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Radio show date 12-30-2022

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John C Morley (00:10):

Hi everyone. I'm John C Morley, the JMOR Tech Talk Show, and Inspirations for Your Life host.

John C Morley (01:02):

Hey guys, it is John C Morley, serial entrepreneur and the host of the JMOR Tech Talk show. It is so great to be with you guys. Today is Friday, December 30th, 2022, and I don't know what happened to 2022. The entire year is gone. We've got 2023 coming up and some great news. We've got some great guests coming up next year. Marcus Hart, who has been my co-host for a long time, will be returning to the show, we're told, sometime in late January or early February. So, we're excited about that. I know many of you have missed him. I definitely have missed him on the show, and we've got lots of great stuff to share with you. So, before I get into today's show, I want to just let you know that many things you see on our show are for a purpose. And that purpose is to help you become a better version of yourself and help others become better versions of themselves.

John C Morley (02:03):

If you're looking to become a guest on the JMOR Tech Talk, show, you can apply at Click on reach Out today and apply. We're not looking for people that are going to sell a product or a service. It's okay if you sell a product or service, but when you're on the show, you're here to give value to your viewers and to me. That is key. This is why we get several hundred people who apply to be guests a week. Only a couple get considered. All right, so fireworks at the end of the year. It's a great time. People, you know, want to have fireworks, but the question is, is that safe? And so, you know, according to you know, consumer safety in 2021, there were 1500 injuries from firecrackers. And do you know there were 1100 injuries from sparklers? So, you should never allow children to play with or ignite fireworks, including sparklers.

John C Morley (03:10):

So why are sparklers so dangerous? I mean, I played with a sparkler when I was a kid, but the thing is this, it's not having the sparkler; it has a mentality. So, whenever we got sparklers, it was usually before July, our birthday, or some other holiday. Some were put on cakes. So, whenever they were lit by an adult, we were always told to go away somewhere far away from everyone else. Play with your sparkler in the air, okay? Don't touch anything like trees, or don't touch yourself with it, but hold it out in the air. And when you do that, you're going to notice this cool stream of light from the sparkler. A sparkler can get over 2000 degrees, and that can singe your skin. So, you can see why sparklers are always a danger. Make sure fireworks, and the type you're using are legal in the area before buying or using them. We'll talk a little more about that in a second. Keep a bucket of water or a garden hose handy in case of a fire or an unexpected mishap. Light fireworks one at a time and move the blank back quickly. Never try to relight or pick up a firecracker. Never use fireworks while impaired by alcohol or drugs of any kind. Now, most times, people use fireworks on the 4th of July. Did you know that 32% of injuries were burned?

John C Morley (04:56):

That's pretty incredible. 14% of the injuries were to the eyes. 21% were to the head, face, and ears, and 31% were to the head and fingers. And 34% were to others like legs, trunk, and other areas of the body. And this is according to the US Consumer Product Safety Commission and a report that was published in 2021. So that's the 2021 report. They didn't gather all the data in 2022, but I'm sure it's not great. So, there's been a spike in fireworks injuries over the last 15 years. That's a 25% increase in firework injuries between 2006 and 2021. You know, it's going to be bad next year. Did you know that 11,500 people were rushed to the emergency room in 2021? Did you know that in 2018, six people died? In 2019, twenty people died. In 2020 during the pandemic lockdown, there were 26 deaths from fireworks.

John C Morley (06:12):

And in 2021, there were nine deaths. So, you might say, we're doing better. Well, I wouldn't say we're doing better because we went 6, 20, 26, and 9; it might get worse; we don't know. But still, fireworks are a problem, okay? An estimated 8,500 firework-related injuries, or 74% of the total estimated fireworks-related injuries in 2021, occurred during the first month between June 18th and July 18th. I mean, just those emergency room visits of 11,500. I mean, that is pretty serious. So, the question you might be asking yourself is, let's talk about sparklers first. Our sparklers are legal in New Jersey. So, the law created a special quote-unquote exemption. And that exemption was for certain types of devices, keeping out all the other fireworks and making them illegal. So, the current law permits devices such as handheld sparklers and ground-based sparkles, and novelty items, including party poppers and snappers, to be considered legal.

John C Morley (07:29):

So aerial fireworks such as firecrackers, bottle rockets, roman candles, and similar devices remain illegal in New Jersey. And the state law also restricts the sale of sparklers to those only having to be over the age of 16 because of that burn, you know, a condition that we're all concerned about. So how about in Florida? So, there are some novelties that are legal all year round in Florida, including things like sparklers and party poppers. However, an idiot flies in the air and explodes or makes a particular audible sound because it also could cause damage to your hearing. And the permanent loss will likely to consider legal in three days.

John C Morley (08:19):

So that's interesting. I mean, that kind of blows my mind. So, consumer fireworks, according to fire Florida laws, are firecrackers, bottle rockets, rowing candles, aerial fireworks, and fountains. So, when our fireworks were legal in Florida, well, in 2020, Florida's governor Ron DeSantis signed a law allowing Floridians to light off fireworks on three holidays in Florida, the 4th of July, New Year's Eve, and New Year's Day. Let me say those again. That is the 4th of July, New Year's Eve, and New Year's Day. On these three holidays only, you can light up as many Roman candles and consumer legal area fireworks as you'd like, but you may still want to proceed with caution to minimize the risk of personal injury. There are some novelty fireworks that are available all year round in Florida. So, it's best to understand your specific state because the laws from Florida to New Jersey are quite different, ladies and gentlemen.

John C Morley (09:38):

Really different. So, there's a new trend that is emerging, and that trend is this, drones replacing fireworks. Now, you might say to make John, what are you talking about? Like, that sounds like that actually sounds; I mean, that sounds nut. So, imagine this, drones being carefully choreographed and deployed so they could create a light show. Now, of course, there are additional options, like whether you want your drone to have a safe payload drop of maybe confetti or some other safe item. Maybe you want it to drop smoke or have a laser light show or things like that. That's all possible. And so, how does all this work? First of all, I want to let you know that drone fireworks or the, let's say, the replacement of the regular fireworks to what they're going to call drone fireworks, are really not fireworks at all.

John C Morley (10:40):

It's really a laser light show. And so, they use very specialized software that is very similar to video editing software, which will allow you to put what you want, choreograph the way you want it to be, and then the software sends out the appropriate signals to the correct drones in certain groups. Pretty cool, right? So, you might be asking the question of how does a show work? Well, first of all, it's not AI-powered. All the drones are not self-aware and know where they are strictly by the commands they're being sent; there is no other way, and the specific commands sent to them they can't deviate from. So, the process of creating a show for drones, it's not quite that easy. It takes a lot of time. The paths have to be synchronized, and a lot more goes into this.

John C Morley (11:45):

So, our drone's going to replace fireworks. Firework shows are increasingly criticized for their negative environmental impact, noise pollution, damage to your ears, pollution, and other waste. They're also causing tremendous concern to military veterans who experience post-traumatic stress disorder, PTSD. And in many locations, firework displays have been banned altogether due to the increased risks of wildfires. So that might be a reason, but why are we not seeing more drone firework-type shows? Well, that's a great question that comes down to something interesting. High-cost need for regulatory approval. We know how the FBA FAA is expensive, limited labor intensive, and lacks efficient show design tools. There's not a lot out there. And the safety requirements, making sure that the flight paths or roll away from people and the things like there are redundancy radios so that if one radio goes down the whole show us in a loss, but also somebody's life is not put at risk.

John C Morley (13:02):

I say these are things that we have to understand when we think about a drone show. How much does a cost? Well, a typical small firework display can start at $2,000 and can range up to 5 or $10,000. The best way to think about this is if you're doing it in quantity, they can range anywhere from 350 to $900 per drone. So, let's assume you get the lowest price and let's say you do a nice light show of maybe 50 drones; you're looking at $17,500. So, of course, the show's designed complexity will affect this. Any airspace authorizations and permits and regulatory compliance it has to be obtained. Shipping logistics, crew travel, and any accommodations. But you know what's good about drone-type fireworks? They can be tested, and they can be reused over and over again. In fact, one of the companies that does this says that their minimum show is just about $20,000 because, you know, a lot goes into this. And now that there's not a lot of software out there, I think that will definitely change.

John C Morley (14:15):

And whether you want those other payloads on there like confetti or things like that, each drone, you know, is basically one part of the show. Do you know what drone firework replacement is? Like you've ever been to a super bowl game, or you've ever been to a crowd, and they have a sign like maybe it's a pep rally, and it might say something like, you know, go team. Or might something say something like it may be something very simple like a welcome home, right? So, they have everybody in the right position. Now, I'm not just talking about having a W and E; I'm not talking about that. I'm talking about where there might be 30 or 40 students that might represent the letter W and E in each letter representative, respectively. But the way that works is you get all these people together and give them numbers.

John C Morley (15:13):

You say if you're a number if all the numbers get this letter, right? Or you can have people count off in, let's say, you know, that to make the letter H let's say it's going to take X people. So, you might say that everyone from one to a hundred should grab an H pretty easily, right? And you can orchestrate it that way. And then when certain music beats happen, well, then you have your magic, or you have your drone. In this case, I'll call it the manual drone because it's just basically like a flip chart or holding a sign. And that might seem very simple, but you don't realize the amount of effort that has to go into doing that and all the practice, drones do everything on the computer, and maybe they'll do one test light.

John C Morley (16:09):

There isn't a lot of practice that has to go into it. So how many drones do you need for a show? So, they have developed a Guinness World record for the largest number of drones currently being held by Intel, with 2066 simultaneous airborne drones in performance. That's pretty amazing, with some pretty astounding results. But it doesn't take thousands of drones to create compelling content. You could do it with ten or five, right? So, it depends on what you're trying to do. One reason why early drone shows focused on large numbers is that the drones were not very bright and did not accurately hold positions. We are getting better with technology. They're being able to last longer. The lights they're using are better. And the content design for the drones can now fill a volume of space to eliminate it.

John C Morley (17:14):

And this is why they have required so many drones; rather than just drawing a straight line with an individual drone, a rectangle was drawn and filled with drones. So, you know, it's very interesting. The number of drones required depends on exactly what you're trying to achieve. Complex logos, positioning effects, et cetera. The more intricate and elaborate the shape, the more drones you're going to need. And, of course, the more effects. And so, the more you have, the more you can imagine your cost will go up. And, of course, it's proportionate to the audience size. If you have an audience size, it's only 50 people; you won't need that many drones. If you have an audience that's going to be like 5 or 10,000, well, you'll need more drones. That said, it doesn't take a large number of drones, in fact. For small then, as I was saying, you can have 5, 10, or the going number now for most types of town events is going to be 50 drones.

John C Morley (18:10):

So, as I was saying to you guys, before 50 drones, and you take 50 drones, and you basically pay for that deployment, you're looking at $17,000. But you have to realize this other cost too. Like, you know, there can be logistical costs that are not included in that. So, it's really important to understand your budget. Our drone shows safe, yeah. If the professional teams are hired and the right permits are obtained, absolutely. But everyone out there is not operating the way they should be. In order to use a drone to make money in a business, you have to be licensed. You also have to know where you can fly and not fly. And you also have to use high-quality drones, not the, you know, dollar 99. And there isn't a dollar 99 drone, but you know what I'm saying, you don't want the drone that you're going to buy for $99.

John C Morley (19:09):

So, compliance with the FAA regulations and the use of commercial pilots and checklists is essential. It's not a luxury; it's essential. And the culture of safety and contributing to a safe and successful show is really important to have a safe, elaborate, and great show. Where are we going next? Early drone shows will consist of a series of simple graphics that will transition from one to another, much like a marching band. Improved design, tools, and control will allow software and newer software to come out, and there'll be more competitors, and drone shows will become even more impressive as designers push the boundaries. So, we are just at the beginning of launching this rocket to get on this ride, but this is a huge potential for many companies that want to get into this space. So definitely a lot to share with you, and I hope if any of you guys are in that space, definitely reach out to us.

John C Morley (20:12):

We would love to talk to some drone pilots and hear firsthand what it takes to put on a show, the tying, the efforts, and the true costs. Alright, everyone, let's get onto our next topic. So, Google's up on the map again, yeah. Google boy, Google YouTube content providers must face the US children's privacy lawsuit. What's this all about, John? Well, Google thinks because, you know, they have so much money, they can do whatever they want. But on December 28th, a US Appeal Court revived a lawsuit accusing alphabet inks, a subsidiary of Google, and some other companies are violating children's privacy under the 13 law by tracking their YouTube activity without parental consent in order to send them targeted advertising. Now, the ninth US Circuit Court of Appeals in Seattle said Congress did not intend to preempt state law-based privacy claims by adopting the Federal Children's Online Privacy Protection Act or Copa. The law gives the Federal Trade Commission and State Attorney Generals, but not private plaintiffs, the authority to regulate the online collection of personal data about children under age 13. The lawsuit alleged that Google's data collection violated similar state laws and that YouTube's content providers, such as Hasbro, Mattel, the Cartoon Network, and DreamWorks animations, mysteriously lured children to their channels knowing they would be tracked.

John C Morley (22:00):

That's pretty bad. In 2021, US District Judge Beth Labson in San Francisco dismissed a lawsuit saying the federal privacy law preempted the plaintiff's claims under California, Colorado, Indiana, Massachusetts, New Jersey, and Tennessee Laws. But in Wednesday's 3-0 decision, circuit Judge Margaret McEwen said, the federal law's wording made it nonsensical to assume Congress intended to bar the plaintiffs from invoking state law targeting the same alleged misconduct. So, I think what happens, ladies and gentlemen is nobody really cares until it causes a problem to oppose a threat. Until p people see how much money is being exploited. It's not about the kids; it's not about their safety. It's that when people are making so much money off it, and they see it's a violation, now they want to go after it. They weren't making any money. Well, they wouldn't have cared so much, but that's really how our world operates.

John C Morley (23:00):

I'm not in agreement with that, but that is how a lot of our world operates. We have been talking, ladies and gentlemen, for a very long time about TikTok. Was the US going to ban TikTok? Well, good news. The US bans TikTok from government devices. It was speculated about a month ago, but now it is actually a reality. TikTok has been officially banned from electronic devices managed by the US House of Representatives. According to the internal notice sent to the House staff, users to install a short-form video app on any house mobile device will be asked to remove the software according to the notice, which was provided to CNN by the office of the Chief Administrative Officer. So, the notice identifies that TikTok is, quote-unquote, a high risk to users due to a numerous amount of security risks. This is a problem.

John C Morley (23:55):

The US government is soon expected to ban TikTok, and as I said, this happened, including the 1.7 trillion Audi bus bill awaiting present Joe Biden's signature. So, we didn't know what was going to happen. It looks like the government is concerned about what TikTok is doing and might be exploiting not only them but maybe the American people. Yeah, I think that is definitely a challenge. I mean a real challenge, but more on TikTok, TikTok's parent company admits people from the US, including some reporters, were being tracked. That ladies and gentlemen are, I'm going to say that, ruthless.

John C Morley (24:52):

But is this enough? And would TikTok's parent company, Byte Dance, have really stepped in and done some, did something if they weren't under fire to do something? Is it the main reason, or did they really care? I have to say to you that I don't think they care. I think it's because we put a microscope under them, and that's why they started to come clean. And that's why they realize that if they don't come clean, they might be subject to a lot of unnecessary high buys. So, we'll have to keep an eye on TikTok and what they're doing, but you guys all know we can't trust them. And so, it's just interesting to know what's going on. And I'll say the same thing I want to say to you. I've said many times if you put something on social media, don't put things out there that you don't want out there.

John C Morley (25:53):

So, what you put out there should not be confidential, should not be private, should not be personal, and the nature that if it gets into the wrong hands, it could potentially cause people to stalk you, people to exploit you, and all crazy things. Okay? I believe that Byte Dance is just trying to bite its tongue, and they are trying to stay below the limelight because they know that it's wrong. And I feel just another step or two could permanently get that application banned from the United States of America. I mean, if the government bans it. Now, I know we're talking about freedom of speech and things like this, but if it's an issue for national security, and there had been speculation that TikTok might grab information off your phone that hasn't been proven, even though they say you don't allow it, do they? We don't know that yet, but I feel that if just one more or another step or two gets in the wrong direction and they get their hand caught in the cookie jar, I think the next step is they're going to be banned.

John C Morley (27:08):

This may not happen this year, it could happen a few years later, but I just feel if they don't change their ways, there isn't going to be a TikTok anymore. So, I think they've got to shape up, or the US will ship them out. All right? No pun intended there, ladies and gentlemen. So, when we're thinking about innovations, you know, Google, as much as we love Google and they brought us things, and they were the forerunners for one of the primer search engines after the tech-based search engines that came from the labs, Google is not always forthright with us, okay? And we have to give credit a lot of the AI boom to Google, which created much of the foundational technology. But this year, Google kept most of its AI experiments private, but they got one up by open AI this Year, as well as the makers of Mid journey and stable diffusion, which released public-facing products that allowed millions of people to experience generative AI for themselves.

John C Morley (28:22):

See Facebook and also Google; they designed things not to help you or me; they designed things because they want to capitalize and monopolize on people and then charge a lot of money for it. So, the effects of generative AI are still not quite known. Some people argue that these apps will destroy millions of jobs. Other people say that they'll be a real boom to human creativity. But whether you're for AI as an optimist or a pessimist this year, advances mean that we are no longer debating theoretical costs and benefits. The tools have arrived, and we can now get to decide how to use them. So, the question is, will Facebook and Google be so crypto in the way? And I don't mean cryptocurrency; I mean crypto in the way that they don't share anything.

John C Morley (29:22):

I think by us having technology that is open and people can be part of, like the chat GPT, the DIO-E2, the system that lets you create digital images by what you want to see, and the GPT-3, that's the GPT-3 with mind-boggling fluency natural language system. So, I think right now, the tools are out there. So definitely, Google did give us a push, and I will give them credit for that. However, I believe that what Google does, doesn't do it for the greater good of everybody. And this is not just Google; this is everyone out; there are all these big social companies. I believe that they do this. I mean, I'm talking about Twitter, I'm talking about Instagram, Facebook not really sure about LinkedIn because, you know, LinkedIn, I'm not sure if you guys know, but LinkedIn was brought up by Microsoft, and they kind of try to keep that under wraps. LinkedIn kind of tries to stay the status quo. They really try not to buck things.

John C Morley (30:35):

But when companies like these big names and now Amazon getting into the mix with now trying to create their own casting, I mean, when is enough? How many things can we let people get involved in, and when will it be seen as a monopoly? Or are they just going to cleverly disguise things because they have so much money and they can create other companies and, you know, have them be like drop companies or shell companies that they just filter money through? Not illegally, but they keep the entity known as another company. They get investors. People don't know until a long time down the road that they're actually owned by the same people we're trying to keep the monopoly away from. So, I know, ladies and gentlemen, that technology is a tool. You guys all know this, and technology itself is not good. It's not bad.

John C Morley (31:44):

In fact, Google was the one many years ago that said they don't even trust themselves. Now that's pretty interesting. Google said many years ago, I remember being at a convention in New York, we don't trust ourselves, which is why we camp with a chip that goes on the board. And if we don't see the chip, we don't communicate. So, their own software doesn't trust them. That's a little strange, a little strange if you ask me, but we'll keep an eye on these guys in 2023. Don't you worry? All right. So, imagine putting a device on a piece of equipment; it could be a bike, a tool, a trailer RV, an expensive textbook, or maybe a boat.

John C Morley (32:41):

And imagine that that device is able to be tracked, which can happen today. But now let's presume that bad actors get after that data, and now they can potentially steal or affect where that particular, let's say, the path is going. Now you might say, John, this is a little farfetched. I'm here to tell you it's not farfetched. I'm here to tell you that in our world today, we have people that are doing this. We have people that have minds that think it's okay to do this. And Apple has responded with a firmer update to prevent stalking. This is very hot. So, they use something called air tag, which lets users track personal items like the key's wallet person, also bigger things, backpacks, and luggage, and that can be used through the fine by an app. Now, air tags tests last April were pretty successful. And they also wrote back that there were many stories of air tags being instrumental in helping people connect with things of value that they might have lost. So, air tag and the Find My app, a customer who maybe lost his wallet on the subway was able to track it down or the station across town, and it was really very beneficial. Erica's tag was designed to help people locate their personal belongings, not to track people or another person's property.

John C Morley (34:44):

And doing that would be against the terms, and it would be malicious. So unwanted tracking has long been a problem in our society. And it looks like the people at apple responded, which I'm happy to hear. So, this was a design flaw, which is why the Find my network is built with Privacy in Mind. So, users' end-to-end encryption and why they innovated the first-ever proactive system to now alert you of unwanted tracking. They're hoping this will start an industry trend for others to provide this proactive warning. So will they become aware that individuals can receive unwanted tracking alerts for non-valid reasons, such as when borrowing someone's keys with an air tag attached or when traveling in a car with a family member's Air Pod left inside? We also see reports of bad actors misusing their air tags for malicious criminal purposes.

John C Morley (35:52):

So, Apple has been working closely with various safety groups and law enforcement agencies to develop this. And so every air tag has a unique serial number, and paired air tags are associated with an Apple id. Apple can provide the paired account details in response to a subpoena. So, this means that your air tag can now be tracked, but now they're getting a little more serious with how they're being associated. So, let's just say hypothetically, you bought an air tag, and you decide to put it on a person, and now that person is suddenly being tracked, that's stalking.

John C Morley (36:48):

And so, advancements coming to Air tag are the following new privacy warnings during the air tag setup in incoming software updates; every user setting up the air tag for the first time, we'll see a message that clearly states that the air tag is meant to track their own belongings. Using air tags to track people without consent is a crime in many regions worldwide. And that air tag is designed to be detected by victims. And law enforcement can request identifying information about the owner of the air tag. So, if you're going to an airport and you suddenly have an air tag, let's say, on you or in your bag, and it's not your air tag, that might raise some concerns. Not so much that you'll be in trouble, but someone else will be because they'll be able to track that air tag back to someone's Apple id.

John C Morley (37:46):

So, addressing alert issues for iPods, Air Pods, and iPods, they've heard users who have reported receiving an unknown accessory detected alert and confirm this alert will not display if the air tag is detected near you; only Air Pod third generations. Basically, we're having this issue, and in the same offer-up software update, we'll be updating alert users indicating Air Pods have been traveling instead of unknown accessories. So, this is one interesting thing that they're doing. So, you're going to be able to know that there is a device around you. So that's pretty cool. And so, investigating how this will work, so if one of those devices around you, when you have the device or your device, is going to alert you that something could be tracking you because you probably want to know that the device was placed there. So, I think that's a great thing.

John C Morley (38:44):

You can even turn the air tags sound on; currently, the iOS users will receive an unwanted tracking alert and can play a sound to help them find the unknown air tag, and they'll be adjusting the tone sequence to use more of the loudest tones. So, for example, whatever you're doing for whatever reason, you now can have peace of mind that someone is attempting to track you. You see, a lot of times this can happen because I'm going to say maybe it could be an ex-boyfriend, an ex-girlfriend, it could be a partner in a marriage.

John C Morley (39:29):

And although you don't think this is wrong, if you don't have somebody's permission to track them, that is a serious, I mean, a really serious problem. A very serious problem. So serious, ladies and gentlemen, that I believe it can really shed some light. I'm talking about a big thing. Imagine going somewhere, and all of a sudden, you're at the airport, and you see what's going on, and by now, you got this notice that you're being tracked; how's that going to make you feel? Purge, you're going to wonder who the heck that is. And again, they can get subpoenaed and things like that. So, I think there are a lot of benefits there. And now that we know this, hopefully, this encourages people not to track others. Again, it is not meant to track people unless they have permission.

John C Morley (40:49):

It is meant to track things. That's what it is about, ladies and gentlemen, about tracking belongings. Keys, wallet, could be clothing, could be boat, but not a person. All right? So those are some great enhancements that I definitely want to give a hat off to Apple for doing something in the safety room. I don't give Apple kudos all the time, but I definitely want to give them a head off because this is something that is so vital, ladies and gentlemen, that I think could really affect your life. I mean, now that you know this is out there, I hope this will get people to not even think about doing this because stalking is illegal, okay? And I figure it's important to share this. You know, we've had a great expert on our show. He is amazing.

John C Morley (41:53):

He's been on several times before. And Dr. Michael Nuchitelli, he's an amazing guy, and I'm sure he'll be on our show again this year. We'll probably bring him on more about technology with stalking and things like that. But what is stalking? So stalking is a pattern of repeated and unwanted attention, harassment contact, or any other course of conduct directed at a specific person that would cause a reasonable person to feel fear. According to the Department of Justice, similar to Crimes of Sexual Violence, stalking is about power and control. So, if, let's just say a neighbor contact you, and you tell them not to contact you, they contact you again, but you don't feel fear. Well, that's not stalking, okay? If they keep contacting you and they're after something, well then you might feel fear, okay? If you feel fear, I encourage you to file a report to your local law enforcement and file a report.

John C Morley (42:56):

And if it is something about fear of your life, then they'll issue a temporary restraining order. So it's not something to be fooled around with and something that I hope people out there listen to, and if they're already bad actors, listen to our show. I hope you'll curb your ways and know that technology is changing to get people out to hurt each other. I've told you before that technology is here to help each other and improve their lives. It's not there to harm them. It's not there to make people fearful. It's there to give us peace of mind. People can use technology for good; people can use technology for bad. My question is, how are you choosing to use your technology? So, if you have one of the new air tags, make sure that you definitely update it. Basically, so Apple Personal doesn't offer a way to update air.

John C Morley (44:00):

But you can check your firmware number in the Find My App item section. So generally, what you're able to do is you can obviously look at it, for example, like a 1.0 or things like that, so if you're still asking me how to update your air tag. And so you can open the Find my app, tap the items tab, select your air tag and the list of items, tap the name of your air tag and the serial number, and the firmware version will appear. So, you'll notice that air tags have someone called Last Seen Message. Air tag doesn't actively broadcast their location directly to your phone. Their specific whereabouts are only updated when another device using the Find My Network passes within proximity of them. Okay? So, what to do if you have old air tag firmware?

John C Morley (45:18):

So how do you get the latest one? So, I guess the question is right now. So, the firmware update has started gradually. But when you update the software app for Apple's item tracker, it can be easy and hard. So, you don't have to jump through hoops, but you just have to understand the control process. So, the air tags update is a little of a mystery. Many people like to make sure their gear is always up to date. Nothing wrong with that. The previous Air Tech firmware was in November of 2022. It was 2.0.24, and the new version is 2.0.36. And so basically, starting around December 16th, apple started releasing these updates. Only 25% of the trackers can install the new version now, but it will be able to be installed on them very soon.

John C Morley (46:21):

Unfortunately, there's no way to know what was changed in the 203 because Apple doesn't make release notes available for this type of update. So, you can't manually start a firmware update on the air tag. I'm sorry to tell you that all you can do is put the tracker near the iPhone as paired with and wait. Keep in mind that air tags on items like luggage that are in storage, you'll need to put them near your iPhone long enough to install the new firmware, which will happen automatically. So just saying that if you put stuff on things in the storage compartment, they may not readily communicate with you until they have updated how to check on the air tag firmer updates. One more time. Open the Find my application on the iPhone or the iPad. Go to the items tab, and tap on the air tag in the list of items.

John C Morley (47:12):

Here's the tricky part. Tap on the battery icon for the air tag. If it doesn't show with you, that will display the air tag serial number and the firmer version. So again, tap on the battery icon for the air tag. If that's not showing, tap on With You Now, the piece that you can see, and then that will display the actual serial number and the firmware agent. So, Apple's Tracker debuted running in 1.0.225, but they have had quite a few firmer updates. And so, I think what yield at least appreciate with the air tag is that it was meant to keep us safe as individuals. It was never meant to be a tool to facilitate stalking. Alright, so I've got one more topic to talk to you guys about today. And this is one I think you guys are going to really appreciate.

John C Morley (48:13):

It's the five goals I should say of actually I've said it, but I've goal setting. So, here are the five Ps of goal setting. So first of all, if you have a dream, it's not a goal yet. If you have a dream and schedule it, it becomes a goal. So, let's talk about the five Ps of goal setting before we wrap up. In this last show of the Year, you need to have passion, and I don't mean passion from your mind; I mean passion from your heart, which you can feel with every single cell, muscle, and bone in your body. You got to be persistent; you've got to plan. Failing to plan is playing to fail, okay? People and positivity that is so key. Now you might say, John, but it's not working.  I get it.

John C Morley (49:11):

It's not working. But having that attitude of being positive will allow you to open the doors when those opportunities come before you. I'm going to end on a great note with a very amazing coach, and he said something; I'm not sure if you guys know these great moments are born from great opportunity. That one's her brook speech. And I'm going to read what he said, and I'll quote, great moments are born from great opportunities. That's what you have here tonight, boys. That's what you've earned here tonight. If you play them 10 times in one game, they might win nine, but not tonight. Their time is done.

John C Morley (50:03):

Pretty impressive, powerful speech. So, in order for you to celebrate those great moments, you've got to be open to those opportunities. Not every opportunity is going to be a great moment, but start embracing great opportunities, and you'll start seeing those great moments. Happy, healthy New Year to everyone. Happy, healthy holidays. Make sure that you definitely write down your goals, and let's make 2023 your best year ever. And I can't wait, ladies and gentlemen, to see you guys next year with a whole new set of episodes for the JMOR Tech Talk show. Happy, healthy new year. Remember, ladies and gentlemen, don't drink and drive. Be safe, drink responsibly, have fun, and create traditions. If you don't have one, go ahead and create some. They connect us. They help us move up Maslov's hierarchy of needs pyramid. They connect our family. They give us purpose; they give us the feeling of belonging to a unit, family, or group. Happy New Year, everyone. Take care.


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