Google calendar system actually went down. Now they said for a couple hours. It was more than a day markets that it went down. But it's strange how they, you know, misappropriate the fax; it was just a couple hours. It was more than a couple hours.
Marcus Hart: Exactly and I definitely knew something was wrong. Because normally I get the notifications right to my desktop. And for a whole day I did hear not a sound. And so I was wondering just exactly what you were wondering. And they tried to say face, they definitely try to say face they don't want anyone and now that they
John C. Morley: Might have lost you there for a second. I'm not sure if we lost you. You back.
Marcus Hart: Yep, I'm here.
John C. Morley: Okay. Okay. We lost a couple of words there in some transmission errors. So yeah, I think it comes down to the fact that Google, you know, they all make mistakes. But why don't they just fess up and say, hey, look, we had an issue, we had an outage, and people wouldn't be so bent out of shape. What really pisses me off with a lot of these companies is they try to make it seem less than what it is. Okay? And the media does the opposite. They make it worse than what it is. But when a calendaring system goes down, you have to realize this affects a lot of executives, a lot of business owners, and a lot of serial entrepreneurs like me. And luckily, I was able to go to my calendar on my phone and see who had appointments with. But on the computer, I could not use the website, I kept getting stopped every time I had appointments that went past four or five, I couldn't see the rest of them. Luckily, I had my phone. So something went wrong. We don't actually know the truth. I'm sure there was a server outage or something. But you know, they're never going to tell us.
Marcus Hart: No, they're not going to be on is and sometimes customers just really appreciate a little bit more honesty more than anything just for them to keep a good credit, good credibility. And unfortunately, PR means more than you know, customer satisfaction.
John C. Morley: Exactly, well, I have to tell you, Marcus, I am happy that they fixed it. Yeah. And you just unfortunately, don't realize how important something is, until you lose it.
Marcus Hart: Absolutely. I can't agree with you more.
John C. Morley: And I know that definitely affected a lot of people because maybe they missed appointments. I'm sure it played some games on their mind, because they know what was going on. They know if you had a virus. I mean, they were just really messed up. And I think it just put people in a bad position. I think what Google should have said is, look, our calendar site is experiencing issues, we are aware of the problem. You can still access it from your phone; they should have done something like that. And may be given an ETA of when it would be fixed. But it's like because they're, well, they believe their God for some reason, but they're not. Yeah. But because they have that in their head or their egos. They believe they don't have to tell the truth to people. So I really hate that whether it's Google, whether it's Microsoft, any company to be honest, Marcus, I think no company should be able to escape the confines or the precipice that people need to know the truth.
Marcus Hart: Exactly. I agree with you more. And sometimes it makes you feel like you're already juggling too much over there, or
John C. Morley: I think that is the case I get sometimes I don't think Google will admit this. I think they bite off more than they can chew.
Marcus Hart: Yeah, absolutely.
John C. Morley: Even though they're very big, and they do a lot. I just think they become much cluttered and much unfocused. We all saw what happened with MCI. And if you remember many, many years ago, and this takes a brief tangent, I remember what I had my first not page but my first Skye tell pager. And I remember the bill was over $500 a month, because I was getting billed Marcus in message units. Now a message unit was 10 characters or more. So if I said for example, how are you? Okay, so how are you? If we're if we're to look at that h o w. space? Are you 123456789? That's nine. Now if I said how are you today? I just told you that a message unit is 10. Right? So that's gonna be 1-234-567-8910. And then you got 1234 that are part of another message unit. So in those days, I was getting billed. Okay, for that. Now, I think the math if I had to do this, right, I think it was something like 40 or 50 cents g tag. So that meant that it was not costing me 50 cents for that. That was actually costing me $1. Why because sky tell didn't bill in fractional message units. Can you imagine if p kind of teens had to pay those kinds of bills, I think they'd have a heart attack?
Marcus Hart: Yeah, this David definitely wills text less.
John C. Morley: I used to get voicemails, and at that time, we didn't have very sophisticated notification systems, we would just get a number on our pager. And that number would be like the extension number three digits, two digits, four digits, and five digits 60 whatever you, your mailbox was. So imagine if your mailbox was two digits, three digits, whatever it was, but you got 10 of those a day you got 10 voicemails. Now sometimes they would send an alert every time a voicemail message just went out, which is great. But a lot of people had that turned on to keep doing the reminder. If you didn't Login within an hour, so that really ate up messages. So 10 times 10. Right 100. And imagine if they had repeat on that could be another 300. So we could easily do the math on that. Right?
Marcus Hart: Right.
John C. Morley: So if you had, if you had, let's just say that was that that message unit, and now you have 100. Okay, so 100 times that one message unit. You know, you might say, gee, john, you know that that's really not a lot. Okay. It's not a lot. That's 50 bucks. So let's take those times 30 days in a month, guys. You're a 15 $100.
Marcus Hart: That's right. I was paying
John C. Morley: Close to 500 a little more with an enterprise plan. Because I gave them so much business and I texted other things. And we always tried to keep messages in quotes. Yeah. Because it was expensive to type out an entire sentence was a lot of my friends. When they would travel somewhere long. They would let the phone ring once or let it ring twice. Quick, and then they'd hang up and they call back. No two quick rings and hang up. And that meant don't answer the phone. I'm home safe.
Marcus Hart: Yeah, remember those days? Yeah, that carried over for a while.
John C. Morley: Yes, yes. And then now we're over to voice over IP. And now we're paying basically nothing for phone calls. But speaking about paying and speaking about our mind and changing things. My next guest is really a treat tonight. Her name is Kimberly fried mutter. She is the author of the book subconscious power. She is a hypnotherapist and a life management expert. And the American actress and model best known for evil obsession, time under fire, and the reality series, Sin City rules. She is an amazing person. And she helps people in our book and through coaching through a hypnosis practice that allows people to change their lives. So I think this is really amazing. I am very pleased tonight to welcome Mrs. Kimberly Fried Mutter to the JMOR Tech Talk Show, to explore with us her new book and share with us why she actually got involved in this and how she went from being an actress to helping people improve the quality of their lives. Please help me welcome once again to the JMOR Tech Talk Show. Mrs. Kimberly Fried Mutter. Well, Hey, everyone, it’s John C. Morley from the JMOR Tech Talk Show and I am so pleased today to have Kimberly Fried Mutter with us, who is an amazing lady. She's very talented, as you know, but she recently came out with a book subconscious power, using your inner mind to create the life you've always wanted. That's a mouthful of words. I have to ask you, before asking about the book, what got you into this field? I mean, this is amazing. I've always loved NLP and also studied and became certified in hypnosis. What got you into this field? Kimberly?
Kimberly Friedmutter: Well, it was it was funny timing because I had a radio talk show on kailis x 97.1 FM in Los Angeles, which those of you that have listened to that station before, we'd know that it is the home of Howard Stern. And so you can imagine there was a lot of male influence. And it was, I was nervous and had stage fright, and clean and simple. So I thought I had heard about hypnosis. And I thought, you know, they say that this could help you get rid of these little tics or issues or whatever. And so I went to a hypnotist I found one and she worked on me is like lack of a better term. And I didn't really feel anything like I just felt super relaxed and you know, didn't have like any aha moment or any big epiphanies or anything. However, what did happen was the next time I went on air, I couldn't find the fear anymore. And it was an interesting thing because I thought well; maybe it just hasn't happened yet. Maybe it's you know, later in the show, or maybe it's you know, maybe there's something that would trigger it and I kept really looking for the fear. I mean, literally around every corner waiting for it to show up and it just never did. And so with that I thought what else you know, just take personal inventory, what else would I maybe want to work on and so it just telescoped from there on and then when I became such a advocate of it from my own personal experience, I decided to really look into it and start learning about it simply because I'm like a path of least resistance girl and I like to do things the easiest, fastest way possible, you know, efficiently, of course, but the easiest fastest and this worked out for me.
John C. Morley: That's an amazing story. Now the question I have next is what got you from that stage to writing a book? I mean, that was a big jump.
Kimberly Friedmutter: Yes, big jump. And so what happened from there on is like everything, I just kind of went all in and started developing clientele. And yeah, it was fairly easy because I had the radio show. And I was in Southern California at the time. And so that just became this career. And then within the scope of that career over many, many years and a few decades, Harper Collins reached out to ask if I would write a book for them simply because I had some celebrity clients and some pretty magnificent things had happened in my office, and that were reported on and so they wanted to know more about it. By the time I turned in the proposal to HarperCollins, that editor had left HarperCollins. So we put it out on the market, and Simon and Schuster became my partner in the book.
John C. Morley: That's amazing. And I know a lot about Simon Schuster, because I've listened to and, you know, been part of a lot of their books where I've gotten to, you know, absorb some of the knowledge. And I think that's a great thing I say to people today, if you're not learning, you're dying. You have to keep educating yourself every single day. Everyone says to me, you know, education ended when I got out of grade school, or I got out of high school or college is so well, that's when the real learning begins. Yeah, that's just the foundation that sets you up to become the person you have the potential to be.
Kimberly Friedmutter: Oh, yeah. And I mean, school, you know, you learned so many things, obviously, not only about the subjects, but about, you know, following protocol and systems and how things work. And all of us just this wealth of knowledge. However, that life experience, I mean, even in the book, what I like about the book so much is that it's experiential, it's action oriented, you're not just reading the pages. And I'm not just saying, you know, oh, this will happen. And that'll happen. Its actual exercises, which of course, we call hacks. And what's neat about that is everything true to my nature is super fast and easy. Nothing takes more than like, three minutes, I think, is maybe the longest exercise. But the beauty in that is that it's experiential. And of course, we all learn by our glories and our mistakes, but we have to do it both.
John C. Morley: I got the privilege of finishing the book just the other day. And really amazing is the first time I ever heard that the term hacks for a hypnosis or psychology, but I guess it's kind of like a real quick one to three way that you can, you know, get yourself back on state or whatever the hack is for what do we talk about one right now, again, I don't want to go through the entire book, we want people to obviously get the book from you. But what would you say is one of your favorite hacks that you'd like to share with our viewers here tonight,
Kimberly Friedmutter: My favorite and fastest hack again, true to my heart fast, fast and easy, is something just that relates straight to the brain. So if you imagine that you have a negative emotion, or maybe you're you feel anxious or fearful or upset or whatever, disappointed, it can be anything, it doesn't matter. Stare at a point straight ahead of you just stare at anything, you can do it with me while I'm doing it now. So you can do it with your eyes open, its fine, just stare at a point. And then allow your eyesight to diffuse to either side of that point. So we're softening our focus, we're opening up our gaze. So we're still staring at that point. But we're allowing our eyesight to diffuse this is engaging your peripheral vision. When you engage your peripheral vision, you open yourself up to more input; it's just an AI brain activity, right. So more input is coming in. You cannot think of two things at the same time. So when you allow more input in that negative emotion immediately goes away. You can try it by getting yourself upset about something, think about something that's frustrating, like we're I'm irritated back when this happened. And then stare at that point, allow your eyesight to diffuse and you'll see that that negative emotion leaves no matter what it is, this is fantastic. When someone feels like they're starting to go into a panic attack, or at least feel fearful or having anxiety or whatever it is. It doesn't matter. It might be me being irritated that the gardener's blowing right outside my window during this could be like, shoot, he's going outside my window. And then that minute is my eyesight and I'm okay with it.
John C. Morley: I like this hack, if I will, quote unquote, better than the hack that most people always say, okay, when you're stressed, take a deep breath. Now take a deep breath does work, but this is actually a lot faster. And it's a lot more fun. And it's brain science.
Kimberly Friedmutter: I mean, this is the thing is you know, some people we sometimes when people meet me and they say oh, you're a hypnotist and oh you're in Las Vegas and this and that and they're like what time is your show? And what casino is that? I got no, no, no, no. Clinical, it does this. This is a whole different thing. But it is brain science. It's exactly what it is. It just it's we work with what we have in the Beautiful Thing is everyone has it. You know, a lot of people say, oh, women's intuition and this and that, well, I'm happy to be here to tell you that you have it too.
John C. Morley: I have learned this many years ago, because when I actually went to college, I was actually on program Council. And I still remember to this day, there was a gentleman, I'm not gonna mention his name, but he is a stage hypnotist. And our school had lots of money, and they brought him in. And they said, john, you just need to give them a deposit and give him the final deposit. You know that when he finishes? Okay, what do I owe him? Was $40,000. You're gonna give him 20,000 when he walked in. And so I did a little studying to learn who this guy was, because I was a little panicked about, you know, going to the show, and I've heard things and you people talk. So I did some research on him. And I see what he does; he brings people up to the stage. And sometimes they really get to be made a fool of. So when he came in, I was very nice. So I said, Hi, Doctor, I'm said, I'm such and such on one of the VPS on percom. Council, I'm nobody to you, except that I hold your deposit check. And I hold your final check. I said, and you're going to respect me this entire performance, and you're not going to pull me on stage, or you won't get the second check, and you won't be able to cash the first one. Well, he was very nice to me. But I wanted to set that premise. But after that, I wound up buying one of his books, took the silver method, and they just got very slowly engaged in because I did some similar to what you did. I wanted to be able to achieve something and I kept paying people mind I'm like, why am I paying people money? I'm an engineer, why am I doing this? Why don't I just learn this? And then I just committed said, Okay, let's get serious and learn hypnosis, let's learn NLP. But I think the real magic comes to being able to understand that we could do so much with ourselves. There's so much potential people use only what may be 1% of their brain. I love the chapter in your book. I believe that if memory recall correctly, was chapter six. And I think it was principle five, I think you call it give to get if I'm correct. Yeah. And okay. Could you explain to our viewers what that's about? I found that chapter very fascinating. Did you?
Kimberly Friedmutter: I'm glad to hear that. Because it's, it's fascinating in the sense that I always go back to nature to figure out where we're supposed to be, you know, where our internal GPS is off and in its awful lot, in part because our consciousness is cranked so high that volume of the chitchat and what are we supposed to be doing and of course, with social media, and everything, you know, Council culture, all of it, like, we don't know where to turn. And I think we're kind of analyze paralyze, and a lot of ways. And so what I love about give to get is that when you look at the way that nature and the universe works, it works on a system of reciprocity. Now, being a female and females watching will understand this and feel this and males to a degree are that women are very coy about getting. And we really need to snap out of that, because we're going against nature's law when we don't give to get and the reason that series of reciprocity works is because it's beneficial for both parties. How many times are you married, by the way?
John C. Morley: So it's just me, myself and I,
Kimberly Friedmutter: Okay, so in relationships in the past, or even with if you have a dog or anything that's around you is there is a reciprocity, you know, we all know dogs love who feeds them, right? Turn we get love. So it's this, it's this cycle, and it's an energetic cycle. And it's very important to ask for what you need, because people aren't mind readers. And so the whole coil thing of the male female dynamic, where, you know, I don't know, you should know, you know, what do I get you I don't want anything and then resent that builds. I mean, we all know it, we've all played that game. That's a big one. Also with children, parents, fathers, mothers, it doesn't matter what you give until you give out and that literally is what's next when you give and give and give without reciprocity in mind, you give until you give out so what I'm here to say there's another favorite chapter of mine so we can get into in a minute but what I'm here to say is that be okay with that reciprocity, it's there for a reason and you'll see that you'll be much happier the person that you're receiving giving to will be much happier and it just works better. It's very smooth.
John C. Morley: It's almost like a natural flow when you do something without having an expectation because you want to volunteer or whatever it is. You do it because you feel good.
Kimberly Friedmutter: That should get Yeah, that actually is the get very good right it's actually to get if you're giving money the government even understands the series and level of allows you to take write offs, right and government. And so the whole idea is that it is a given take you feel better that yet, right when you give,
John C. Morley: I do a lot with networking groups that I run. And when I explained to people look, there's no advertising every day, it's just one day, and we need to give. And they don't understand that you need to give more than you take. And so every day, I have different questions. And they're not personal. But they're questions about your childhood, things to kind of have dynamic conversations, but nothing about sales. And I want to get people to have a dynamic, so they understand each other, and they feel closer than friends. And it's my hope that by doing that, we're going to build a group of trust. Everyone's always like, oh, what do you do? What are you doing? Like, okay, why are you asking that question? I don't mind that. You're asking what they're doing. But I want to preface that and say, please, no links, and no company names, you can share your generality in what you do, because that's okay. I think everyone's always looking for that, I guess, end of the rainbow before they even start. You know, they want that end, before they start, what's your other favorite chapter Kimberly,
Kimberly Friedmutter: My other favorite chapter is judging thyself and thy neighbor. And again, I'm here to bring judgment back, because one of the things that we have done in our PC culture, which is very important, but we also need to be able to monitor the volumes of that, you know, your subconscious is so dialed down, and we're so not listening to what we are in alignment with and lined up to listen to. And then on the other hand, we've cranked up the volume on that consciousness of what everybody else is doing. And all this is that we feel bad if we get a feeling about someone that might not be positive. So in the book, there's a chapter about judge thy neighbor and myself. And the whole idea is you're judging someone for ecology for you, either, or is someone good for me in the short term, the midterm or the long term, I mean, these this really comes into play in business relationships, it definitely comes into play in interpersonal relationships, even familial relationships within your family circle, inner mid circle, and outer circle of relationships, I go through the whole thing, because you can feel someone I mean, this is the thing about even online, you know, when you get texts, you can read between the texts, you can read between emails, I mean, it nobody's fool here, our mind is so adapt to being able to see judgment. And that's actually our first line of survival. We come out hungry, thirsty, and in judgment of Are you safe.
John C. Morley: I like that. There's one thing that reminds me of many years back, I've known some people where you know, things might or may not be going the way they want. And I come up with two things. One, is when things aren't going the way you want, that's actually a good thing. Because we're all here for one reason. And I still remember this, when I quit my very first job. When I was out of college, I took a part time job for the government. And what I left after being there for so long, and they weren't treating me very well, but I just said, I'm doing this for another reason. And at the end, I went up to the HR person, and I said to her, let's say her name was Mary, Mary, I want to thank you. She's looking at me, she's like, I mean, thank you. So I do agree with that. But I want to thank you. So this has been great. She doesn't get it. And I was like; I just want to thank you. This has been a wonderful experience. You're a great group of people. And thank you so much for helping me become a better version of myself and helping you become a better version of yourself. Shawn, what are you talking about? I said, This is my last day. And she just like went into this. Yeah, she went into this, this is this trance. And I was like, thank you. Because, you know, you guys gave me the courage to know that I need to move on. And they were just so but the other point that I bring up is that sometimes people don't take the responsibility to act on their own. They bring the law in or they bring other people and I'm gonna say to fight their battles when there's nothing really wrong. They, you know, whatever you pass from the lips, you can't take back. And a lot of people don't understand that. It's like that. What is that book about? Humpty Dumpty? You know, when everybody was calling for the help, and they were all asking for help. And finally, when the help really is needed, nobody comes in helps. And I think that happens. I've seen that a lot lately, where when people are feared, or they have scaring them, they make up these stories that are worse than what they are. So they'll get attention. Yeah. And I think that's terrible. But this leads me back to something else, Kimberly and that is because she talked about a lot of wonderful things. What is it that you would advise somebody they want achieve their goals? What is the most important thing like I know every day I write my goals out? I said maybe three or four minutes and I wrote seven or eight of my goals out and I feel them every morning and I spent about nine seconds on each goal. What would you advise somebody that really wants to get to their goals and be a manifested faster?
Kimberly Friedmutter: Well, it's very similar to what you're saying that you do, except I would do it at Night time. First of all, I would get subconscious power, use your inner mind create the life you've always wanted. And the reason is because there are so many things in here that can help you with business and life and relationships and all that. But the thing that you do that's so brilliant is you do it in the morning, I would do it at night. And the reason is, is because right before you're entering that trance state, which is a natural state by the way, it's where we just start to you know, it's a natural part of us we go into trance many times a day if you think of staring at a fire and losing your thoughts, you know, your conscious thoughts or day dreaming is a perfect example of trance that I would do it at night right before you trance out to go to sleep that that moment right before you're fading into sleep, and also right before you're waking up. But take a pen and paper and do a little list, whatever that list is of your things that you have questions about quandaries about solutions that you need, things you need answered anything like that, put it on a piece of paper next to your bedside, jot it down, because that connects the subconscious to the consciousness. And then in the night, because your subconscious is a worker, it loves to work at night. And so in the night, it'll start to solve and it will start to problem solve and give you answers to these things that you desire. It's one of those things where when you wake up, you'll feel like you're having an aha moment or an epiphany. But what it is you actually set those questions on paper.
John C. Morley: And then so it's two times it's not just you should do it in the morning and do it at night.
Kimberly Friedmutter: Well, you do it in the morning, because it's a conscious exercise for you like it at night to take it subconscious. Because
John C. Morley: If you don't do a blog, one time, just do a one time at night.
Kimberly Friedmutter: Well, I don't think there's anything wrong with doing it consciously in the morning like you do,
John C. Morley: I would just add this to your regimen. If someone already does it the morning, fantastic. If you don't do anything at all, do it at night, because let that subconscious multitask for you while you're sleeping. I used to put you know, I got one of these nice books. And it was not like a $2 book, it was a nice book, that. And what I do all the time is I open the book up and it's usually in my car. And before I start my car, except one was very cold, then I've taken the book inside. And like this morning, I had to catch up for days because we had snow here. So that was a little challenging. But what I do is I open the book up and I'm just like, Okay, I'm opening up my subconscious. And I'm writing into my subconscious. And now even I'm closing the book. Now I'm not closing my subconscious, I am cementing that into my mind to work on it.
Kimberly Friedmutter: Beautiful. Yeah, just so you know, your subconscious is never closed; it comes into this experience with us. And it leaves with us. Because the thing is, is that it is your cellular memory; it's your cellular intelligence. It's everything going on, you know, there's a lot of talk now about the second brain being in the gut. It's all of it. I mean, it's if you're going to study some part about yourself, this is the part The reason I wrote the book, subconscious power is strictly because I wanted people to be able to have a happier, easier life, it was very important to me to get that message out. It doesn't need to be as difficult as we make it many times. And so literally allow your mechanism you have it the book is just a manual of how to utilize it, you already have what you need, allow that to work for you.
John C. Morley: It's almost like I like to bake desserts. It's almost like you know you have a recipe or you could do your own recipe. But let the recipe work that you've come up with like, you know, just put it through its paces. Add trust that it's going to work like if you're gonna make cookies or make a flaw and you know, trust it. Don't keep trying to toy with it. Once you've got a recipe that works. Just let the process yield what it's supposed to,
Kimberly Friedmutter: Write because cooking is chemistry and nothing’s more chemical than our mind and our brain. So you're absolutely right. You know sometimes just the allowance of things just to be what they are like really free.
John C. Morley: And now with everything happening, obviously, with the pandemic going on, and things like this. I know people are getting a little bit. How can I say a little bit hypochondriac? By everything, you know, thinking something's wrong with them. I know you go into the store now. And everybody wants you to stand, you know, stay 50 million feet from them. I'm not talking about five feet. I'm talking like 25 feet. Right? And, you know, you go and you turn the curb, or you move your carriage and somebody's like, freaking out. We don't come near me like just making a right hand turn, or I was just picking this up, you drop this on the floor. I was just leaving it there. I don't want you to pick it up. Okay, which they get a little bit. I don't know, I agree that we need to be mindful. So I'm also a first responder. But I think what people don't understand is that the masks are not really doing what you think they're doing. They're cutting it down. But you can still catch it with the mask.
Kimberly Friedmutter: Yes, that's making everybody feel better, because now it's the face of the virus. So if you see someone with a mask, it looks like it just feels better. To the psyche. Yes, exactly.
John C. Morley: I mean, I think once they now say that it's done. I believe that once we you know, somebody does contracted unfortunately, and their body's going to develop and be able to get rid of it faster. And our own immunity is going to actually be able to get rid of it. Because we're going to develop it I know every day I take a vitamin D every day to help build the immunity up. But a lot of people you know, they have this attitude. I always say this, Kimberly, if you're not part of the solution; you're part of the problem. Yes. And I think there's still some challenges that are gonna happen yet. It's not over. But people are just looking for things to just, I don't know, go back, but they're also looking to make excuses. Can we this is what I'm seeing. They're looking to make excuses. They don't want to work. They want to work from home. But they're just making excuses because of COVID. Oh, we can't do it because of COVID. Yeah, why? I mean, it's like, you know, oh, we can't ship it to you because of COVID. Or your package you'll get there next week. Well, what we're so behind because of COVID
Kimberly Friedmutter: When it goes away? Well, that's I say yeah,
John C. Morley: What do you exactly what are you gonna do? So a lot of great things in your book. I love the way you do the hacks. I think that is great. And what would you say if somebody is, let's say, a little bit apprehensive about wanting to read the book, what would you say to them about that?
Kimberly Friedmutter: I would say action. Go on Amazon order it. The thing is, is that it's about working your own mind. There's nothing woo about self hypnosis. There's nothing woo about trance, you know, how many times do you open the fridge and you forgot what you went there for you thought Am I really hungry? Are you driving those you know, stretches of miles and you don't really remember excuse me consciously how you got there. And so it's all of that we're so built for trance. It's just who we are. In fact, if you have children, here what i would i would beg you to do. I'm just going to go to the begging sound is I would beg you if you have children to let them Daydream. If you can, please don't interrupt them while they're daydreaming because they're connecting to something bigger than self. They're connecting to something bigger that's not in the room. They're connecting to something that could do their greatness. Allow them that because that's the space that we go it's like the screensaver on your computer. Right? You just can't be constantly working, working. You got to let that mind go. And so one of the most damaging things we can do is to interrupt someone in a daydream you know more talk to them about it. Hey, where'd you go? What do you do? What do you think? What do you see? You know, it's all of that our imagination is our greatest ally in this.
John C. Morley: That is amazing. I mean, I know when I started believing more about this, Kimberly because when I first started studying this when I was out of college; it was more like something that you'd say is pie in the sky. And I remember getting out of college. And at that time, I think I was driving, I was driving a jeep. And I really liked my jeep. But I had this desire to have a more luxury car. So I took a picture of the car that I wanted, and put it on my computer as a screensaver, and also as the background. And I don't know how, but within six months, that car showed up in my driveway. Another thing that happened. So you know a little bit about me that I'm an engineer. And about seven years ago, I had a very large marketing and advertising company doing all of our work, but they weren't doing anything. Well, so I fired them. Now, that was a big bold move. And I decided that I needed to do something else, like I need to become this. And then I built the whole print marketing graphic and design company PR. But the thing that's really interesting is not that is before I started the whole creation process, every night, a year before I was building it, I would just sit back in my chair at home. And I would think about how my office was going to look, I thought about what the doors were going to look like what the lights were going to look like, I even thought about what the access control was going to look like, where the machines were going to be placed. And it seemed very like crazy. And about six months into it. We got to meeting with the architects. And I didn't really recall that memory in my mind. And they asked me what you want here. And I wasn't really even conscious what I was doing. And before I knew it, it's like, wow, this is like 98 99% like the way it was in my mind. And that just like blew my mind. Because before right? Yeah, I'm like they say you have to create you create it twice once in the mind at once reality. But I think when people have a small win, I like to play golf. And when you have that one good golf shot for the day, even if you play terrible golf. That one good golf shot gets you to come back. And I think it's the same thing in our life. If we get one, either two I tell people have a small win. You don't have to have a big win. Have one win and celebrate it. And that it seems like other wins are a lot easier.
Kimberly Friedmutter: Oh yeah. No, it's like glue or like a magnet. It just sticks to it. But Charmin is my Neighbor across the street.
John C. Morley: Oh, wow.
Kimberly Friedmutter: That's a golf coach.
John C. Morley: Yeah. Oh, wow very nice, very nice.
Kimberly Friedmutter: Weeping on the front porch, I think how's my swing, like? How maybe I was tucked in this entire head
John C. Morley: Down, he probably would appreciate that. Its feeling. And my coach said the same thing. It's about feeling the stroke. It's not about just learning the stroke. It's feeling it. Another person said, feel it first manifest. It's second. So what happened with the car and I didn't realize this till A while back. I was feeling what the car was like; I had gone out to see the car. I touched the car, I drove the car. I played with the cars features. And that was in my head. And when I went back in the chair, I closed my eyes and I put my hands out just like I was driving that car.
Kimberly Friedmutter: Yeah,
John C. Morley: Like it ends up being I did the same thing for the next car that I'm looking to manifest I went out and test drove it and so test drove it felt it experienced and I'm like okay, now I know what it's gonna be like and then I put down in my book after I put all these seven or eight goals down I put down all this has happened in my mind already. Even though it may not have fully manifested at the outer level and I am having fun along the way. I think you got to have fun with everything you do, right?
Kimberly Friedmutter: Yes, that's the prime thing I mean really, if you're not what's the point the whole idea is that thoughts move so quickly and the physical moves so slowly so it's beautiful to thought manifest at first and then how to show up in the physical absolutely right. If you're looking for houses go and be in those houses do the you know people laugh about vision boards and all this I don't care how you have to get those images in front of you get them in front of you so you can see it because seeing it is literally absorbing it and absorbing it is literally creating it you did exactly the perfect thing.
John C. Morley: I did the same thing with a community I want to be a part of I started walking in that community started being like I was in the community then I became part of the community. So it's like it's very strange something like that can really happen but it really does it just has a way it's almost like the person that says you know they have a desire to have a certain car and like all there's there are no cars like that on the road. They don't have any white cars or blue cars or red cars. Now you get one answer Like, to all I see is red cars, all I see is white cars, their role there before, it's your conscious wasn't paying attention to it, right. And that's actually a brain function for evolution. What that is, is back in the day when we would hunt for food in the bushes? If we found, say a blueberry that we liked and we ate it, all of a sudden, our mind would see all these blueberries that are actually a brain function that's meant for our survival and our evolution. That is amazing. Well, Kimberly, this has been so amazing. And it was just a privilege to read your book. And to learn about these quick little recipes, or hacks as you call them. To help you basically get back on track to where you should be because our mind is actually programmed to keep us safe. So we have to push our envelope just a little bit further, I'm not telling you to jump off a cliff. Now we didn't say that, or go skydiving, but safely. I think when your mind is trying to do something; it's always trying to protect you. So it doesn't give you a chance to I guess, open your wings to fly.
Kimberly Friedmutter: Yes. And I would challenge everyone watching to take one week and just do what your subconscious tells you what that'll feel like is you'll have an impulse to call your aunt or to make a phone call for business or to do something turn left turn right, do follow those impulses and see what kind of week you have for yourself. And that's the best test to see if this is for you.
John C. Morley: Kimberly, thank you very much for your time. We appreciate you being on the more technical show him we hope that when you do work on new things, is there another book in you? Are you working on something else right now?
Kimberly Friedmutter: Yes, in fact, thanks for asking. I'm working on a fitness book. And nothing is more connected than our mind and our body when you do that. And I would suggest to people if you're trying to get in shape for the summer, go ahead and you know, put on your shorts. I know it's winter, but put on some Ugg boots or do it Malibu style shirt, get connected to your body, you know, like just the idea of knowing that your body and that fitness that you know, we're so busy looking this way, look down every now and then. So you can get connected. But the book is all about that. And I'll let you know. And then also there's a podcast that I have that I'm starting called Kimberly and the Queen and it's with Jacqueline Segal. David Siegel of Westgate resorts wife, and she's fascinatingly funny, and we have the best time and that will be coming out shortly.
John C. Morley: Well let us know when that comes out. We would love to read that book and share that with our viewers again. Thank you so much Kimberly Friedmutter for being with us today on the JMOR Tech Talk Show. We wish you all the success and prosperity with your new ventures, your endeavors and your current business.
Kimberly Friedmutter: Thank you.
John C. Morley: You're welcome. So Mrs. Kimberly fried motor and subconscious power. Did that send your mind racing for more information? Did she not keep you on the edge of your chair?
Marcus Hart: Definitely. It definitely really opened up some new revelations for me. And I certainly think that the audience has gotten some new revelations to on just like you know, just as Florence stern before in a different video possibilities of how to hack into things that we are in personal development.
John C. Morley: That's basically what she's known for is her hacks for life, how to how to how to get to things very quickly and easily. So it is a great book, I did have the chance to read it. And of course, we will have a link to that on the J Moore website once the transcript. So in case you guys are wondering, within seven to 14 days of our show airing, we actually put it on the site and we have a full transcription of the show, as well as any information that the guests may have, such as a book, etc. And where you can purchase that. Now, I said to you we couldn't have a show. At least I was kidding. We couldn't have a show without COVID. But unfortunately we can't. So or Elon Musk for that matter. Right.
Marcus Hart: Yeah.
John C. Morley: So Elon, a few days ago, had decided that he was not going to support the vaccine. And I quote him, he says to be clear, I I do not support the vaccine. Okay. Um, and he basically, you know, had a lot of people that didn't like that. And you know, and his quote is, there were quite a few negative reactions to the second doses, so he was really on the fence. And he really was affecting a lot of people bark is from taking this vaccine. Now, just about a day or so ago, he came back and Tesla's chief Elon Musk now has expressed support for the COVID-19 vaccine. And this is just the turnaround from what He had said before; again, remember the worlds second richest man as of today? Did try to, I guess, I don't know, pick up the trash that he laid about this or contaminated with everyone else. He made a mess on Twitter. And it seems like he did get people to understand that he does clearly support it. This was actually made clear on Wednesday. And I will quote what he texted. Tweeted, actually is the science is unequivocal.
Marcus Hart: Yeah. It's pretty amazing. Because when you look at some of the opinions He has expressed on the pandemic, anyways, some of them have just been, you know, complete opposite of what's, you know, what's close to close to fact, or what, what now he said, you know, sciences.
John C. Morley: And this was all last month, by the way, this wasn't a couple days, this was last month. Yeah. And no disrespect to him or anyone else. And I don't care whether you have $1 a billion dollars to your name. It just goes to say just because somebody has a billion dollars or more, that doesn't mean that they're the smartest person or that they know about everything they're talking about. Okay, you have to realize that we have to look at the common sense. Let's take a common sense plug-in, right, let's just hold down with a common sense plug into our brain, if we don't have one, plug that in and just say, Hey, does it pass the litmus, or we'll call it the BS test? Does it pass that? Or is this something subjective? Like are there facts? Everything we talked about on the show? When I give you an opinion, most of time, it's based on facts? And it's based on case studies that we've done? It's not well, you know; think the Russians are attacking us. So I think China's starting to come after us. Just because that's the way I feel. No, I have data. I know that's the case. But I have data, I see it on the servers, I see what's going on, I see the way bots are being written now to avoid something as simple what we used to write that would for a lot of people was a mathematic capture, where I'd have like seven plus three is 10 that I varied. So I've worked the word seven, plus, and then a three and I'd alternate, but the bots can figure that out. So now you have to get even more creative, like make a picture and have somebody have to take that picture. I don't like to things were helped me find the fire hydrant. Or help me find the tree house or help me find the bridge. I don't know about you. But I have to do them at least three or four times.
Marcus Hart: Yeah,
John C. Morley: Yeah, they do to take help I find the bus. Oh, there's a little tiny bus on the fence. I think. I mean, I like the ones where you would listen to the audio message. They were annoying, but at least they were easier. Yeah, anywhere. So I don't know, I think, um, something definitely has to change about that. But my moral the story here, Marcus is that doesn't matter who it is, whether it's your Musk, whether it's Jeff Bezos, or whether it's someone else, whether it's the press the United States, or whether it's Fauci or anybody, okay, we can't go believing somebody, just because. Right? Right, and I know in high school and college, or maybe not in college, but high school, and in graduate school, you believed your friend because he was your friend, or she was your friend. But they had no clue what they were talking about. But somehow, you just felt compelled to believe them? Because it was the in thing to do. Why are we jumping on the bandwagon? Marcus? Why aren't we using common sense to figure out what really is probable and I'm not saying you're going to be right all the time. But I gotta tell you something, you're going to be right, a lot more times than these people are. And the only reason people are listening to them is because of their perceived value. Now, I'm not saying they're not worth value, what I'm telling you is their perceived value, just because they're rich, or they're wealthy, that doesn't mean that they're intelligent. I'm not saying they're not intelligent. I'm just saying that doesn't make them an expert on everything. Right? Do you go to your Barber, who, let's say knows two or three people that had a certain type of surgery, and you talk to them about it? Does that make him an expert?
Marcus Hart: No. Oh, no, no,
John C. Morley: He heard two people that while they were in the chair, they had this problem, that problem. He's not an expert. That's all hearsay, in the court. You can't use somebody else's testimony of what someone else said.
Marcus Hart: No, it doesn't work stand up at all, you know, so yeah,
John C. Morley: So why Marcus, I have a dumb question. Why are we as humans as Americans, as citizens of whatever country we're from believing this nonsense? I have to believe we're smarter than this, Marcus.
Marcus Hart: Yeah, yeah, we tend to have a fascination with like trying to stand the end crowd. And looking up to the people and, and whatever is like popular at that time, we will jump on that trend on so but as we see here, you know, sometimes fact it's going to always Trump, whatever, you know, it's being thrown out there. So you just can't, you know, get caught, you know, you know jumping on these things that's just not even real.
John C. Morley: On one of the show is not today. But another show, I'm going to tell you about my story of how I started a marketing company and how I fired one of Manhattan's largest publicly traded companies, I'm not going to mention their name, but I'm going to tell you how I fired them. And my story, and how just because somebody spends money on advertising, doesn't mean they're the top dog, it means they have the power to manipulate you and I and the world. But it doesn't mean they're the ones that you should give business to. Alright, so I'll get off that soapbox for a minute. So thinking about what's happening, you know, everything in our world, people are becoming more concerned, whether it's a COVID whether it's identity being stolen, I'm sure you know this, there are countries out there and places, Marcus, this has been going on for years, but it's getting worse, where they're putting in claims for unemployment for you, in a country or state you've never ever worked in, or been in. And now they're taking a loan on that. And it's going to get your personal credit. Hmm, they're getting they're getting very devious. But not only that, Marcus. It's not just that, but it's the fact of people, whether it's COVID times or not, you know, whether you're working in an office, large company or a small company, and maybe the company has a small budget, or maybe they're a large corporation, and they're like, you know, you want to use our systems, you bring your own device, you bring your own phone, it's called BYOD, spit out for years, or bring your own laptop, and we'll set what's restricted. Well, they have something now Marcus called a zero trust. Now it's been out for a while. It's not like many traditional security, the way zero trust works is nothing is trusted.
Marcus Hart: Okay.
John C. Morley: Now, you may remember a while back, Google said that they invented this, they didn't invent this. Okay. But they tried to take credit saying it was their chip. Well, maybe they helped to design the chip. But that chip came out because of a consortium that was formed of the internet communities and safety and the web coalition. That's where it came from. But they never admitted that. So my point is that with zero trust, you don't trust any device in your network. And you assign what trusts that device is going to have. So you trust nobody. Right? When you meet somebody, do you trust them when you first meet them? No, no, maybe you maybe you don't think they're going to harm you. But you don't have really any trust? Well, in zero trust or zero trust network. It's even worse than the way we would treat a stranger because we're at least cordial to them. Well, zero Trust me, it's okay. I don't know you. I'm not even let you do anything. I'm not let you get out. I'm not letting you breathe. I'm not letting you do anything until I have some credentials from you. Until you until you fork over some identification, get last spam scam. And so this is the new type of security. It's been around for a while, but it's becoming more and more important with things like digital footprints and stuff like that. I mean, just the other day, we're learning that people that are sending texts are going to be starting to be trapped soon because they're starting to use their device and change your phone number.
Marcus Hart: Yeah,
John C. Morley: So that's going to become a big issue. But our last story for tonight comes to us courtesy of the new iPad. Well, the new iPad Pro, Marcus is the new m one tablet and it shares the Mac's processor. And actually its price. The new iPad Pro is practically becoming a Mac a new processor, 5g a promising camera, Thunderbolt, a high price tag pending on what you put in the configuration. And you know they have some differences in the type of Mac devices you can get. But the M one is promising as they claim to bring more speeds. Is that true? I don't know. I think a lot of things that Apple and a lot of these phone companies say and mobile device companies say are all marketing propaganda. I don't think any of this stuff matters Marcus is truly tested, and really explained to the market.
Marcus Hart: And there really should be more text testing in force of before these markets go out and be able to make these huge claims. And this should be some type of regulations on that, as well for the customer's protection. And just another note on that, on that price tag, you know, let's just hope it's gonna be worked.
John C. Morley: Well, that's that that's the thing. I mean, I mean, you know, it's because it's Apple, right? They could charge whatever ever they want. Yeah. So they would say, I don't know, Marcus, I'm not really, I'm not really supporting that. And I think the new iPad Pro, even though it's got some nice, some nice features and stuff like that, I think it's just another sexy device.
Marcus Hart: Yeah, it's just; it's just another extra tank, another extra device hanging around. And there was there was a while when people were phasing out of the whole pad. And now it's like, you know, we're trying to find a way to up, charge our customers and put it back on again.
John C. Morley: So let's talk about price tag, since you brought it up, the 11 inch display, if you want to save a little money, just gonna cost you shy of 800 bucks, 790 $9 plus tax. If you want to fork out some more cash for a little bit larger screen at 12.9 inch screen, it's gonna cost you $1,099 plus tax. Now, that is just the basic configuration. I didn't add any more storage on there. You see where that's going to raise the price, don't you? Oh, yeah, that's where it gets you. And so just to let you know, on the 12 inch, you're going to go from the 1099. Are you sitting down for this? Yeah, all the way up to 2199 plus tax.
Marcus Hart: Wow.
John C. Morley: So if you want to save money and do the 11 inch iPad Pro, you're going to be between the 799 numbers not too bad. And you're going to take it up to just under 1900 89. That's a lot for an iPad Pro.
Marcus Hart: Yeah, we're talking most cars are not looking for that type of down payment for a lease.
John C. Morley: Well, even the test what you're looking at 1250 or 1400 a month, it's still less, it's still more than that on some of these. And the thing is, they're trying to sell you on the fact Marcus that? Well, it's 79. But you know, it's only 6658 a month. And with the one that's 899 it's only 7491 91 a month. And if you go for the two terabyte, it's only 158 25 a month. See what they're doing?
Marcus Hart: Yeah, definitely see what they're doing. But that's not taken into consideration. If you already have them, you know, the tour the 12 you already you know, lease in or, you know, in the other device that's in your house,
John C. Morley: Something new that one of the wireless companies mentioned, I'm not gonna say who's doing it. But there's one company that was not taking back damaged cell phones. We know who it is. They're now taking back damaged crack cell phones at full value. So very, very, very interesting if you ask me. Well, we are at the end of another Friday night j more tech talk show next week, ladies and gentlemen, I have another great guest I'm sure you knew that. This guest is Kris Bordessa. Now Kris Bordessa, I actually am very fortunate because when these guests come, they're very kind to send me their books. She has a book called the attainable, sustainable. And she will be on my show. Now, I didn't read this book cover to cover. Because this book is not a book you read cover to cover Ladies and gentlemen, this book is like an encyclopedia reference book. There are 319 pages in here. It's put up by National Geographic. It's not a book that you're going to read from end to end, but it is a great reference book. So we're going to learn a little more about sustainability in the home and the business. So those would be some great things. So definitely stay tuned for that. Well, since we are at the end of the show, ladies and gentlemen, I do want to announce a new feature that we have on the JMOR website. If you go to and you go to social and you go to our shows, we have a brand new area where you can now pick any of the archive shows Going back easily by just going to archive and clicking which year you want to see what show type very easily. So we've done that to make it easier for you. And remember, we do transcribe all of the shows that are here on the JMOR Tech Talk Show, as well as any show that I've personally appeared on as a guest. Recently, I was on the Shelly Mac show. And that'll be we'll be popping that up to the site very soon, because it does take us about seven to 14 days. And she's actually going to be on my show in about another month or two. So we're looking forward to that. Sheila Mack. And just we have some great guests coming up. We have another guest coming up just to give you guys the rundown. So you're not going to get bored. And you're going to steep watching this great channel here. On May 1, ladies and gentlemen, we have another we have another great guest, but I want to keep that for a surprise on the seventh. We actually have another one that I'm going to keep that well I’ll tell you who that is. That's actually Leonardo mirror. Okay, that is the guests for the seventh. On the 14th of May we actually have john our Dallas, you're gonna love him. He is work for the largest title companies in the world. And he now is part of an educational school that he helped build for entrepreneurs on the 21st we'll be talking to Krista Botsford Crotty talking a little about her business and what you did with the COVID Eric, and on the 28th. We're going to talk to Sarah Roberson, you're going to love this, ladies and gentlemen, if you have kids that are going to college or going to be entering college, she talks about the sound bite and how you need t