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Radio show date 11-19-2021

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John C. Morley (00:00):

I feel that this gets almost like the debacle, but that's worse with, the Facebook meta company where, you know, they're exploiting kids for using their knowledge without even knowing to learn how they buy. 

Marcus Heart (00:16):


John C. Morley (00:19):

So I don't know, well, a hundred million, it's going to be directed to a very interesting project in Wisconsin. What do you think that's going to be?

Marcus Heart (00:29):

It's going to be the internet, you know, it's my home state. So I know how horrible the internet can be in some areas, you know, it's very spotty in some areas.

John C. Morley (00:40):

So they're going to direct a hundred million into additional funding to expand the broadband internet in Wisconsin.

(JMOR tech talk show. We answer questions about technology, explain the way they should work and why they tone sometimes). 

Well. Good evening, ladies and gentlemen, this is John C Morley serial entrepreneur coming at you tonight. Another great friendly and fun Friday. Great to be with you, Marcus. How are you today?

Marcus Heart (01:15):

Hey, John. Good to be with you also.

John C. Morley (01:18):

Yeah. Can you believe this? We are one, two, or at the third week of November. That means that next week is going to be Thanksgiving.

Marcus Heart (01:31):

It is John prepared to eat a lot.

John C. Morley (01:36):

I don't know where the summer went. I don't know where September went. When was Halloween? We were talking about this just the other day that things were going to keep happening like this. They were just going to keep moving along, whether we're ready or not. Yeah.

Marcus Heart (01:52):

The world keeps turning the world, keeps turning along with the days

John C. Morley (01:56):

And you either have to keep moving or you have to get off

 Marcus Heart (02:00):

that's right. That's right.

John C. Morley (02:02):

But we have a great show for you tonight as we always do. And one thing I want to bring up to everyone is this interesting company that I was learning a little bit about they're unfortunately, they're not in use, it's called Cowie. And they use an old irrigation system to store electric power. How cool is that? 

Marcus Heart (02:22):

That's very cool.

John C. Morley (02:24):

So they're actually in Hawaii. So cowie’s electric utility plans are to use an irrigation system dating back to around the sugar plantation days to store solar power for use at night.

 Marcus Heart (02:40):

Wow. This is the way to go, John. And this is what sustainability is all about. And just making use of what, you know, what used to work, you know, sometimes, you know, we gotta go back to what used to work,

John C. Morley (02:55):

And I have to say something, Marcus, you know, everybody is skeptical about, is this going to work? But officials say, and I quote, it will provide about one-quarter of cowie energy needs and allow Cowie island utility cooperative to obtain 80% of its power from renewable sources by getting this 2025. That's just about four years from now.

Marcus Heart (03:19):

That's cool. That's very cool. You know, that's putting them ahead of the curve. I think a lot of other states should adopt a lot of this forward way of thinking.

John C. Morley (03:31):

So the utility company meets the hundred percent of the Island's daylight energy demands using renewable reef sources, but, you know, battery limitations and lack of sunlight are forcing the cooperative to rely on fossil fuels during the early morning and night hours. Unfortunately. So this is why we're trying to go this way. And the west Cowie energy project is going to divert water from four streams along with the Kokahi ditch irrigation system near kikaka Wyoming. I'm not from Hawaii. It would restore existing reservoirs and build new pipelines and gate structures. So two of the reservoirs are at slightly different elevations and they would be connected by a penstock or what they call a pie. The solar power plant would then pump water up the Penstock during the daytime and the water would then flow down the Penn stock to generate energy at night and in the early morning. Pretty cool. If you ask me

Marcus Heart (04:34):

That is, I think another interesting question that a lot of audiences might be wondering, John, and I'm quite wondering, will the locals save money on their bills now?

John C. Morley (04:43):

So here's the interesting thing, and I want to quote them. It says when cranking at full capacity, it will have enough to power and energize 18,000 homes on their island. But as far as prices coming down, you know, I don't know if they're going to pass those savings along to the customer. I would hope they are, but they don't talk about anything about that. I mean, the fact that they're going to be able to do this, it's surely going to lower their costs. I would say they're probably not going to raise costs. I've never known utility companies to lower costs.

Marcus Heart (05:15):


John C. Morley (05:16):

But one thing that I did learn and quote on the environmental side, would be reducing our fossil fuel usage by 8 million gallons a year and reducing our greenhouse gas emissions by 80,000 tons of CO2 per year.

Marcus Heart (05:30):

Wow. Yeah. Well, there are some benefits somewhere, you know you only wish you can be in the  pocket, but 

John C. Morley (05:40):

Exactly. And you know, one resident from Hawaii there said, what happens if the Wyoming river levels were to drop in the future? And they said that the state commission of water resources decides how much water the utility may divert for the streams and the utility would abide by these decisions. So they're not, you know, autonomous, they have to play along with a governing body, which I think is great. So they're not going to deplete the world's precious resources. So I think that's a, a good thing. And the project site is on land's own and manage, get this by the state department of land and natural resources you knew that was coming. They don't own, they don't own their system. So I think what we're going to see is that it's going to be saving the government money. So it saves the government money. I would think it would lower your taxes. I can't say that for certain, but I would say there's probably a good probability of that, right?

Marcus Heart (06:42):

Yeah. At some point down the line in with this coming very fast, it should curve the tax, you know, that tax gap that you, that you see that like, you know, really push it down on the middle class, you know? Yeah. Somewhere down the line. So, I hope so, John, you know that is the prayer 

John C. Morley (07:05):

Yeah. I, for those locals release, I think it's great. I think more companies, Marcus need to be doing stuff like this.

Marcus Heart (07:11):

Yeah. And this is a good example of the government plan. Nice with private companies.

John C. Morley (07:16):

Yeah. I don't know. I guess I know why because they feel that they're not going to be how can I say compensated so they don't want to put extra work in if they feel that it's not going to do anything for them. Right. I mean, that makes sense. But speaking about our friends at Uber, we've all taken one of Uber’s or Lifts and something new this week, us issuing Uber saying, weight fees discriminate against the disabled. come on. This is nuts. I mean, it's not their fault if they're busy. So the federal government issued Uber saying it discriminates against the salespeople by charging fees when drivers have to wait for passengers to board their vehicles.

 Marcus Heart (08:13):


John C. Morley (08:17):

So this brand new know what you want to call it. Wait for time fee structure kicks in two minutes after a driver arrives and they're charged until the car begins its trip.

John C. Morley (08:35):

that's just unbelievable now that this Uber had added the fees in a few cities in April in 2016 and then eventually, you know, they spread nationwide, but in the lawsuit that was filed just recently in the district court, in Northern California, the justice department says Uber is violating the Americans with disability act or the ADA for failing to modify its fees for those who may need extra time to get into an Uber car. Right. I understand the fact that you need a little bit of time. I get that, but you shouldn't be penalizing them with the car is not there. Do you know what I'm saying? Do you get that? We should allow them you know, maybe an extra 10 or 15 minutes, so they can comfortably get in the car when normally I think they give you five minutes and then either take off or they charge you. Right? So the lawsuit alleges that Uber charged the fees, even when it was aware that the delay was disability-based. That the problem Uber said, and I quote, it has been inactive discussions with the justice department and was surprised and disappointed by the lawsuit.

John C. Morley (09:45):

They further go on to say, and I quote, wait, time fees are charged to all writers to compensate riders after the two minutes of waiting, but were never intended for riders who are ready at their designated pick of location, but need more time to get into the car. All right. This is just like he said, she said type of thing.

Marcus Heart (10:04):

Yeah, it is. And this is going to be kinda it's hard, kind of hard to, you know, decipher these things because when you, when you consider like, when a car and you know, what if the car is obstructing traffic, you know, what do you do in these situations?

John C. Morley (10:22):

Exactly. And, and the San Francisco-based company, Uber wait time fee charge rates is less, they said than 60 cents. And I quote, we fundamentally disagree that our poll violates the ADA and will keep improving our product to support everyone's ability to easily move around their communities close quote. It sounds like it's an issue of training staff and having to pay some monetary damages for improperly managing their fee structure in the past because it does seem like they're guilty because of the way they were charging. You know, I think the lawsuit, the way that the title reads is a little confusing because it says, you know, discriminate against disabled. So I don't know. So basically the problem is they're charging wait fees and the disabled person isn't supposed to pay them. Maybe what they should be doing Marcus is when you register, if you're, a verified ADA person and they can verify that with the ADA, you log into the ADA website, it links back to their system or their app or their website. And then whenever you make a reservation, it knows that you're disabled and won't charge those fees. 

Marcus Heart (11:46):

That's a brilliant idea. you know, that would, you know, get rid of all of this mockery that's

John C. Morley (11:53):

Not, but I think the bottom line though, Marcus, is, I think it's an intentional money gain. I don't think they want to fix it.

Marcus Heart (12:02):

Well, of course not. You know, why wouldn't you if you benefiting of it, you know, and certainly the drivers wouldn't want to see, be hit with the loss of that.

John C. Morley (12:15):

I don't know. I feel that this gets almost like the debacle, but that's worse with the Facebook meta company where, you know, they're exploiting kids for using their knowledge without even knowing to learn how they buy. Right. So I don't know, well, a hundred million is going to be directed to a very interesting project in Wisconsin. What do you think that's going to be,

Marcus Heart  (12:45):

That's going to be the internet, you know, this is my home state. So I know how horrible the internet can be in some areas, you know, it's very spotty in some areas,

John C. Morley (12:56):

So they're going to direct a hundred million into additional funding to expand the broadband internet in Wisconsin. The latest rounds of the grants are going to come out between 2021 and 2023, the budget signed by the governor and Tony Evers in July provide 129 million over the BIM for expanding high-speed Broadband internet to unserved or underserved areas of the state. So that's pretty interesting. I want to quote here, the FCC speed test app is going to be able to test the standards and they may be making mandates in the future on whether that app is going to be able to provide the minimum specifications, but, you know, they don't tell you what the minimum specifications are. because now we're talking about school, work, home running a business at home. Broadband is essential to families communicating, staying in touch getting information such about pandemics and other important news.

John C. Morley (14:17):

So the state's been working for a long time to expand this during the COVID-19 pandemic, this kind of kicked everything off. And so now the state public service commission recently was awarded a hundred million in the funding of the 1.9 trillion of the COVID-19 relief under the ARPA or the American rescue plan act. The PSE received 242 applications that requested more than 440 million for internet expansion. And Wisconsin's public radio reported these numbers. So interesting. Again, we're not going to see benefits of this right away, but the one thing, knowing that they're going to use grant money to help I think is a great thing because at the end of the day, everybody's paying for this, it's coming out your taxpayer dollars. So why not do something that's going to help our citizens and businesses?

 Marcus Heart (15:07):

Yeah, it's about time, you know, that these get directed where it needs to be going to and we way past the dial-up stages now, you know,

John C. Morley (15:17):

Exactly.  And you know, we talk about Google all the time and we always say that Google can't be touched because there were so many dollars. Yeah. Well, Google loses their appeal of a huge EU fine over shopping searches. It appears that they might be, I don't know, tainting the search results with places that may be directly benefiting their back pockets companies that they have deals with. And even some of their shopping places have been defined as illegal advantages per the information found out from the Google shopping recommendation sites.

Marcus Heart  (16:07):

Well, you know, once again, we gotta call you to profit John, you know, foresaw this and the EU court they're pretty tough. 

John C. Morley (16:18):

You know, when it comes, the European court is very tough. Yeah. I wish our us court was that tough, but they are extremely tough. And I feel that I'm hoping one thing comes at, Marcus and that is that these people realize the big companies that you can't do this stuff. I'm talking about Facebook. I'm talking about the yahoos. Oh, we haven't heard too much from Yahoo. They've been kind of like a very quiet child. Remember you heard

Marcus Heart  (16:44):

Yahoo? Yeah. They've been trying to be the good child at all of this. And 

John C. Morley (16:49):

I don't know what their plans are, but is anybody that’s too quiet? I always say you gotta watch the quiet kid because usually, they're up to something. Yeah. They're

Marcus Heart (16:56):

Pretty sneaky. 

John C. Morley (16:58):

So I wouldn't doubt that we're probably going to hear Yahoo in the news next year because they're probably planning a strategy and hoping they don't get caught. That's my feeling.  So Google, you are not impervious to fines, even though you guys have a few dollars, you still can't do things wrong, like an unethical business. Right. So it's going to be interesting to see what happens. So we'll just have to, we'll have to keep an eye on that. Marcus, I don't know you know, what they were thinking, but I think they figured that they could get away for it, you know?

Marcus Heart (17:38):


John C. Morley (17:41):

So just we'll have to wait and we'll see what, see what that, you know, see what that does. And is that going to help other people or is it going to cause more people to create problems, you know, the NTSB and I love to throw acronyms, but let me tell you who they are. They're a government agency, they're the national transportation and safety board now that you know who they are and they're out of Washington DC in case you didn't know. Well, the NTSB is starting to use video and high-resolution photos in a probe of a sunken boat. Yeah. So the investigators are trying to conclude why a commercial fishing boat sank off of Massachusetts about a year ago and using some high speed and some pretty interesting gadgets to decipher what went on. And so as they try to learn what happened these types of gadgets they're hoping will give them a bird's eye view into things that might not have even been possible. The 82 foot or for those of you that are in Europe, 25 meters in Portland, Maine-based Emmy rose went down early November 23. And as it was heading to port after a seven-day fishing trip, the NTSB said in a statement and I quote, authorities have previously said it was heading to Gloster, Massachusetts.

John C. Morley (19:23):

So the Emmy rose was located in may in an upright position with its outriggers deployed in about 800 feet of water on the seafloor, about 25 miles off of Provincetown, Massachusetts. Interesting to see what happened. You know, this also leads me to something else that happened, you know, and I'm wondering the Tesla, as much as I love the car, they had an accident. It just happened not so long. I'm not sure if you heard. And I don't know if that accident was the driver's fault, you know what I'm saying? Right. Or was it the computer?

Marcus Heart (20:04):

Yeah, that's a very interesting question.

John C. Morley (20:07):

And so this was a Tesla model 3. It was traveling up 90 miles per hour before the fatal crash in Florida. The NTSB is also investigating this in case you were wondering. I don't know. The thing I'm concerned about is did they use the autopilot system or was the person driving it? and no, one's saying anything.

Marcus Heart (20:42):

No. Yeah. It, when you talk about Tesla being involved, I can imagine that no one's going to say too much until the full investigation's done

John C. Morley (20:53):

But what we usually find out is sometimes there are problems. But my big concern is that if it's a safety issue, then does that mean they have to recall cars? Or can we trace this down? Because it was a kid that was driving it and I have to believe that he was probably heavy on the pedal because why would the car in Florida be going 90 miles an hour?

Marcus Heart (21:22):


John C. Morley (21:25):

I mean, I wonder, so it wouldn't be a violation of our privacy rights, but can we break a car we could and prevent it so that it would not operate above the maximum. So let's say the speed limit was 65. We would not let it go above 68 miles per hour. So the car could be speed intelligently. There'd be no more speeding tickets.

Marcus Heart (21:53):

Yeah. I mean, we already got sensors like you know, for example, on the BMW, you know it has sensors, it let us know that like, you're already above like you the limit here at the stop you know?

John C. Morley (22:06):

Right. But as a warning enough Marcus, or do we need to intervene? I know like even on my MDX when I drive and you know, sometimes the car because there's what they call warrant. That was a breaking, which is what they call passive breaking, where it just alerts you. Then I have active braking. Now a lot of times the car will break. I'm like, why is it breaking? Because it thinks the car like in the rain that'll happen and it just breaks. So I don't know. I feel that's something that has to be discovered. I know that maybe there's an option that if you buy a car with that feature, maybe you'll get a discount

Marcus Heart (22:48):

Yeah. Discount or maybe some tax breaks somewhere

John C. Morley (22:52):

Because why would you want to buy a car unless you're on the auto bond or the Eric Estrada and I can't see it being too safe. So, you know, people don't realize Marcus is that when you have a car, whether it's a Ferrari in MDX, a Porsche, BMW, Audi, whatever it is, or some other Italian Lamborghini, the car is designed to go fast. But when the car goes fast, it's still not designed to slow down fast. No. So that's a problem in physics. So if you understand that, then why would you be wanting to push a car that could potentially cause a challenge to you or your loved ones?

Marcus Heart (23:39):

Yeah, they’re something that's not operating right. In the frontal part of the brain to come to that logical decision. 

John C. Morley (23:48):

I don't think there's any logical, anything in the brain. I think the brain probably took a holiday. Yeah.

Marcus Heart (23:54):

It would be absent, it went on vacation. 

John C. Morley (23:59):

So I have to see, but it's good to hear about the NTSB. I heard a lot about the NTSB for, I don't about you, but I've been hearing a lot about them lately. Yeah. 

Marcus Heart (24:08):

They've been in Intervening a lot, you know, and doing a lot of investigations lately. So yeah, because there's a lot of crazy things going on in transportation.

John C. Morley (24:14):

Speak about speaking about transportation and crazy things going along and talking about, you know, safety, because I think that's, everyone's concern, you know one of the things that I do and we don't talk politics or religion on this show, but I do have a religious background and I believe in it and you know, I'm always very grateful for, you know, getting in my car and being able to get somewhere safely. That's something I am always about. And I just feel that if, you know, you can just take that five minutes and as our state always says, you know, you've gotta plan ahead and arrive alive and I feel that there's no reason to speed. No reason. If you could just plan a little bit and know what could happen, you know, you really could avoid that.

John C. Morley (25:10):

But like I said, speaking about safety, we all know that one of the leading causes of car accidents is drunk drivers, right? Texting and drunk drivers, right? Those are probably the two as two biggest. And well, a couple of reasons texting, because it distracts you from, you know, the roadway and drunk driving because it impairs your abilities to respond. And I want to talk about two things. One, I think they're on the right track to having you know, that needs to be safe. So there and putting forth a new mandate, This mandate will force auto manufacturers to install modern devices to prevent get this Marcus drunk driving.

 Marcus Heart (26:05):

Oh yeah. That's a big one.

John C. Morley (26:10):

So does that mean we're going to be taking a breath analyzer before we start the car? Now, this isn't, this is to everybody. Now, this isn't penalizing anybody. This is going to be, everybody's going to do this.

Marcus Heart (26:21):

Yeah. You know, when we talk about like lives on the line, you know, and drive and still yet a privilege, you know, I don't think this is, I think we can still compare this to firearms in a certain matter, you know, you can have one, you got the freedom to get one, but, you know, it's the choices you make when you have them. So I think cars are in that same category.

John C. Morley (26:49):

 I have no problem doing it. My only concern Marcus is, are they grabbing more data than just the air sample? You see this, these are my concerns. If it's just, you know, grabbing your air and analyzing it and just seeing if it's safe, to run the car, I don't have a problem with that. I have a problem with that information now being transposed or transmitted somewhere. Right. So if somebody was drunk, hypothetically, and they can't drive their car fine, we don't need to publicize that it should be enough that the car doesn't start to let them know, Hey, they gotta lay off the bottle. We don't need to send that to big brother or the insurance company. Oh, we see, you tried to start the car three times when you were drunk. Oh, we're charging you an extra $50 a month, or. See, that's what I'm sensing could happen. Yeah.

Marcus Heart (27:46):

Or you get a bunch of third-party ads from all these liquor companies.

John C. Morley (27:53):

Exactly. But the biggest challenge, Marcus, I believe is that, so I think what'll probably happen is before you start the car and I'm just speculating, there's either going to a similar to a breathalyzer, you're going to grab a, a, a, a pipe or something. But then this causes another issue because if you have multiple people driving your car, the family has you, don't like what you want to have different mouthpieces. So how does that work now? I don't know if it's just going to be something that is maybe mounted in the steering wheel, and maybe if your mouth is close, they can pick up a certain amount of, of liquor Cause I can't see, they're going to make somebody put something in their mouth in between me start the car, right? Yeah. I think it's gotta be a lot more advanced and evolve in that. So I didn't know. You know, that's what I'm feeling. I, I think it's a great movie, but I don't know. 

Marcus Heart (29:00):

They don't want to roll it out irresponsibly and you know, and not fully thought out, you know like some things they have rolled out.

John C. Morley (29:09):

So they're doing it to improve auto safety as well. In the 1 trillion infrastructure package, that's part of the Joe Biden piece that's up, which he's supposed to sign very soon. And it looks like he's probably going to sign that. But with this $1 million, they're saying that under the new legislation monitoring systems to stop, taxi drivers would roll out in all new vehicles as early as 2026. So if you just got your car and you're getting a car in four years, while you're going to beat it or three years, but your next one, you're not going to avoid it. And after the transportation department assesses the best form of technology installed in millions of vehicles.

Automakers will be given the time to comply. So it's the transportation department, that's making the call. That's interesting. So they're not even leaving it up to auto manufacturers. They're going to set a standard. So they have allotted 17 billion allocating to road safety programs and the biggest increase in such funding in decades, according to the no center for transportation. So I think we're doing it because there lets whether we're talking about mad mothers against drunk driving dad, drivers a lot of parents think this is a great idea and it will eliminate, they're saying the number one killer on America's roads, but the thing is, is drunk driving the number one or is it texting? I bet they come pretty close. Yeah.

 Marcus Heart (30:56):

They have gotta be neck and neck with each other.

John C. Morley (31:00):

So does that mean, does that mean right? That when you're in the car that your phone will not allow text now they're already making it hard for people to do that but does that mean that the phone will physically not be able to text if it senses it's in a vehicle and you're driving? I think we're getting there.

Marcus Heart (31:20):

Yeah. That should be the next step here, you know? And I think that's going to be somewhere on the docket, some at some point, and maybe you, instead of it, like, you know it's going to lock your phone and maybe send Bluetooth signal and then its voice, you know

John C. Morley (31:38):

Yeah, basically what I'm thinking is you're getting in the car, and if it senses you're a driver and there are lots of ways they can do that. if your phone is linked and you're the driver, it's usually that phone. And if you are, you know, basically driving the car and the phone is so close to you it's going to stop the ability to send and receive texts. Won't even be an option. And a lot of the convicted drunken drivers use a breathalyzer device. Now it's attached to the ignition interlock and you blow into a tube and disables the vehicle if their blood alcohol level is too high, right. The legislation doesn't supply the technology only that it must passively monitor the performance of a driver of a motor vehicle to accurately identify whether that driver may be impaired. So the key here is passive, right? I'm thinking this is going to be more active, you know?

John C. Morley (32:47):

And so it's been installed in general motors, BMW, Nissan, many other vehicles. Okay. the cameras make sure that a driver is watching the road and looking for signs of drowsiness. That's also being put in there. I think the next thing is that if somebody is getting in the car and they're not apt enough, maybe they have to take a few simple tests, nothing hard. If they're not EEPT enough to solve those problems quickly, I don't think it should allow them to drive because I think another big problem is people are too tired to drive.

Marcus Heart (33:29):

Yeah, definitely. Yeah. That's another one.

John C. Morley (33:34):

Yeah. So most automakers had already agreed to make automatic emergency braking standard equipment. We already know that as of some bills last year, so we're starting to see more and more of this stuff in there. I mean, I know automatic braking is something that I had to pay extra in my cars, but it's nice that that's going to become standard equipment. Great. And even things like BSD, blah detection, that's an option today.

Marcus Heart (34:05):

It is.

John C. Morley (34:07):

That really shouldn't be an option. 

Marcus Heart (34:09):

I think this is the only way to, you know if people want to be the one in control of the wheel and, you know be before autonomous vehicles you know master of the role. I think this is what's. I think it's just the way,

John C. Morley (34:26):

I think it's a good idea, Marcus, as long as our data doesn't get sent to a third party, right. You know that's the thing. And, you know, technically the cars that are supposed to be, you know, they used a breathalyzer. If somebody else were to take the breathalyzer test, the car would run. So

John C. Morley (34:53):

It's not a hundred percent foolproof, which is why I believe that almost like a sensor needs to be in the car, something that's maybe it's down, maybe it's in the windshield so that they can kind of grab air. And again, it's going to kind of be tricky because, you know, you're going to get a different alcohol rate because you're getting a lot of air in between, but I think that would be great that the system may take an air sample like every 20 minutes or something but remember the thing I think they're concerned about is probably just starting the vehicle. Right. So once the vehicle starts I don't know, it could be something as simple as taking your via is your down.  I'm just not crazy about putting something in your mouth.

John C. Morley (35:48):

So I'd be interested to see what they're, going to do for that. So we’ll have to just, you know, kind of see but you know, we want to take a, a special thank you to TaskRabbit today for being a sponsor. I know one of my situations a while back, I had a desk, and the store that I bought it from couldn't get me an installer. Like they were just too busy. And so I'm like, this is crazy. And so I know I went online, I Googled and I had found TaskRabbit, never heard about them before. I still give him a try. Got a few offers the next day that guy came and he put the desk and table together less than what the store was going to charge me.

John C. Morley (36:35):

I wound up getting a refund from are because they couldn't come out. So great little service. And they do a lot of things around the home and the office. They can do some shopping for you. They can help put things together. So lots of great things that they can do. And if you click on the special link that we're going to provide you after the show, you're going to get $10 back as a first-time customer. That's awesome. It's awesome. But you know, Marcus, when, when we think about, you know, technology and where things are going, I think it's a moving target, isn't it? Yeah, it is.

John C. Morley (37:10):

And I think the reason for that is because people are so I guess, into everything, but when we talk about emerging technologies, the biggest thing I see is, you know, how can somebody sell something and make the most amount of money? It's not always about doing what's right for the consumer or the business owner. Right. I call those box pushers. Yeah. You know, how many boxes can we push and put money in our pockets? Does that make sense? That makes a lot of sense and you know, all these things happening out there, you know, whether we're talking about these new monitoring devices or we're talking about, you know, stores or you know, now they have a robot I think is very interesting. Did, you want to see this one, there is a robot now that gives needle-free injections. 

John C. Morley (38:08):

yes. I don't know about that. I don't know about heat. How would they do it without a needle? That is an interesting thing because  I'm wondering how the robot does that. And is that painful? it is an interesting little thing and the device is supposed to be, they say it's supposed to be very painless. Then, you know, that's what they say. And it's basically like a little arm you probably see at a doctor's office or a dentist’s office. Right. And the software that they use determines the optimal injection site, then its robot arm applies a high-pressure jet of serum without a needle.

Marcus Heart (39:07):

Sounds kind of scary to me, John. I don't know.

John C. Morley (39:10):

Well, if you think about it for a moment, you know, a needle going in, we get that. Right. But a high thing of serum, I don't know. I feel that you're going to somehow feel that. You know, most needles are not bad. No. And so they're saying that this could be part of a mandate that certain places that people aren't, they would need to either get vaccinated or they'd have to be vaccinated by this robot. See, I don't like stuff like that. No, I think that's getting a little too. Do you know? 

 Marcus Heart (39:47):

Sounds like some strap you down and

John C. Morley (39:49):

No, it's not like that. The kid that they show he's a teenage he shows him, his sleeve rolled up and they have this machine, he stands next to it and nothing is holding him there or anything like that. He just stands there still. And it does a scan. And then within about 10 seconds, it gives the injection, which is a high-speed serum.

Marcus Heart (40:16):


John C. Morley (40:19):

So Kobe is a robot which is which dramatically reduces the infrastructure requirements of vaccine clinics. So it could help populations in remote areas, other parts of the country. How would you get the robot there? That's my question. Right? Remember you gotta give a power. So, the Kobe and X into 2019 joined by a common vision was shared to help people get vaccinated. The robot could help with shortages and lots of other problems. They targeted healthcare and hospitality and they had a different version of it. It was more of like the boss, Boston robot. Do you remember Boston dynamics?  well, their robot was the first one to do it. And then they came out with one that was more like something you'd see in a lab.

 John C. Morley (41:09):

. I mean, it's funny. The thing that would be almost killing somebody in the world is the same. That's going to be giving you an injection. I don't know how I feel about that, right? Yeah. it's just, I think technology is great, but you've heard me say this before Marcus technology can be used for good or bad. Yeah. It's not whether technology, the device is good. It's how we choose to use it. It's just like a weapon, right. A weapon can be used for good or could be used for bad. That's true. Does that make sense? It makes a lot of sense. And you know, I think one of the biggest things affecting people today is their privacy. And the second thing I believe is, do we know what we're doing? Is it effective?

Marcus Heart (42:00):


John C. Morley (42:01):


John C. Morley (42:04):

Almost like that issue we talked about with the IV machines, having problems months ago, where they could potentially get hacked. So I don't know, but you know, while, while you're probably worrying about all these things, I'm sure you have your challenges, like, you know, maybe wanting to go grocery shopping, or maybe get documents delivered, or maybe you need help moving your apartment or your home, or maybe you need somebody to come over and break some leaves water, your flower beds pick up the dry cleaning for you. Schedule meetings, take calls, or maybe you just want somebody to wait in line for you. That's a real catch, right? There's going to be a special price. Well, you can go to We have a special link for you and you can get $10 off and you'll be able to buy that special toy for your son or daughter for Christmas, Hanukah Kwans, or a plethora of other holidays. And you're going to be able to spend quality time with your family while you pay somebody to wait in line and get the exact items that your family wants. Tell me, that's not cool.

Marcus Heart (43:13):

Hey, that's beyond cool, John. I love it.

John C. Morley (43:16):

So definitely click on the link after the show and get your $10 off and start browsing because you not only just go there and sign up, you get to pick who you're working with. It's not like, you know, you go there and you put your email address in and you sign up. No, and they have an app. You get to pick who you're working with. You get offers from people. That's pretty cool. Can read their bios.

Marcus Heart (43:47):

Yeah. I can't beat that. It's one honey of a deal. I love it.

John C. Morley (43:50):

 I'd love somebody to wait in line for me. especially when you're trying to get that. What is it? The cabbage patch dollar. What is the craze? What is the crazed toy this year?

Marcus Heart (44:02):

I mean, they got a couple of things out there, you know, even the PlayStation, PlayStation five,

John C. Morley (44:05):

You know, PlayStation five. So I guess you better get in line with it right now and I found with some of these things you gotta get in line a day or two before. Just because the line is so long. So if you value your time and want to spend more of it with your family, then why don't you hike over to our link that we'll share with you at the end of the show? Now, when we think about technology in 2021 or 2022 people say to me, John, you know, where is technology going in 2022? And, you know, that's an amazing question. Where is tech? Where, if I had to ask you the question, where is technology going in 2022? And a lot of people say, well for the pandemic to be over. Well, I hear you but there are some other things that we're concerned about. I'm sure everyone knows one is artificial intelligence. You've heard me talk about that. That's going to become more of a center stage player, just like we learned about with this robot, they're using artificial intelligence to learn the optimal spot of where to give the noninjection, which is a powered stream. So that's, you know, that's one area that that's probably very big, and we're going to start to see everything as a service and the no-code revolution.

John C. Morley (45:31):

So that means that you don't put a license code in anymore. You just rent it as a service. You need it for a month. Great. You need it for five months. Great. You need it for a year. You need to scale. Great. Just go ahead and put in another user or remove them. And they either increase your bill or decrease your bill we're to start to see more in digitization, deification, and virtualization. Those are some mouth words, aren't they? Yeah, it is. So cation is using the I'm going to call it marketing from people's electronic and social behavior of searching digital websites using digital media or even purchasing in the stores. And then using that information to figure out how to target people Facebook's already been doing it's now meta actually, but I'm, I still think of  Facebook and transparency, governance and accountability are going to become very key.

John C. Morley (