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Radio show date 12-03-2021

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John C. Morley: (00:00)

 Industries. We already learned what happened with what is its ford? They don't make cars anymore. 

Marcus: (00:05)


John C Morley: (00:06)

It wasn't profitable for them. So, hey, let's just stop making cars. We don't have to worry about the American people. Noh we don't need to make cars anymore. We'll just make trucks. Well, everybody wants a truck.


 John C Morley: (00:21)

 I don't know. I think it's, I think it's crazy. I think what is going on is they're trying to leverage the resources that apple has. Now, the only thing that would not surprise me and it may happen soon is that one of the big executives from quote-unquote Google might be sucked up to go to one of the car care companies.

(JMOR tech talk show where we answer questions about technology, explain the way they should work and why they tone sometimes). 

John C Morley: (00:59)

Well, Hey everybody. It is John C Morley serial entrepreneur here and welcomes once again to the JMOR tech talk show. We are here Marcus in December. We're the heck did Thanksgiving go? It's always nice to have you. How are you doing tonight? 


 Marcus: (01:17)

  Hey John, it's good to be back. I'm still full, you know from a week ago. Well, yeah, four more weeks ago. So ready for Christmas now. Let's stuff. This Turkey, some more.


 John C Morley: (01:28)

 I had a great Thanksgiving meal and I have to tell you that you know, we were going up for dessert and this one lady for the buffet, she had like four pieces of pie, just literally pie on her plate. She ate every one of them. I had a piece of pumpkin pie. 

Marcus: (01:47)


John C Morley: (01:47)

 And then I wanted the pecan. So I took a quarter of the pecan and put it on my plate. I don't know how people that's like disgusting when they pile four and five. Not to mention the calories for that. I mean, they didn't waste the food, but that's just a lot of food. I'm sorry.

Marcus: (02:02)

 Yeah. I did hold off on the dessert. I got a little bit of banana pudding, you know, a little bit of you know, pudding. ,


 John C Morley: (02:08)

 That's dangerous. That's very dangerous.


 Marcus: (02:10)

 that's all I did, John. That's all. I did a little bit of guilty pressure, that's it?


 John C Morley: (02:15)

 Well, you know I do want to thank TaskRabbit for being a sponsor with us basically for this entire month. And I think today is they’re been with us now for a little over a month and I want to thank them. And you know, if you have an odd job around the house, you can go to the link that we'll post a little bit later in the show, to give you some money back so that you can get things done just around the holidays. Maybe if you are shopping done, or you need somebody to wait in line for you go to and find the appropriate person that is a match for you and your personal needs. All right. Let's get started with our show. We have an amazing show for you as we always do. Facebook now, Marcus, they changed their name, If you're a member, not too long ago to Meta. 

Marcus: (03:09)


John C Morley: (03:10)

 But it doesn't seem to be fooling the media too much.


 Marcus: (03:14)



 John C Morley: (03:15)

 No behind it. They're still calling him Facebook. It's kind of like if you had this kid in the class and his name was Brandon, it said like, oh my name's not Brandon. My name is Michael. Yeah. Well, and it's like, they still go back to the old name. It's like, I don't know if they think they're trying to hide something, but I think that's what Facebook is trying to do. I mean, they're trying with this new branding. I don't think it's going anywhere. 


 Marcus: (03:39)

 it’s not sticking 


 John C Morley: (03:40)

 It's not sticking. No, it's not. People are not letting it stick. I think that's really what it comes down to.


 Marcus: (03:45)

 Yeah. It's like having bad glue 


 John C Morley: (03:53)

 But I don't know. I don't know what they're trying to do. But, but it's not going anywhere. And the European Union is not letting this drop. So Facebook now, as, you know, Facebook, meta, whatever you guys want to call them, depending on what day it is offering some ideas to remedy the European I guess union challenge that's going on. And I don't know. I feel that you know, they're concerned about what's happening over there, but for whatever reason you know, they're not providing all the details right now of what's going on with the power. They've just said that they're going to extend a decision for a deadline to January 28th. How nice let us get through the holidays. , they're expected to seek feedback from other rivals and customers before deciding whether to accept the offer or demand more. I always believe you know, Marcus, that Facebook is just, they're a business. Yeah. And it's not nice to say, but they don't do what's right for the consumer. I'm sure we've seen these hundreds of times.


 Marcus: (05:15)

 Yeah. And we, definitely have seen this. This is their way of trying to get ahead of violating any of the EU, you know, iron hand and it's going to fall on things that they, you know, try to underhandedly do


 John C Morley: (05:37)

 The European Union, by the way, just so you know, they're one of the toughest organizations they're tougher than some of the United dates organizations. I don't know why, but they don't tolerate nonsense over there.


 Marcus: (05:49)

 No, they are very protective of the consumers over there. And I think the US should definitely kind of follow suit a little bit more.


 John C Morley: (06:00)

 Maybe they might wake up after this. I don't know.


 Marcus: (06:05)

 I don't know. I don't think so.


 John C Morley: (06:07)

 No. I'm hoping that the United States might wake up a little more because of what the European Union’s doing. But again, I don't know. Yeah.


 Marcus: (06:15)

 It's just really hard to say when, when there's so much when you think about the campaign, people like fund the campaigns through these corporate interest groups. It's pretty nasty over here politically.


 John C Morley: (06:28)

 I, I agree with you. And the thing, I think that's funny Marcus, is that you know on Facebook, if you decide that you want to do something you want to advertise politically, what guess what you can't advertise politically unless pretty much you give them information about yourself.

Marcus: (06:50)


John C Morley: (06:50)

I think that's terrible Marcus. I do

Marcus: (06:54)

 It is.

John C Morley: (06:54)

 And so we're just going to have to wait and see, but I am very glad that the EU is stepping up on board. And I think they're saying, hey, you know what, Facebook, we know what you're doing. We know your name changed, but you know what, we're not buying it. And I think a lot of other consumers and now business owners and business advertisers in the media, guess what? They're not saying you're full of it, but politely, they're kind of just not given Facebook, Meta, whatever we want to call them these days the recognition that they think they deserve.


 Marcus: (07:31)

 No, they're probably last on the list now for the advertising solution.


 John C Morley: (07:39)

 I mean, there had been some other companies out there, which we could talk on other shows like, you know, you have Facebook boosts and stuff like that, but you know, the only challenges I don't like with some of these companies, they say they want to help you. Okay. But here's the problem. They don't because they have no support. Their support is email.


 Marcus (08:03)


John C Morley: (08:04)

That's not support, what are they kidding me?

Marcus: (08:06)


John C Morley; (08:07)

 So, but this is what everybody's doing, Marcus, they're all going through this. I guess they're going through this challenge and saying, Hey, you know, this is what we need, but then, at the end of the day, you know, when you offer support like that, I don't know. It's terrible. And I think that companies right now are looking for a better way. So now that Facebook is kind of losing some market share, we'll say, quote-unquote you know, now you're having an excuse or an example to why you should pay a company 10 or $15 a month. But really what they're doing is they're dumbing down the Facebook interface. 

Marcus: (08:48)


John C Morley: (08:48)

So they're letting you get in there and make lookalike audiences. And they're also giving you more exposure on Eventbrite, but why should you have to pay for that? That my question. You know, why should you have to pay for that?


 Marcus: (09:01)

 Nice work, definitely should not


 John C Morley: (09:02)

  No, I don't think so either. And, and you know, you're paying money for something that already exists. And the only way they provide support is by chat. And the only ones they call are people that are their yearly subscribers, which incidentally is just under 200 bucks a year. I think that's outrageous.


 Marcus: (09:25)

 It's totally, and it's pure hustling you. That's what it is. That's what it all boils down to. This is hustling that it's very best in. They're all about trying to line their pocketbook.


 John C Morley: (09:37)

 Exactly. You know, and I don't know if you know this, but we've been following it for a while. A lot of things have been happening with, you know, with different companies and stuff like this, but, you know, technology's been sweeping our nation, especially with what's happened during the pandemic and new types of solutions and products and services that weren't available, or even let's say in the minefield of possibly being offered. Well, things have been happening a lot as you know, in the automotive industry, because they have been hurting and an executive okay. Leaves. Yes. Another Facebook executive leaves. This is not Facebook. This is to meta, this is going to be apple I'm so much on apple, on Facebook. I'm stuck on it, it's apple. We were talking about a Facebook song, but actually, it’s another apple employee, and they've lost a couple, and another apple chief moves and he goes to Volkswagen and he's going there to help with the battery movement. Now he's from the apple global battery development department.

Marcus: (11:03)


John C Morley: (11:04)

And he's just leaving everything on the table to move over to Volkswagen. What do you make of that Marcus? That's just kind of weird.


 Marcus: (11:13)

 Well, he's not violating to not compete for clause.


 John C Morley: (11:16)

 That's true because he's working for a different industry.


 Marcus: (11:21)

 Yeah. So they got to do, do more to kind of tighten up on their contracts and this is going to be huge with Volkswagen, especially if you're looking to, as you refer in the article here if they want to overtake Tesla because


 John C Morley: (11:40)

 That's going to be interesting. And you know, this is the second time leading gentlemen in the past few months that Apple has lost executives to an automaker. Does that set something in a trend to what's happening with technology companies? I mean, let's think about apples. Let's think about Samsung, Motorola. Right? Does that mean that people in those areas are going to move over to car industries? We already learned what happened with what Ford is? They don't make cars, right. It wasn't profitable for them. So hey, let's just stop making cars. We don't have to worry about the American people. Nah, we don't need to make cars anymore. We'll just make trucks. Well, everybody wants a truck. I don't know. I think it's, I think it's crazy. I think what it's going on is they're trying to leverage the resources that Apple has now. The only thing that would not surprise me and it may happen soon is that one of the big executives from quote-unquote, Google might be sucked up to go to one of the car care companies. Because if we can get the apple and we can get the Google, we pretty much can run the world.


 Marcus: (13:02)

 Yeah. Right. behind the backs of the government, you know they won't be able to break these companies up.


 John C Morley: (13:11)

 I think it's all coming down to money and it's coming down to, you know, what is going to be the difference. And you know, this as well as I do many of the millennials, you know, they would start with a job for, I don't know, 30, $40,000 at a college. And then what would they do in six months, Marcus, they would leave, leave that company. Then they'd go somewhere else in. Maybe they'd make, I don't know, maybe a hundred, 126 months later, they leave that company.

Marcus: (13:41)


John C Morley: (13:41)

And then they'd do that again. And they'd make maybe 160. Now they do that again. And they make about 250 thousand dollars. Okay. A quarter of a million. They do it again. And they reach 500,000. I know somebody who did this, but the way they did it, Marcus, I think was just very low to the bottom of the bucket.

 I can't believe that people would do this. And you know that the thing that vexes me with this, not the fact that they're making the money they're in entitled to do that, when they're asked to do something by their boss, okay. They usually get their interns to do it for them.

Marcus: (14:24)


John C Morley: (14:24)

 Which is fine? They're entitled to learn, but you know, if they make a mistake, they say, oh, you know what? Yeah, I didn't do that. One of the interns did that. I'll take care of it myself next time. Or now let's say to, they do something great. Well, you know mark that was an amazing presentation. I know. It must be all my years of experience in my degree. And meanwhile, they did nothing. The same intern did it and yet they keep rising the corporate ladder, which I think is unfair

Marcus: (14:54)

 Very unfair 

John C Morley: (14:55)

Because they didn't deserve it.

Marcus: (14:57)


John C Morley: (14:59)

And they have this attitude, Marcus, that they hate people.

Marcus: (15:03)


John C Morley: (15:03)

I knew someone like this one time; everyone was a waste of their time unless they were making money off of them. That's a horrible attitude to have.


 Marcus: (15:13)

 It's very disgusting.


 John C Morley: (15:16)

 It is. But there are people out there that, that still follow that mentality today that they believe you should be a, I guess, a company hopper, is that the word company hopper


 Marcus: (15:25)

 yeah, that sounds about right. 


 John C Morley: (15:28)

 And you know, the thing is they're not changing their philosophy. You see, most people think that millennials want money. That's not mostly what they want. They want to be able to make a difference in a company and affect culture. And if they can't do that, ladies and gentlemen, they're going to pick up their let's say pale and shovel and go to another sandbox and build their own company and you'll be working for them. So I think it's important to embrace the culture, but I also think it's important to not allow them to dominate the way you want to do business. So I think there has to be a balance

Marcus: (16:17)


John C Morley: (16:17)

Between these two dichotomies millennial, non-millennial generation, X, Y, and younger. I think it has to come down to the fact that we're in synergy or a melting pot and we have to respect each other because that it's only how things are going to grow by feeding on each generation and supporting the end goal, which is to help companies grow and clients and businesses thrive, not just try to rate them for the highest dollar on the market to see who we can rip off the highest.


 Marcus: (16:55)

 Yeah. It's a lot of that happening. And we're without teaching our kids that's watching, you know, how to be loyal how to respect, none of that


 John C Morley: (17:07)

 You bring a good point of Marcus, you know, when thinking about loyal, most people say, well, you know, when you're loyal, they're loyal because of a pro price. But I tell people loyalty's not about a price. Loyalty's about the fact that you have a reputation, the fact that they trust you with their business data or to be in their office or to be in their company. It's not the fact that you're going to offer them the best prices, because if that's what you're looking for, that's not somebody loyal. That's somebody who's a cheap scape. 

Marcus: (17:41)


John C Morley: (17:42)

And they'll just go around from business to business. If they got a coupon for $2 more, well, they're not coming to your shake shop. They're going to somebody else's. loyalty is when you believe in the owner of the business establishment, and you not only believe in them, but you enjoy the product and services and the experience for which that is being delivered every single time.

 And because it's consistent, you're willing to pay a little bit more.

Marcus: (18:13)


John C Morley: (18:13)

that's what I think it comes down to. And you know, if you pay a little bit more, people always say you're going to get a better value. And that usually is the case. Sometimes that's not the case because people try to extort that fact to like exorbitant amounts or they put a name on something and suddenly the product becomes 10 times worth more because it has somebody's famous name on it, that's branding.

 Marcus: (18:41)


John C Morley: (18:41)

 But if you get stuck in that loop a lot of companies just do business with others because it has a name and they don't look at the fact of what the company's doing or not doing. They just say, oh, well, that's X, Y, Z. And because they had a reputation 10 or 20 years ago, well, they must be good today. They're not, they just had a brand and they did something well many years ago and they established a brand, but that brand may not be what it was 10 or 20 years ago, but people still buy it. Even if it goes up in price, a keep buying it, Marcus.


 Marcus: (19:22)

 That's true. 


John C Morley: (19:23)

It is. It is true. Yeah. You know, and, and when you think about the holidays right now, and you know, whether you have son, daughter, nephew, uncle, cousin, and I don't know, maybe you went and bought them a desk and one thing I know that's horrible when you ever you buy somebody furniture usually only do this with close family. It's always a disaster putting it together because the people you're giving it to usually don't know how to assemble the desk. And it becomes more of a disaster or divorce plan because this desk that you suddenly bought them was supposed to make their lives great and easier and fun now becomes this dividing factor because nobody wants a put it together. So I have a tip for you. There's a company out there called TaskRabbit. You may or may not have heard of them before you actually can go to their website and you could find somebody to go to their house after the holidays and assemble that desk for them.

  When you give them the desk or whatever you're buying for me say, look I'm also giving you the assembly with it. Let me know what dates are good for you. And, and we'll set up assembly. See, I think that's smart. It's kind of like, you know, giving a toy. You remember this many years ago, like Merlin and you gave Merlin, but you didn't give them with batteries. Well, that's annoying. So if you guys have some things this holiday, maybe you need somebody to wait in line for you. But I know myself. It was several years ago that I had a desk and the local store couldn't put it together for me. I was very frustrated. I went online, to Task Rabbit. Didn't know what to think of them, to be honest with you.

 I think it was just another site. And I thought they were just going to sign me somebody, but no, they give you profiles that you can look through and, and review and decide who you want to do work with. They all make offers. You tell them what you have the project as much specification as you can. You can chat with them, talk with them and decide who's going to work with you. Look at their recommendations. And all the payment is protected through the platform. So you don't have to play any games without knowing whether they're not getting paid. All tips are done through the platform. So this holiday season, whether it's Christmas, Hanukkah, Kwanza you can check out and know that whatever you purchased if it needs to be assembled, whether it's a swing set, whether it's a desk, whether it's a chair or whether you just need them around the holidays, to run some errands may want to check them out because those few extra moments might make the difference to whether you're considered a good person, a Christmas time or somebody that never has time.


 John C Morley: (22:10)

 I think that's the biggest thing executives have is, is time. And we have to know how to manage it. So if we can hire other people to do things for us that we don't need to do, I think that's a great thing. I know my family always said to me, you know, John don't spend money-wasting your time, spend money on things that you are not good at, and you don't need to be good at, I don't need to know how to hang wallpaper. So I don't hang wallpaper. I don't need to know how to carpet my house or fix my pipes. Get someone else to do that. Use your money to manage your time wisely by hiring other people that can do the things you can't do. And give you back the time you need in your life. So we'll pop a link down below a little bit later in the program and you can actually get some money back and get some of those useful tasks done and maybe get a little less stress for the holidays and maybe get some more peace of mind.


 John C Morley: (23:14)

 So again, that's, but we'll pop a link a little bit later. So apple, we've talked about apple many times Marcus and you know, Apple is saying something interesting. Guess what they're allowing people to do now?

Marcus: (23:27)

 What's that job 

John C Morley: (23:29)

They’re going to now let iPhone users repair their own devices. 

Marcus: (23:33)

Wow. That's a shocker.

John C Morley: (23:36)

 I am like the crazy surprise. I'm like bound for words. I don't know what to say. Well, I know what to say. This is happening. We know why this is happening. Don't we, this is happening because of the pressures that are getting put on them.


 Marcus: (23:54)

 Are you sure it's not COVID?


 John C Morley: (23:55)

 oh, it has nothing to do with COVID. This has to do with the fact that Apple has been one of those companies for a while that believes were above scrutiny. 

Marcus: (24:08)


John C Morley: (24:08)

So apple plans, according to CNN, to give customers the ability to repair their own devices because of the pressures from regulators and consumers around the world for manufacturers to ease students on fixing products. Hey, what about that? 


 Marcus: (24:22)

 You know this is going to be quite interesting. And I'm wondering what they're going to charge for these parts. You know, these spare parts they're going to


 John C Morley: (24:29)

 Well, that’s my, that's my concern. So now they're going to make parts available, but it's more than just making parts available Marcus. It's now providing the tools and making new products, user-serviceable, somebody can't just change their battery very easily


 Marcus: (24:44)

 No. That's not.


 John C Morley: (24:46)

 I think this is going to have to move forward with newer products Okay. The company says that it has more than 200 parts and tools available at launch. Also, they're now going to give, not give, but you're not going to be able to buy those special million-dollar tools. How much are they going to be worth to fix the iPhone 12 and 30, you're going to be able to fix it yourself. It's going to only start for the iPhone 12 and the iPhone 13 initially. But they're playing to expand it to Mac computers, as well as Apple's new, in-house M1 chip which is basically what they use. They use the new M1chip. So the company revealed the prices of its spare parts when the program it's going to form my launch. So we don't know what it's going to be, but Apple said it will charge individual users the same price. It currently charges independent repair providers. All right. I'll believe that when I see it. Yeah.


 Marcus: (25:38)

 Yeah. I'm just wondering too, you know, to me can be concerned about anything with this rollout, like, you know, for it's like security or like possible refurbishing, you know issues that you know, that they were worried about initially. 


 John C Morley: (25:55)

 Well. I think the issue is that it's going to be the fact that you're going to be repairing your phones. So just like people would repair a computer. I mean, you have the same danger that you do. You know, there is media in the device that could be, you know toppled into the wrong hands, but that's with anything. So apple is becoming or moving to what we call a friendly electronic manufacture repair company. Something I never thought I'd hear in the same sentence.


 Marcus: (26:28)

 No, I didn't either. You know,


 John C Morley: (26:31)

 And I want to quote CNN business president Joe Biden passed an executive order. This was in the past July that directed the federal trade commission to issue rules regarding companies to allow do-it-yourself repairs. And days later, the FTC anonymously voted to condemn existing repair restrictions by manufacturers with the agency's chair Lena khan vowing to root out illegal repair restrictions that may fly in US antitrust and consumer protection laws. So basically if they don't do this, I'll tell you what's going to happen. Their product is going to be 86 from the United States. So that's why they're doing this. It's not because they want to be a good company. It's because they'll wind up on the blacklist.


 Marcus: (27:17)

 Oh yeah. That's not good for them at all. And they want to play ball and they do not want to get like at all, they want, continue to keep the good times rolling here in the US.


 John C Morley: (27:29)

 But I'm happy they're doing it regardless of the reason, hopefully, this might change people's persona of apple. And I think it could help them because there are a couple of companies Apple's one of them that just as not like to make products, user-serviceable. Now when you get into machines and I'm not going to name some machines, it's hard to make these machines, user-serviceable. Why? Well because somebody has to have some background in the technology, right? We're not talking about, you know, just replacing a simple battery. We're talking about changing gear or changing aboard. And if you don't know what you're doing it's a little more than just fixing a phone. Do you know what I'm saying? 

Marcus: (28:16)


John C Morley: (28:16)

So I think there's got to be some rules to where this goes. Does that mean somebody can just go home and suddenly fix their own powers supply? I would hope not. That's very dangerous. What does that mean? That well, we'll have a do-it-yourself repair kit for the nuclear reactor that we bought that doesn't work, right? Yeah. You just call one 800 number and we'll send you, a kit for 999 and you can repair your reactor. I hope not.


 Marcus: (28:44)

 Yeah. I, I hope they took a, a real careful look at, across the board for some of the things that they, really wanted to, to restrict, like, you know, do yourself for, because you can't do yourself about everything. You can't just Google and, and, and say, how do you do this? And


 John C Morley:(29:00)

 people try Marcus. They try every day. 


 Marcus: (29:04)

 Yeah, they do and this is the type of stuff to end up on the news. And you wonder how the heck did this guy get his hands stuck there?


 John C Morley: (29:14)

 It's going to be a big, big challenge. Yeah, that's all I can say. It's going to be, a great big challenge. So we're going to have to see you know, what's going on, but at the end of the day, I think we're just going to have to watch and, and observe what's going on. But I think more and more products that come to the market now are going to probably come with the fact is maybe I would be a bit surprised if there's a DIY label on it, like DIY R it’s like DIY repairable, if you see that DIY R maybe that means it's repairable, do it yourself. Repairable. That seems like, that seems like a logo that might need to be incorporated just like the UL logo needs to be incorporated. Right? 

Marcus: (29:59)


John C Morley: (29:59)

So if you buy something and while this pro a hundred dollars more, yeah, it's a hundred dollars more, but it has a DIY R which means I know I can repair it with, you know, parts I can get 

Marcus: (30:10)


John C Morley: (30:10)

 I think that's going to make a difference. I know I would pay a few more pennies to get something. I know some of these TVs that have been around for a while, they say they're repairable, but they're not doing it yourself repairable, I tell people the time and effort, you've got to go through to take the TV apart. And the special tools you have to have, you know, you can buy them. It's not worth it. 

Marcus: (30:31)

No, it's. I wouldn't try, I came from a family.


 John C Morley: (30:36)

 Well, they're, they're paying people to go out there, a flat fee to repair a TV set takes more than a few hours to take apart and replace the broken LEDs or the ones that don't work. They're giving people like $59.


 Marcus: (30:55)



 John C Morley: (30:57)

 For four hours. 

Marcus: (30:58)


John C Morley: (30:58)

Something's wrong with that picture?


 Marcus; (31:02)

Yeah. Something not right.

 John C Morley: (31:03)

 But they got a lot of bad TVs out there. I'm not going to mention what manufacturer. But I would never buy this one TV because they're always breaking. I've always liked Sony and I've always liked Samsung. They, you pay a little more, but they seem to work.


 Marcus: (31:21)

 Yeah. Me as well. You know, John, I have always been those, those two brands and you got to go what works. And these companies, they just don't care. You know, they rather cheapen their products and, you know, and, and give you the price tag.


 John C Morley: (31:41)

  even when it comes to laptops. You know, of the one that I use, even though I flipped them every five years, my whole organization has them. We love Lenovo. We loved it when it was IBM, but then they kind of licensed over to the other company and the other company basically could do service and have the ability they could have. They could have the ability to manufacture as long as they contracted IBM to do their service. So, you know Lenovo ThinkPad, you kind of think of them in the same sentence, but Lenovo was a separate company. 

Marcus: (32:18)


John C Morley: (32:18)

They got the ability to manufacture it with the agreement that they allow IBM to provide the service board. You know, that's, it's a very interesting thing because the minute they stop allowing IBM to disservice board, then they don't have the right to manufacture it anymore.

Marcus: (32:38)


John C Morley: (32:39)

 Yeah. That they know where they're going with that. 

Marcus: (32:41)


John C Morley: (32:43)

And speaking about knowing where things are going well, the feds are still investing their time and they're still investigating the old Facebook. Well, they still, call them Meta or Facebook over the, impact that Instagram is having on kids and what their behaviors are.

 So a group of 10 state attorneys has launched an investigation into this, the social media, the company formally known as Facebook. And they're focusing on the potential harms of Instagram platforms on children and teens. So not just children, but teens


 Marcus: (33:24)



 John C Morley: (33:27)

 And this is coming after extensive research and finding that documents leaked to the whistleblower Francis Hugin that the companies own researchers have found that Instagram can damage young users, mental health, and body image, and can exacerbate. And I quote dangerous behaviors such as eating disorders. So I think Facebook, which is what they're calling it now, Meta, failed to protect young people, as they said on this platform. And instead, choose to ignore it in some cases double down, or they are known as hidden manipulators. So I think the reason for them changing their name to Meta is they're hoping that they're going to get a whole new like credit, but the industry is not allowing it. They're still like tracing them back to their old social security number or, or to their old name. They're just not letting them drop Facebook. It's still there. They're calling it Meta FB.


 Marcus: (34:31)

 Yeah. That's what's happening then? I mean, you know, it’s like a criminal, you know, trying to re-have themselves after going out and committing a series of crimes and never get charged for it. And you know, now that it's being dug up, you know, you got to face the music at some point.


 John C Morley: (34:56)

 I, I agree with you and I don't feel Facebook Meta’s ever, going to face the music until they get hit with some hefty fines. Because even though they said, they're going to put parental controls, they're going to do this. They're going to do that. I don't believe them. I don't believe them for a second. No, because they're going to say they don't work or they tried, or we can't be responsible. Because we had problems with our service. There's always going to be some kind of an issue.


 Marcus: (35:19)

 Yeah. The amount of profit that they have gained, you know, from what they've been doing for countless years, you know, is it's insurmountable. And I don't think that


 John C Morley: (35:28)

 I think it's time to pay the Piper that mark and all the other executives and when people are going to start leaving the company because you're working for a company that is extorting kids.


 Marcus: (35:43)

 Yeah. It's a serious business.


 John C Morley: (35:46)

 And they, and they even know they're doing it because it's inside their internal documents.


 Marcus: (35:50)

 Their researcher who said it so like.


 John C Morley: (35:53)

 Yeah, and she left and she left the company. So yeah, I think it's going to be very, very interesting too, you know, what we're going to find. You know, we may not find anything Marcus for over a year. It might take us a while, but I believe we're going to find something. And I think by the time we find something, here's what I think going to happen. I think they're going to be onto a whole new venture. Okay. They're still going to have their Facebook, but they're going to be onto a whole new venture. There might be another company created. And when this other company's created, guess what's going to happen. Well, they're going to not care so much and then pay whatever they want to pay.


 Marcus: (36:31)

 Yeah. But, you know, I, I think it's still,


 John C Morley: (36:34)

 Well, I don't, I don't agree with it. 


 Marcus: (36:36)

  I don't agree with it, John, you know, it, it, you know, I just, I still feel like somewhere deep in my heart though, once, once the feds get a hold of you, you know, they, they don't let up, you know, I think this investigation is going to, you know, really hit them hard at some point,


 John C Morley: (36:53)

 But when,


 Marcus: (36:54)

 Yeah, that's the question


 John C Morley: (37:00)

 well, speaking about getting hit hard, is censorship going against the first amendment?


 Marcus: (37:10)



 John C Morley: (37:12)

 Are we starting to censor too many things online?


 Marcus: (37:16)

 That's interesting.


 John C Morley: (37:18)

 I mean, I think it is. What do you think?


 Marcus: (37:25)

 Yeah. I, you know, I think when you give regular people with opinions, the ability to cancel people, I think that's where the, where the problems are going. And, and I think when Facebook has the ability to you to moderate, you know what goes out there and control the narrative. This it's an issue as well.


 John C Morley: (37:51)

 Well. I think it comes down to the fact it's about power.

Marcus: (37:55)


John C Morley: (37:55)

It's about money. And I feel that there might be certain topics out there whether you and I agree with them or not they have a right to be out there now. I agree with that information out there. And I know I have to be clear on this. Because when I say the word harm, something that we think might harm us, wouldn't harm others. So what I mean by harm, and I have to specify this is anything that would get out there. That would cause someone to harm another person against their will and cause pain or harm.

John C Morley: (38:36)

 So, you know, for example, if there's an article on there and this article talks about, you know, how kids can fight, well, if the two kids want to fight and they want to go play football, there's nothing wrong with that.

 And you want to go argue, well, this kid's not even 13 issues, that shouldn't be an issue if the kids are in that range and they agree to play football, that shouldn't be anybody's business. Okay. But if now somebody else posts something older and now detangle why kids should fight, see that that's a problem because now they're kind of getting where they don't belong. And I think they may have a right to speak and say, okay, I don't think that's right. That's okay. But that doesn't mean the other comments should be taken down.



Marcus: (39:24)

Oh, I should.

John C Morley: (39:26)

 And, and also you can get into the adult world with this. So everyone has the right to what they want and what they don't want. What I have a problem with is when something goes again, the age limit. So if it's at 18 or it's a 21, plus whatever it is, that content should be blocked from minors or people under the legal age. That’s my thing. There's always going to be things in the other age, realms and people have the right to speak about their piece there, but they also can't have people younger in there. And they also can't make comments that are going to be derogatory defamatory or accusative of anyone. Can't do that. The one thing I always said, Marcus, and this is, this is a gem, you know, no one has the right Marcus to make you feel inferior about yourself, except for one person that's you 

Marcus: (40:22)

That's right.

John C Morley: (40:22)

 So if you don't want to be inferior, don't let people feel inferior. Don't do it.

 I think the problem with censorship is that some people want to show, their views and they're afraid because they're going to get attacked by the other side. This could be race, religion, sexual orient, color, a plethora of things, political views. You should not fear being attacked by the other opposing side. If they don't agree with you. See that's my problem. It's okay. That they want to state something. And Hey, I don't agree with that, or I don't agree with what you're doing. That's fine. But don't put it on the person. Just say something like, I don't agree with that behavior for people in general or people of this age, that's fine. Don't start naming the personnel like Brian. You shouldn't be doing that. No, no. This is not a place where you tell people what they can and can't do with their life. You want to say what you want to say. Great. You know, I don't think teens should be permitted to play football. That's, you know, less than the tag, or I don't think non-teens, anybody below 13 should be able to play tackle football. They should only be able to play tag that you're right.

 But that doesn't mean you should accuse someone or get on their case because they Don something. Does that make sense?


 Marcus: (41:55)

 That makes a lot of sense. I think a real brilliant idea that would solve a lot of this, you know, internet, you know, beef would be, you know, just having a, you know, agree or dislike button. And then when you hit comment, instead of a comment, you know to the why you disagree and, and, and, and remove


 John C Morley: (42:18)

 That well, that’s a great point. Is that when somebody makes an agree or disagree, they have to give a reason. 

Marcus: (42:23)

Yeah. You got to,

John C Morley: (42:23)

 I think that might change people's because the problem is, are people's time and social media.

Marcus: (42:29)


John C Morley; (42:29)

 They click a thumbs up, but then what does that mean? Do I like it? Did I, I mean like take the word dope for example, 

John C Morley: (42:38)

 Somebody says, oh that was dope. And now like if you didn't know the latest nomenclature, like what is he saying? And now you're suddenly in this fistfight with somebody and like, oh no, no, no, no, no dope mean dope is good. It's like, it's cool. Well, there isn't like a guide published for everyone because either can be idiosyncrasies and misinterpretations of things. 

Marcus: (43:00)


John C Morley: (43:00)

 And I think that's the biggest problem that we run into every single day


 Marcus: (43:05)

 And the post and the post should, you know, just say strictly in front of an opinion, you know, with the similar calling and then whatever you are going to write.


 John C Morley: (43:13)

 Yeah, exactly. If something is a, a fact and you can prove it's a fact, well then we got to have people verifying facts, you know, stuff like that. 

Marcus: (43:19)


John C Morley: (43:20)

 But I think people need to realize that when you're online and commenting, there's no different than someone being in person and making a comment.

Marcus: (43:30)


John C Morley: (43:30)

 I think that's the problem. People think because they're behind a glass wall or because they're home somewhere that they're protected, that they could do whatever they want and they can't

Marcus: (43:39)

 No, not at all. 

John C Morley: (43:40)

This is why we have cyber bullying and all kinds of nonsense. Well, Marcus, we are at the top of our hour, I don't know where our time goes, but I just want to personally thank TaskRabbit once again for being a sponsor of ours the last month. It has been great having you as a sponsor to support the great quality educational content that we provide.

 Our viewers all around the world, about technology, about people. And we learn more about things than I guess people tune into. So I think we kind of surprise people in that. We're not just a technology show. We don't just talk about iPhones. We don't just talk about, you know, what happened with a company. We get some opinions and we explain why things shouldn't be the way they are. So if you need something for the holidays, go check out We'll go ahead and pop a link below and you can click on that link and save a few extra bucks and maybe save some time by having them wait in line for you to get that special. What's the in thing, the Sony box or the whatever people want to wait for this year a perfect time to schedule your inline waiters or maybe just need somebody to run to the dry cleaners for you or to give you a few extra hours so that you can do the things that you need to do and not spend time. What I call to run and being a runner or a gopher as my grandfather used to say. So it has been a wonderful evening with you again, Marcus, and I hope you guys will come back and join us next week, but I do want to announce something brand new that I'm launching on December 1st, you will be able to go to YouTube and type in John space, C space, M O R L E Y. And the word serial entrepreneurial pop automatically. Once it does, you'll be able to look for my new series. That's coming out, we'll be having 25 of the holidays each day from December 1st to December 25th, I will unwrap a gift, giving you some insight wisdom, or maybe something you should do to get in the holiday spirit, or maybe help you become a better version of yourself and help others become a better version of themselves.

 If you'd like to apply to become a guest on our show, just go to, click on the, reach out button on the top right. And then click on the application to become a guest, fill out all the information, put your profile in our team will review it. If we think you are a match, we'll invite you for a vetting session after that vetting session we will then decide whether you will be on our show. Again. I hope that you guys are enjoying getting into the holiday spirit and remember we have so much to be grateful for. Have you given thanks for the things in your life today? I'm John C Morley, a serial entrepreneur. I wish you guys another great weekend. Goodbye, everyone. 

Marcus: (46:39)

Bye, everyone. 

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