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Hello, everyone, it's that time for the JMOR tech talk show. Where we answer questions about technology, explain the way they should work and why they don't sometimes. And now, here's your host, john C. Morley.
John C. Morley: So they're going to be able to have that. And because they're going to have what they call BVLOS, which is another acronym, we'd love to have acronyms in the technology space, and it stands for beyond visual line of sight. That's a BVLOS. I don't think too many people are going to be calling it a BVLOS. I don't know. So they're saying that the BVLOS is going to be a game changer for the drone industry. Because now they're going to be able to inspect areas of their farm that might often get overlooked.
Marcus: Yeah, yeah, when you can see those tiny locations, or that's kind of like far hidden off all the time, and you can get to them and then you can get a clearer image of those areas. You know, I think that's really going to simulate, you know, stimulate, you know, a lot of more healthier growth, for the overall, you know, for all of the crops, you know, not just for those areas, once you take care of those areas, you're going to see the rest of the areas fluster more.
John C. Morley: But let's talk about the cost. So, you know, I always like to get into that. A typical drone, a typical drone in US dollars, that is able to, you know, do some, you know, basic tasks such as your spraying and stuff like that. We're sitting right in and have a basic, you know, camera on there. We're looking right around $18,000.
Marcus: Wow. So I'm wondering, you know, compared to the airplane, you know, is this going to be a lot less?
John C. Morley: Yeah, so that that's my concern, because when you think about what farm equipment would normally cost, they're saying it's going to take about three years roughly, to be able to pay for a drone. Now, they're just saying a drone. They're not saying multiple drones. So I don't know. And they're saying that the equipment actually has now dropped in price. This is where it was a few years ago, it's dropped down to maybe just around 10 grand. So that makes it a lot easier for a small farmer to be able to, you know, see their ROI, or be able to invest in a second drone. The drone never gets sick. But I'm sure drones have breakdowns. We don't talk about that very much. The other concern I have is for the animals, like the birds and other creatures out there, do they know to stay away from the drone?
Marcus: That's an interesting question.
John C. Morley: It's very interesting.
Marcus: Yeah, because we know sometimes birds get caught up in the propellers of airplanes sometimes. So, a head on collision with a drone, anybody?
John C. Morley: Yeah, and I think with the plane, though, it happens for a slightly different reason. It almost has like a force that pulls it backwards, okay, into it. So if it's too close, it'll kind of suck it right in and then cause more damage. With this the propellers are going around. And if they're flying, and the bird doesn't see it, it could literally just fly too low. And, you know, have a problem because it flies right into one of the propellers. So operators and manufacturers are now starting to make the case for these restrictions to be lifted because there are a lot of restrictions that argue that the BVLOS flying would be a game changer if the drone industry and that is safe because of developments in onboard safety technology. Hey, they read my mind. So I think they're trying to go that way. But we're not there yet. And that's going to be things like sense and avoid systems such as what you'd find on your car. If you get too close to the side or the front of your car, the back of the car starts to beep Then the closer you get, it beeps louder, and then has lights. So the more lights that Come on, you know that you're getting close. And when that beep changes to a different tone, well, you know, you're going to hit something very quickly. So you better put the card in reverse or change course in your direction. But I think safety's going to be a big concern. And I don't think this is something they're going to come up with overnight, right?
Marcus: No, not at all. It's going to take a lot more than just a one day, a couple of months to figure this thing out.
John C. Morley: So I'm really happy to see where we're going. But I know that if this goes where it's supposed to, it's going to take a lot more than one drone. I think farmers aren't going to start buying this, this is my opinion, until it starts getting around the $3,000, $4,000 mark, I think a 10 $11,000 mark is a lot for a small farmer.
Marcus: Yeah, definitely became up front. So like you said, bringing down the cause. Maybe it makes sense, especially if you got a good ROI with this thing.
John C. Morley: Yeah, and the company that's actually been working with this with a lot of farmers is called Adama, A-D-A-M-A, Ltd. And their job is that they're one of the world's leading crop protection companies. Did you even know that we had something like that. A crop protection company. So I guess the job that they have is to make sure that the farmers, livestock and their produce and their plants don't get damaged, and that they are always fertile, and they produce and they're able to have a return on their investment.
Marcus: Well, that's definitely a good thing. And again, as long as these guys do the homework, and they continue to reveal what the reports are saying, I think we've got a thumbs up on this.
John C. Morley: Yeah, I do, too. But again, I'm happy to see that drones are being used in an area that's not just for only delivering packages, like for Walmart and for Amazon. So I'm very happy with this potential breakthrough and where it's going. So I'm happy about that. But in other news, Google is settling a case for 3.83 million.
Marcus: Holy moly.
John C. Morley: yeah. You have to wonder, you know if they're going to settle, they're wrong.
Marcus: Yeah, automatically.
John C. Morley: And so Google's going to pay 3.8 million to settle allegations that was discriminating against women and Asians announced in the US Department of Labor. Now, I'm sorry, I just don't play that way to discriminate against anyone race, religion, sexual orientation, gender. I mean, that's just wrong, color, political denomination. What are they thinking? I mean, what did these companies think Marcus? Because they have so much money, they can just do whatever they want?
Marcus: That is what it sounds like, I think they was...
John C. Morley: I might have lost you there Marcus.
Marcus: They tend to go by their own routine and then ignore what supposed to be, supposed to be. So this is why they get hit with these lawsuits. And you know, big.
John C. Morley: if they would just take the responsibility Marcus and own up in the beginning, and not be such like pompous fools. I think people would have more respect for them. And I also believe that they would be more of a profitable company. I mean, these companies don't have an issue with revenue, but I'm sure this is hurting them a little bit.
Marcus: Yes, definitely. I mean, it's hurting their reputation. It's you know, more so than their pocketbooks. And the more these cases, they got to settle out. It's going to make people turn their heads a little bit, a little bit more. And you know, they are going to have to really start answering the questions of those who are inquiring about what's really going on.
John C. Morley: Exactly. And speaking about, you know, big players, Tim Cook. We all know Tim Cook from Apple may have just ended Facebook looks like he's no more Mr. Nice Guy. What is he thinking? In his recent speech in Brussels, you know, marking international data privacy day, the Apple CEO, Tim Cook went on the offensive against Mark Zuckerberg, and Facebook, and Cooks' speech seem to be a direct response to Facebook's recent attack on Apple, and where they're going in the world of the largest social networking tool. Well, because of Apple's new privacy changes, but what's most interesting is that Cook took a direct aim at Facebook, without ever mentioning the company by name. That's below the bell. Why can't these companies and I’ve said this before, learn to play in the same sandbox together?
Marcus: It's a big ego thing. It's a big, I got the big bank account too. And I want to take you down, you know, if you're not going to play by or respect me in this matter.
John C. Morley: it was like that girl a long time ago, she would say, you know, it's my party, and I’ll cry if I want to. And I’ll just cry. I don't know what these people are thinking. But it also takes me back to something that I remember when I was talking to a doctor not too long ago, many years ago, actually. He had a very pompous attitude. And I just said to him, and he was only a couple years older than me. And when I said something to him, he was very nasty. So I made a comment to him, that, you know, you're just wanting to put me in surgery, by the way, I didn't do surgery. But he was like, yeah, we're going to need to do surgery. And I said, I don't think I really need surgery. And I think you're just looking to finance your new sports car for yourself or your significant other. He just kind of stopped. Didn't say anything. And I said, you know, Doc, I said, regardless of whether you're a couple years older, younger than me, which you are, I put my slacks on the same way you do every morning, left foot, right foot, or right foot, left foot. Why are we so different?
Marcus: It's the elite attitude.
John C. Morley: I find this a lot. And I have respect for surgeons, but there's some out there, Marcus that they're playing the god complex, aren't they? You know, like I saved your life. Well, let's talk about a person that flies a plane, right? He saved your life too by getting you there safely. But he doesn't have that high and mighty attitude. All these people are going to be brought down. Because you know, they fly high for a long time. And they're going to make one mistake, and I don't wish it on anybody, but they're going to make that one mistake. And they're not going to be able to get out of it. And the insurance is probably going to cover them on malpractice. And then their malpractice is going to go up and they're going to be like, Look, you do this again, we're going to drop your coverage. I think it has to hit them really in the heart. And what I mean heart I mean the heart of their wallet.
Marcus: Yeah, once they see that the riches are rolling backwards instead of forwards. I think they will start to wake up a little bit. You know, or at least panic a little bit and start to smell the roses. But this is just a typical, this is what we've been dealing with for countless generations, just these type of people that we have groomed to take over and these companies.
John C. Morley: Now Tim Cook was never a bad guy, but I think he was really pushed. I don't think it was really in him to do this. But Mark, you know, really sent him some messages that I don't think were too kind or professional.
Marcus: Okay, that sounds a lot like Mark.
John C. Morley: Mark was, you know, this kid for a long time when he first started the company said he didn't care about money, but he had this attitude that was just like, you know, I'm mightier than anything. And whatever I want is what goes, just as respect for people. I mean, you remember the movie. I'm not going to get into that on the show. But that movie and how he took someone else's idea. And then he just blew it off like it was nothing. And he treated his friends like dirt. And they were trying to help him succeed. And all he kept doing Marcus was just stepping on people to get to the top. I mean, some people do that. But I don't think that's the right way. Because if you step on them, going to the top, well, you're going to have to trip over them when you go down.
Marcus: Exactly. And no one's going to catch you.
John C. Morley: And you can see his eyes in this picture that he's really not happy with the statements he's having to make. But he's doing it because he's defending himself. If somebody hits you, I know we're always taught to turn the other cheek. But how many times are you going to turn the other cheek If somebody hits you in the stomach? I mean, eventually, you're going to slug them, right? You're not going to say, Hey, you know, you hit me. Oh, yeah, I want to just keep turning the other cheek. I don't ever want to hit you. Hey, look, you hit me again, I'm going to show, I'm going to knock you out.
Marcus: Right, either that or someone messed up. And I don't think anybody want any messed-up guts.
John C. Morley: No. So I think this is just the beginning of where things are going to go. And it's going to get very messy as the months evolve.
Marcus: Yeah, it is.
John C. Morley: I think we might even be seeing another lawsuit. And possibly, there's a very good shot, that Mr. Zuckerberg could be removed. I'm not saying definitely, but if he doesn't watch his step, he may be removed to protect that company. And let's face it, Mark does not own the entire company of Facebook. Yes, a good percentage of it. And if that company is going to go down, you think they're going to be just keeping mark up there, because they're his best friend? No way. If the company is going down, they're going to get rid of him, or at least demote him.
Marcus: Yeah, cause at this point, he has been very wild. And he has just as many beefs as rappers. And he got pretty out of hand.
John C. Morley: He's got a loaded gun. And he doesn't know what size bullet he has, or what chamber he's using, or that it's even an automatic or a manual. He is just so, I guess captivated with the fact that he is who he is. And he can just do what he wants. And it's almost like, he has this kid complex. And I don't like to say that. But he's acting like he's almost a teenager.
Marcus: Yeah, I get a lot of those biases as well.
John C. Morley: And so I feel that Mark really needs to wake up. And maybe this might be the best thing to ever happen to him. So that he starts treating other people fairly, and actually run this business, like a business, and not a Romper Room company that just does whatever Mark feels like it.
Marcus: That's true. And the thing about it is the way he's trending right now, I don't think that's going to happen. So, yeah, fortunately, I don't think it's going to happen.
John C. Morley: You know, when you think about all these things, you know, connecting with people Marcus, especially now with the pandemic. It's not so much what happens in your life. And I think we've said this before. It's how you choose to respond to the situation in your life, whether it's relationship, whether it's business, doesn't matter what it is. It's how you respond, that shapes your character, and shows the world what kind of person you are. Because nobody expects their life to be 100% perfect every single second of the day of their life, we can always look at things positively and come out of those situations. But I don't think we can all say that every second of our life had the highest possibility to it. But those that know how to respond and get themselves back in a peak performance, it's just like a blip in the road to the markets. And they don't really care. Because it's just one little bad song on the radio, or one little rainstorm outside, because the sun's going to come out, might come out in an hour, if it's in Florida, or it might come out the next day, or it might come out at the end of the week, but that sun's going to shine again. And when it does, it's going to be a better place.
Marcus: I really like that. Those are great words of wisdom.
John C. Morley: Thank you. And when we talk about people, you know, and being able to connect with others. My next guest, I'm very privileged to have with us. His name is Robin Elliott. And he's from Canada. He has trained 1000s of small business owners and sales teams around the world. And he's just a remarkable person, his demeanor on life, the way he does things, and I am really pleased to interview him. Please help me welcome to the JMOR Tech Talk Show, Mr. Robin J. Elliot, to tell us about how people should be networking and connecting with others. Well, Robin, it is a pleasure to have you on the JMOR Tech Talk Show today. An accomplished entrepreneur. And you know, you came from the corporate background, I understand. And I guess you went into the entrepreneurial spirit. How did that happen? Like, where did that transition come from?
Robin J Elliott: I think the final thing was just getting away from all the people out there that are playing politics. You know, it's really a slave market. And I just got tired of the politics and manipulation and inside of a, I don't want to work for a boss anymore. I want to be my own boss, and that was 1987. And never I looked back.
John C. Morley: And that's a really good thing. And I bet you're glad that you made that choice that you probably Wish you made that choice a lot, earlier right?
Robin J Elliott: No, I think you got to be ready for it, I was ready for it. You got to be sick and tired of being sick and tired, you'd be motivated enough. So you know, everything fell into place, and I got the right opportunity. So worked well.
John C. Morley: Now Robin as you know, where it's no surprise, we're all kind of in this pandemic, this lockdown situation. And networking has kind of changed a little bit, hasn't it?
Robin J Elliott: It has Yeah. The beauty is that we have better opportunities now than we had before. And especially if you're working internationally. You know, there's so many good opportunities right now to really enjoy your life and to grow your business online, which wasn't all available before. So if you leverage what you have available to you and what you already have, you know, it's like instead of looking for new things all the time, use what you got, as long as you use the right information to use it to leverage it. And everybody talks about leverage, but very few people really use it.
John C. Morley: So I think the key is having some type of fuel or having some type of plan. But how do you actually network today? What's the right way to network? And what's the wrong way to network? Because you see so many people doing it wrong.
Robin J Elliott: Yeah, they do. They sell, sell, sell. And the key is relationship. So we're out there to farm, we're not there to reap. And I always say to people, look, you want to find people that are already serving the same kind of people that you want to be serving, because you can leverage that relationship. So I look for people that have the same mindset, the same value system and people that are serving the same market that I'm serving, so if they are selling to people that I want to sell to, then I can joint venture with them, then I can leverage that relationship, collaborate with them in a win win situation. And I can because every resource that I need is available through somebody else, instantly and for free. If I do it.
John C. Morley: That's a really powerful thing, Robin is that everything we need to help us become a better person to grow our lives, for our financial network. It's all about really out there, it's on the internet. I mean, it's just accessible because it's just knowing how to harness it and what to use it. But I guess, staying away from some of the traps, I mean, a lot of times you get people that, you know, they persuade you to spend so much money, and there's no guarantee no results. So what do you have to say about that, because I think those are pitfalls for a lot of people that actually might have come from a job, but might not understand what you do, and don't understand those lessons. So they're putting their hard-earned cash out there. And they're not having much to show for it.
Robin J Elliott: Yeah, the key is don't buy it, rent it, or build it, you can borrow it, you can piggyback, you can share what is already out there, every resource that you need, there are underutilized resources, there are people that are reaching certain needs of their clients, but you can reach different needs. So you're not in competition with them. And together, you can enhance the value to the client. So the key is the way that you communicate that to people that you want to joint venture with. And, you know, I spent a lot of time doing this with a lot of people and in my own businesses as well. And I know what doesn't work. The way you approach somebody about this is very important.
John C. Morley: So the approach is important. And I guess the intent is important, too. There's so many people out there that you know, I guess it gives the sales quote unquote person a bad name. They're pushy. And it's like, I guess they do this because they're strapped for cash. And they need sales like tomorrow. And what do you say to somebody like that? Maybe somebody that is really strapped, how do they approach this market and get fast results, because it is a real-world problem, let's face it, but you can't let the rest of the world know what you're doing. I used to tell people many, many years ago, when I was in college, you have to fake it till you make it. And a lot of people didn't agree with me, then they're like, now I see what you're talking about. So what do you feel about that Robin?
Robin J Elliott: Well, there's a lot of fake it till you make it going on. And desperate people do desperate things. So what we want to do is to say, look, what are you really, really good at, and find out if they are good at it before you joint venture with them if you can, because you don't want to be sending the wrong people to your people. So I like to do a little bit of research, if they were with well-known company, it's probably safer. So what we want to do is make sure, first of all, that there is some kind of relationship. And there are platforms to learn to do that. So I want to build some kind of relationship to some kind of a meeting of the minds that I that we feel the same way about things, we have the same kind of values, because good people attract good people. And I'm not looking for desperate people, because I really can't help them. Desperate people should probably get a job, you know, they they're not going to.
John C. Morley: It's like they want to get that sale tomorrow. But it's like, you know, and you get a new salesperson they've never sold before, and you give them a sales quota, you can always tell that new salesperson, it's like, you just can tell. And when you go out there, the people eat them alive, because they just want to make any kind of sale. They don't even care how much profit they're making. They just want to make a sale. And I think sometimes we have to walk away from some sales, don't we?
Robin J Elliott: Yeah, the more selective we get, the less is more. And the more selective we get to the people we work with, and people you know, the things that we sell, the more successful we become. So I always say look, you know, I'm very selective now, the older I get, the more selective I am. But John, for example, you have a good relationship with a lot of people, people trust you, they know you by reputation, you're a very smart guy, very successful, you got seven businesses. So if I wanted to access the people that you working with, let's say I wanted to sell a product or a service to people that you're dealing with. And I was to say to you, you know, John, this is who you are, this is who I am. This is what you do. This is what I do, we know what each other do. If I could ask you, what will it take for you to introduce me to the people that you know, and a system to do that.
John C. Morley: I think that's a great thing. I think a lot of it is about, you know, the relationship which you can't rush it. And I think it's about having sometimes an equal trade, doesn't have to be money, it can be services or partnerships or whatever it is. And just trying to give some equal value, whether it's tips, whether it's a certain type of networking, but I think at the end of the day, it's really about, like you said, understanding what it is you're doing because you don't want to introduce somebody to somebody you are working with for years, because, as I said, there's a couple types of ways that you can connect somebody, you can do what they call an introduction, right? I've met you, I don't know you more than a couple weeks. And I say, Robin, I know Jane, or I know, Bob that does this. I'd like to introduce you together. I don't know them very well. It's not a referral. It's an introduction. And sometimes I think people get confused by what an introduction is, and a referral is, a referral is that I'm basically putting my name on the line to say, look, I trust this person. I've known them well. Yes, you can go to that. And the way I learned this real quick as I had somebody a while back, that said, Gee, john, you know, we had a challenge with this person. I said, Well, I just made an introduction to you. That was not a referral. I only knew that person a week. And I think that's really important. You have to be clear now that this is an introduction. It could become a referral later, but it's an introduction. So I think that's number one, and not trying to push for the referral right up front, maybe go for the introductions, if you can get some of those. Referrals are more when there's going to be a synergy, like you said, a value. And you know, unfortunately, Robin, they don't happen overnight, do they?
Robin J Elliott: That's why it's important to build a relationship. And I want to know somebody before I refer them to anybody. So to me, you know, we should never assume that everybody's doing well, that people don't need money, or that they're not tired of what they're doing. We should never make those assumptions. Most people even though they're doing well, and they retired, they still want to make more money, because they can use that money to help other people. So we should never assume you know, the BS only goes so far, I only believe so much. Everybody would like more money and more successful they are usually the more interested they are. And sometimes I just say to them, Look, if I could create an additional income stream for you, at 100% profit that goes directly to your bottom line, would that be of value to you? Would you consider looking at that?
John C. Morley: I think when you pose the question, and by the way, thank you for the compliment before, I think it comes down to posing it as an offer, and not as something you're demanding. So when I say to you, Robin, this is what I'm thinking about? Or would you consider this would you be open to this, you may be, you may not be. And I think if we treat it like a conversation, it has kind of, I don't want to say no strings attached. But it has a lot less emotional attachment, or commitment. Because eventually that's going to grow as you're in a partnership, but it's going to have a lot less if it's going to be less stakes in the beginning. And as you trust that person or that situation, then you can put a little more on the line.
Robin J Elliott: Yeah, I like to no money, no risk. And I like to say to people, you know, hey, this might be for you. And it might not, you might have the time to consider this. You might not and that's okay. So I give them away up right at the beginning. And then I’ll say to them, Look, you know, and genuinely john, I got 46 systems, right. To leverage and to create collaboration and joint venture. So I’ve been doing this for a long time. So I know what doesn't work. And I know that the key with this is not getting new customers, the key is finding new joint venture partners, the right ones, because there's a lot of them out there. There's a lot of good people, and there's a lot of bad people. So I just want to find people like yourself, and like good people, because good people usually attract good people.
John C. Morley: I think it comes from that phrase for many, many years, it was probably before I was born. And that's, you know, the company you keep is what you become. And I think you can choose to have your friends, you can't pick your family. Hopefully, they're good. But you can choose your friends and your business partners. And so when you choose them that says something different family, you have to like, like I said, hopefully we like our family. But there are some families where they have some challenges sometimes. And you know, you say well, gee, it's family. And I know sometimes those are the hardest kinds of business relationships because it's family. And I always tell people, you know, don't do business with family right away, do business with a stranger first. So now you can understand things from an open perspective, and be in a way that when you get back to do a family agreement, you say, well, gee, this is how I treated my other business arrangement. I'd like to keep it the same way. The structure and I think sometimes families don't have that. But you bring a lot of knowledgeable information to the table. And you know, as you said, partners are really important, trying to collaborate, trying to get your message out there. Because let's face it, when we do something as one, we're nothing. But when we build ourselves together and become together to build something bigger, then we're truly are a synergy. But when we try to just do one thing ourselves or do everything, I think that's when the problem happens. I think that's when big companies have problems too. They try to be everything to everyone. I'm not going to name names here. But there's a letter in the alphabet. And you're going to probably know who I mean, it's the third letter of the alphabet starts with a C, again, I'm not going to mention their name. They really went downhill. And I know my tech company, if anybody ever buys anything from them, they'll be gone. Because that company has become marketing engine, but they lost the foresight of the customer, of the client.
Robin J Elliott: Yeah, because if it's a win win, then it has to be a genuine Win win. And, and I think what we, you know, we, we, people don't know what they don't know. And I, you know, I can sit down with somebody and open their mind to a lot of things I haven't thought of, and they can do the same for me. So when we just have a conversation, suddenly, doors start opening and new ideas start coming on. And there's a lot of things that the average person has never thought of, you know, I heard a story about a guy the other day, he approached Jay Abraham, you know who Jay Abraham is? I like him and I’ve learned a lot from him. One on one as well. So with Jay, this guy approached him, and he had a great plan for a motorbike. I think it was a motorbike. And he said to Jay and I need a million dollars to do this. I don't have any money. And I really want to do this, and Jay said, but you don't have a problem find somebody who has underutilized capacity, a factory that people are not all working at the same time, there's space, or there's equipment available, find somebody like that and joint venture with him. And I think it was a year and a half later, Jay was back in China's talking there. And the guy said to Jay, you know what? I found somebody like that he had an underutilized lawn mower company. And we've each made $10 million. So when you find every resources available, all you have to do is think, who already has the connections and the trust and the relationship and the information of the people that I want to work with. And how can we, you know, how can we help each other. And when you approach those people in the right way because the system is everything. If you use the right system, it works, if you use the wrong system, you're not going to make money.
John C. Morley: It's the system, it's the relationship. And I think it's being adaptable to nuances that if we were just stuck in doing something our way that we might not see those potentials. And we were talking offline before the interview. And again, I'm not going to mention the company's name. But there's a company out there, there's lots of companies out there, and they try to get you to an event, and they try to tell you that they're going to help you. Now we know upfront Robin, there's no free lunches we've learned that long time ago. And when they tell you that you're going to come, it's an honor. And they're very devious, or they just don't want to share things. It's like, they want you to fall into something or be trapped. And I don't get Robin, why people do this. If people like you and I are intelligent, are there people out there that are just going to fall for this stuff? I mean, why did they take this tactic?
Robin J Elliott: I think a lot of it is desperation. And a lot of it is ego and pride. You know, I knew a lady and she wanted to write a book. And everybody with these days wants to be an author, right? And you don't make money from books. So I’ve written 15 of them, you don't make money from books, books are an introduction. It's a brochure, really. And anyway, so she was approached by this woman, oh, I’ll publish your book, and you'll have book signings and all things. She dropped $6,000, it was their savings for her and her husband, they were elderly people, they only had $6,000. She spent it all on a book. And I told her, you don't have to spend any money, go to lynda.com upload your document. Even if you pay somebody to do some artwork, you probably get it for free if you ask me how I’ll tell you, and you can have your book printed on demand and you'll have a great book and it'll be dropped shipped and you make money, and you'll have a better deal. And it'll cost you nothing. You can do pretty much for free, might cost you 100 bucks. And she preferred to spend the $6,000 and she never made a cent, she ended up giving her books away and you know, people just throw them away when they get that. So you can leverage the knowledge of other people as well.
John C. Morley: I think you hit on a good point, Robin is that sometimes it's the ego. You know, we always say you know when you when you put the id away, get rid of the ego, the ID of the person and you put that away. That's when we truly start to manifest there was a wise person, Dr. Joe Dispenza, amazing person. And he said that when you detach and become no one, nothing, in no time, that's truly when you can be the creator and the manifester. And I think sometimes we're all hooked up to, you know, what books say and what we've learned in school, but school really doesn't prepare you for the real world, does it?
Robin J Elliott: No, it doesn't. And we measure success in the wrong way. You know, we measure goals and success. So success is really what you become, what you learn, how much better you become as a person, it's not only about how much money you make, and people set goals, because the sales manager said, Oh, if you hit this goal, you're going to win this thing, and you're going to get that prize. And it's, again, it's ego, I say to them, say to that same sales manager, what kind of activity will it take for me to reach that goal, and then set an activity goal. So when you set the activity goal, you can manage that you can control that, and you can feel good at the end of each day. And if you feel good, you're going to make more sales.
John C. Morley: You hit on another important point is that success is not the ending, it's really that journey. And you know, you're successful, you want to keep being successful, but you never are 100% successful, because you are keeping to become in a state of success, or in a condition of a life of success. But it is a process that, you know, keep going on. So you know, we have lots of these platforms online without naming lots of them from letters with Z,B,E, A, there's a whole bunch of them. So a lot of times people feel that if they're in an event every hour of the day, that's not really a very good use of their time, is it?
Robin J Elliott: No, it's not at all they hoping people will remember them, and they don't. So they just they just, it's they're going through the motions without the results. So I say to people, look, you can leverage the relationships with people that you like. And if you have the system to do that if you know how to do that. You're going to work less, you're going to make more money, and you're going to have more fun. So you need time, time goes, you can't replace it. It's far more valuable than money. Money you can make, again, time you can't replace. So we need time to pray, we need time with our family, you know, we need personal time for our health. If you got, you lose your health, you've lost everything pretty much, right? So it's really important to manage our time. And to leverage, leverage means I use a little to get a lot. People throw around joint ventures and leverage, they have no idea most of the time how to use it, because if they knew they'd be doing it, and I always say, you know, talk is cheap. And money buys a single malt. So get over the talk, because I don't believe what you say and plus what you want to do.
John C. Morley: That's an amazing statement right there. It reminds me of the phrase for the book that you know, teach a man to fish he'll eat for a lifetime. Give a man fish, he'll eat for a day. And I think what's happened, what I have observed, Robin, I'm not sure if you've seen this is that during the pandemic, it's like everybody wants things to be handed to them. I know there's a pandemic. But I don't think that means we should just get a free get out of jail card.
Robin J Elliott: And you know, John, people say this is doom and gloom, but things are going to get a lot worse and business owners need to shape up right now. Because it seems we're going to get worse in 2021. And there's a lot of things going on. So we need to be stronger and sharper than ever before. And in order to do that, we need to pay for that. We need to pay the price to learn that. And that payment might not be money, might be in time, but we need to get better. Because there's a war on business as well. And we need to be really aware of that. So I think for you and I who have some knowledge, we can share that knowledge and help a lot of people but there needs to be good knowledge and not selling. Because, you know, I always say to people, if you have to pay for something, always ask what is the motive of the person selling it to you? How much you have to pay. You know, I don't want to sign up for some six months contract to somebody who bought a certification somewhere. You know, he was a truck driver all his life now and he is a business genius.
John C. Morley: I had a conversation with someone about a week or two ago and they were talking about all these different certifications. And I said to them, you know, a certification might get you a job, but I’ll be honest with you a certification is not going to let you keep the job, it is something on paper to get you hired so you can disqualify everybody else. But that doesn't mean that you're a smarter person, or that you have the knowledge to be able to do the job in the field.
Robin J Elliott: Now, I say to people, your certification is your bank balance, your certification is how many businesses have you run yourself. You know, I spoke to a guy very full of himself about network marketing. And then I said to him, you know, I bought a team of 16,500 people in 82 countries. And I didn't do it, because I was listening to what they're telling me, you know, because what they're telling me is, you're going to get the same results as everybody else. So you got to think differently. And you got to think in terms of the value to the other person. Just as you said, get yourself out of the picture. How much value is this for the other person? Because they may need it more than you do.
John C. Morley: There's two stations that broadcast and they're both free, WIIFM and WIIF. So WIIFM is what's in it for me, which everyone seems to be tuned to. And WIIFU, even though we are a G show here. I mean, something good. What's in it for you is what I mean by that. And that is the station that I think more people should be tuned to. Because when we're at the level where we're trying to help the other person, I think barriers come down. I think there's more potential for engagement. But I have to ask you, Robin. So there's lots of networking opportunities. What would you advise? Let's say if we had to write a book called 101, networking for dummies? Okay. Because that's kind of the analogy. Oh, what would you say somebody should do if they didn't know how to network?
Robin J Elliott: I think the first thing is to ask yourself, how much are they talking about themselves? And how much are they listening to you? If they're spending most of the time talking about themselves, and there are some characters like that, it's sad, sad to hear them. If they're talking about themselves all the time, one on one, I'm talking about one on one not in a breakout room or something like that, is they talk about themselves a lot, you probably don't want to do business with them. If they talk about themselves, and they want to know about you even more two ears and one mouth, then you can probably take that a bit further. But I'm careful of that. Also, you know, the way they dress, people show up on these networking calls with, you know, ballcap on or they haven't shaved, you know, you can tell a lot just by what you see.
John C. Morley: I have to laugh at that.
Robin J Elliott: The beautiful library, you know, he's got this virtual background. in the washroom, is he in the bathroom, you know, where's this guy, you know, it is real. So I had those backgrounds, and I took them off, because I said, Look, here's my old chair, you know, here's my jacket. And if you look behind me, you see, that's the sitting room. You know, this is where I live, right? It's real. And same with you. I can see your room, you haven't got some magical background, you know, and all this nonsense, because already you are losing credibility. Right away.
John C. Morley: Exactly. I think it creates a facade. And there's a lot of people that get impressed by those things. And I was on one call, and the person said, Gee, that's a wonderful bookcase. Where are you? Oh, I just downloaded that. And as soon as you heard that, the first part of me, I was like, gee, that's a nice bookcase. And I was asking them questions about the books and things like that. But then when they had no interest in books, oh, I really don't read. I just thought this was a neat library. And I just downloaded it. It like changed my perspective.
Robin J Elliott: Yeah, you know, the best speakers are usually you know, they say keep it simple. And I think it was Einstein that said, the genius is in making something complicated, making it simple.
John C. Morley: I love that. And I love his phrase. He says, the definition of doing the same thing over and over again, and expecting different results is insanity.
Robin J Elliott: They do that in network marketing. And people don't differentiate themselves. So I spoke to a guy recently said, there is so many people doing selling the same product, selling the same service. It's a really good service. I mean, I use it I don't sell it, I use it , it is really good. And but he said every second, you know, man, and his dog is selling this stuff. And I said, Yeah, you got to learn to differentiate yourself. And when we came to Canada, we didn't know anybody, John We'd never met anybody who'd never been here. They didn't know us. We were just a funny looking guy with his wife. And that was it. And within four months of starting my business, I was living off the business, because I just piggy backed on something that is already working.
But we can, you don't have to create it. You can piggyback and you can use, the one of the richest guy that I ever worked for, it is a very interesting story. I'll tell you one day, but I asked him, so you know, how did you get so rich? And he told me, I couldn't believe it. You know, it was an amazing story. And then he said to me and Robin, what you need to do, because I was training a lot of his companies and his franchise and doing his keynotes. And he said to me, here's a book you must read. It's by Al Ries and Jack Trout, and it's called Horse sense. Horse sense is, you know, find the horse, and ride it, don't walk, ride a horse. And he knew I liked horses. So I read that book three times. But how many times have you recommended a book? And the next time you say to that, did you read that book? Oh, no, I didn't get around to it. I'm too busy.
John C. Morley: You bring another point up, you know, a lot of people, us being entrepreneurs, you know, time is important. And we choose our time very wisely what we want to do with that. And I think another important thing is that when you do this, it sets a certain tone. But if you just go like you said to every networking event or everything that's out there, I don't want to see a cheap as a person. But I think it just says that I'm here for every event. And it's like, I am not busy, is what you're saying. When somebody has to get into your schedule. I think there's another respect there. And I think a lot of people Oh, well just call me any time. And I think I don't it's because the desperation or what it is Robin, but they just want to be available. But I think being too available is not the greatest thing. What do you think?
Robin J Elliott: Yeah, I agree. And you know, the key, I never Honestly, I never call anybody to make an appointment, they call me. I set it up like that. So I want people to call me. They hear what I have to say. They see me speaking, I am branded all over the internet, like a 15,000 people on LinkedIn. If people call me then I'm solving, and I'm closing sales, and I'm helping people. If I'm calling them, I'm pitching them. So people call me, I never call anybody, I call a friend. But I'm not going to call somebody trying to sell them something. Because if they've seen this, this ugly face, and they've heard what I’ve got to say and they don't call me, means they're not interested, get over it, move on.
John C. Morley: I believe the same thing. It's about getting the appointment set up. But the person has to want to talk to you. And that's what it's about, you know, if it doesn't work, that's fine, but have a conversation. And what I want to ask you is, you know, with all these events, free events, paid events. So what kind of guidance can you give someone? Because I'm sure a lot of our listeners want to know. And viewers want to know, where do they go? How do they actually network? So I mean, I know you told me that they should basically be listening work, because we're given two years, which makes a lot of sense. But what's the right way really to network? Are there any tips you can give some of our beginning network people?
Robin J Elliott: Yeah, I think the key is to be very clear on how are you different from everybody else selling the same product, or the same service number one, and number two, and then to listen, as you said, is number two and number three, is try to build relationship before you try and sell something, you know, get somebody to know something, to know, you get to know somebody, business people even share my values. And people you know, the more they talk, the more they tell you, right? We know what we know. We don't know what they know. And so we want them to tell us what they know. Because when we listen to other people, we get to hear all their buying signals, all the needs, all their grades, everything that they need. And then we know well, maybe there's some match, maybe there's not. But we already know what we need.
John C. Morley: How many times do we get Robin I'm sure we both get these sometimes, I call them the 17 page dissertations. And they're very far from a dissertation. And I usually respond back to the person and I thank them. Either they say to me, like I'm crazy, basically. And I say to them, you know, I see you've taken time to read my profile. You send such an elaborate presentation to me, I am very impressed. I'm not. Or the other thing that I do is they send me something very short. And they say I want to connect with you. When I said Well, that's great. A lot of people want to connect with me. What drew you to me? And They drop out like a ghost, or they suddenly disconnect from you. And I think that's the problem. And it's hurt LinkedIn a lot. Because people use it as a mass email engine, which I think is bad. I think people need to realize that they need to read the profiles, have proper profiles, and that when you reach out to connect with somebody, take the time to get to know that person, if the person is not pitching you, and they are just wanting to have a conversation with you. I think a lot of people just want to shut the conversation off, Because they know right away, they can hard sell you. And all in a token, that's very good. Because, yes, it does make it easier so we can move on. But I think they're doing themselves a disservice by not opening themselves to want to learn and connect.
Robin J Elliott: You know, they send you a message on LinkedIn and say, Well, what is it that you do? You know, you didn't read anything on my LinkedIn profile? What is it that you do? Well, how lazy are you? You know, did you just do this morning, you know, what, kind of a fool are you?
John C. Morley: Or you get the person that they're on LinkedIn. And you're, let's say doing I don't know, painting. And suddenly, oh, well, we paint all kinds of houses, homes, and corporate buildings. And you go back and say, did you even look at my LinkedIn profile? Because if you did, you'd see that I’ve been established painter for x years. I'm not, but you get the idea. And I think, and then they kind of like, I don't know that they feel like, Oh, I didn't see it. It's like, like you said, they're being lazy.
Robin J Elliott: You know, I'd like to know, one of the pitches was, I'd like to learn more about your business, when can we talk? They want to sell you. And so to me, there's some people, I don't even reply to them anymore. When they are too blatant about it. I used to reply to every message, now I don't. I just got to the point, you know what? My time is more valuable than talking to an idiot. And there's a lot of them out there. So I want to speak to somebody that has some credibility. And these guys that say, Oh, I just want to help people. Because no, you know, I just want to help people, or I had a guy, he is a bank manager calling me from New York. He wants to network with me. I said, first of all, I live in Vancouver. Secondly, I don't refer anybody to banks or financial planners, I will never do that. It's against my principles. So, we're not going to be talking, right? Because I don't believe in banks, and I certainly don't believe in most of them and there are some good financial planners, but very few. So don't even ask me, right, it's not going to happen.
John C. Morley: That's a problem. And then when they see that you don't do that. They either disconnect from you. Or they try to ask you Well, why not? Or I had one gentleman who was trying to do credit card service, real short story. And he didn't get it. You know, he said, do you need Credit Card Services? And I said, I'm really good right now. Oh, you use it. I said, we're really happy with the company we have, goes away comes back, as you know, a lot of people like you would kick themselves when they learned how much money they left, this guy's brazen. I've already said no, politely what three times, I had to go and disconnect him and report him to the LinkedIn police. He was harassing me. Harassing me, there's no need for that.
Robin J Elliott: No, and I told a guy straight because I'm not looking for friends. I'm not looking for popularity, I retired. You know, I do what I do, because I like making extra money. And I help people with it. But I'm not looking to deal with those kind of people. Because if they do it to me, they'll do it to the people I refer them to and I will be.
John C. Morley: Exactly, your businesspeople. We do business with people we know like and trust. And that's kind of inevitable, so you're going to kind of become friends. But if you're trying to friend route and then trying to get into the business, that just doesn't work because it's superficial. Maybe that worked in high school or that worked in college, but that doesn't work now in the business world.
Robin J Elliott: I think the key is to lower the barrier, remove the risk, find a way to get to know somebody on a low level and then slowly build that relationship. And so you know, you share my posts, you know, on LinkedIn, and I'm very grateful for that. And if you ask me to share something, I’ll share it no questions asked.
John C. Morley: I'm very grateful for that too.
Robin J Elliott: But if somebody asked me to share something, and I don't like what they Want to share, I'm not sharing. And I’ve made enough mistakes in my life. I don't want to repeat my mistakes. We've all made mistakes. And I think the key is to as I get older, I get more humble, because I realized what a fool I have been and how many mistakes I’ve made. And so as we get older, we supposed to become more humble, not more arrogant.
John C. Morley: I think it changes. We're almost at a time here. So we need to kind of wrap up. But in kind of closing, Robin, this has been very enlightening. I just have two quick questions. One is you get a lot of people that say I only want to go to free networking events. What do you have to say to that real quickly?
Robin J Elliott: Well, it's the old story, right? If somebody gets something for free, it's difficult for them to justify paying for something. And it always depends on, is it just the person selling? Is he just trying to make money? Or is he trying to be more selective in the people that he deals with. So I always believe anything for free loses its value. And you know, there's a fellow I don't want to mention any names or places because he might identify himself and be offended, the poor thing. But he spends 18 minutes with his, on a certain call on networking call 18 minutes talking about himself, his business, his rules, and everything before he starts a networking. So you're paying for that call, because you spending 18 minutes listening to this guy, you know, rattling his saber and telling you what the law is, so you're paying for it anyway, if you're paying for something where you're getting real quality, you don't mind paying, but you will judge that payment by the person inviting you.
John C. Morley: You hit the nail on the head, it's the quality of the person, the quality of the event, and knowing how things are going to run. And when you get value from something and you don't expect that extra value. I think that kind of draws people in more, they already know they're going to get something, but when they get more, they're not expecting it. The old adage, you know, under promise and over deliver. And the last question I want to ask you, Robin, is what would you like to leave with our viewers tonight? Any parting words for them?
Robin J Elliott: I would just say before you buy it, rent it, or build it. Think about how you could get it from nothing fast and get exactly what you're looking for. And you can do that through joint ventures, through leverage and collaboration. So learn about that. You don't have to learn it from me, you can learn it from Jay Abraham, and be careful who you learn from, by the way, because there's a lot of people, they attend a seminar and then they become geniuses. But you know, honestly, you can get it for free. If you do it right and you can do it better. And always remember that everybody you're dealing with has more resources than you know, because you don't listen long enough.
John C. Morley: That's some really wise words. Is there anything you'd like to leave with your information? Your website? Would you like to leave anything for our viewers if they wanted to reach out to you it's up to you.
Robin J Elliott: Just www.robinjeliot.com. It's an old blog that I use as a website. So don't read all the articles, just click on the links. And it's you can see my name, there two l's, two t's, www.robinjeliot.com. Have a look. If you have any questions, contact me. I'm happy to answer them.
John C. Morley: Well, Robin, this has been a real pleasure, a very wise gentleman here that has definitely learned from business and has learned more than the tricks in the trade. And I think you're continuing to learn as you progress and becoming more wise and having to impart that knowledge and also that's helping you to build more streams of income and also helping others as well.
Robin J Elliott: Well, it's a privilege to know you and work with you, john. And really, it's one of the relationships I really value. Thank you very much. I think you create a lot of value for a lot of people and I hope they appreciate that.
John C. Morley: Well, thank you very much for being on the JMOR tech talk show. And we've enjoyed having you. Well, welcome back everyone. What did you think of that interview Marcus with Robin?
Robin J Elliott: It is always straight out of the park. I love the value that was brought here tonight from Robin.
John C. Morley: And he is definitely a person you and I talk about all the time that is definitely about value a great person and someone that understands value, and really explained to us about how many people try to I guess slip into that value world, but they really don't deserve to be there because they didn't earn it yet. A wise person once told me something, Marcus, it helps you remember what he was saying, in that, there's two types of public relations you can have, you can have what they call paid media, and you can have earned media. Now, paid media will get you a spot in the light for a day or for an hour, but earned media will actually get you up there, because the accomplishments you've done, and they want to talk to you, not because they were paid. So that really, you know, brings that point home. And I just feel Robin has brought so much value. I wish we had more time to talk with him. But he was just so great. And I hope people, you know, learned a lot from him, because he really does connect with a lot of great people. And again, someone I met online, but if we're going through the pandemic, I probably might have not met him. We met at an event. And I'm always looking for great people to be on the show and people that have value to bring to the show. Because you know, that's not easy to find people. There's lots of people that want to come on the show, because they want to sell something, they want to talk about something that's to help them. But in the entire interview, Robin didn't say anything about him what he was selling, is coaching. He's just a very respectable man, and one that just really just shines value in every single moment that he is with someone.
Marcus: That's what matters in the world. When you got people like that, it is so contagious, it is so worth more your time to be around them, to talk with them. And what it does is it attracts more great things to your life.
John C. Morley: I was at an event earlier today. And at this event, there were people on their complaining that they were in the same room. And I said to them, you know, you should get to know the people better. Oh, I don't really want to do that. I've talked to them already. And the reason that the other people didn't want to get to know Him is he's known as somebody that is a pusher or a hustler. He's trying to sell people. And when you do that Marcus, people start to know your tune, they start to know who you are, they start to get your number. And they don't want to dial it anymore. They don't want to see you anymore, right. So I think that's what happens to some of these people that get burned out networking, is they go to events, but they're pushy. And so if we follow some of the tips that Robin gave us, I think many people that are listening to this show here tonight will find that they too can have great con