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Radio show date 12-03-2021

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Speaker 1: (00:00)

Welcome to the Shock Your Potential podcast with your host, Michael Sherlock. We all have potential but sometimes we need the inspiration to get us to our peak performance. Whether you are starting in your career, ready to move up the corporate ladder, or leaping into entrepreneurship. Michael's guests provide powerful tools and resources to shock your potential. Shock Your Potential, as a global professional development training company committed to your unique journey. Learn more about us today at and download our free Shock Your Potential app today. Listen in to today's expert.  


Michael Sherlock: (00:40)

Thank you for joining us on another episode of shock your potential. I am your host Michael Sherlock and all month long, we are talking not only to entrepreneurs but very elite entrepreneurs. Those that are doing things that we should take note of and learn from every day. My guest today is John C Morley. Now he's a serial entrepreneur without a doubt. He's also an engineer and a marketing expert who started his first company a few decades ago. I'm just going to say nearly 30 but since the inception of his tech company, he had something that all of us would love to have. New York's largest marketing and advertising agency was working for him in his company. But like many of us also he had that moment where he said, "Is this getting me as far and as fast as I want to move this organization?"


Michael Sherlock: (01:26)

And when the answer came back now, he said, "We're done. I have fired you." And he knew that no one would know his company as well as he did. And that's true. But for most of us that put us in a bind. In his case, he said, "I'm going to research the concept of starting, my full in-house digital and print production company. I'm going to do it myself." And the first few years he admits he made a lot of mistakes. Like any of us would but he quickly realized how to reach his clients and the right way to do so. And later on, he concluded that there was a void in the marketplace without a doubt. And he knew how to market, to companies to get their messages out to the world. And he trademarked the phrase. We give your business a voice. Today John helps people get more quality connections on LinkedIn by telling their stories in a very unique way. And I can't wait to learn from him more today. John, thank you so much for being my guest today. 


John C Morley:  (02:21)

Michael, it is a pleasure and I am honored to be with you this morning.


Michael Sherlock: (02:24)

I love it. And we're not too far away. I'm in the beautiful city of Philadelphia. You are not so far away, somewhere in New Jersey but I just hit some of the highlights of your bio. Tell us a little bit more about you, your businesses today, and how you help your clients to shock their potential. 


John C Morley:  (02:42)

Where it all started when I was in college, I think it was around 1993. So the company is about 32 years young. That's not my age but 32 years young is the first company, IT Company started as JCM and Son. I got teased for years after I graduated saying, "John, stop being a paint company." And finally, one night my mom, my dad, and I came up with the name, Jay Moore connection. Hey, it sounds corporate. It sounds like it could stick. And before you know it and several logos later the name and the concept took off. But the thing was when I was in college and I still am today, I like to help other people. That's something I just have a passion for, also being a first responder. 


John C Morley:  (03:29)

I like to help others. And I find that a lot of people in the world are always looking to take or what's in it for me. WIFM what's in it for me? IWIFY what's in it for you? So I like to do what's in it for you, which we learn from Dale Carnegie, say somebody's name properly. And try to become genuinely interested in the other person. I'm bored. The other people are interested but what got me on the path in college was I knew that there was a void in the technology market and people weren't doing the right things. And I decided to start JCM and Son when I was in college. And I did technology very inexpensively before I had my degree. I did $5 for a phone call. Didn't matter how long it was. And $10 for an onsite visit. Again, didn't matter how long it was. And so I remember people said, would you take, credit card? I said, "No, I'm just a small company. We take a check or we take cash." And that's when I learned from the government.


Michael Sherlock: (04:26)

It's like on Fiverr $10 bill, please. No, I can't make a change.  


John C Morley:  (04:30)

I said, "you're welcome to tip, but there's no extra charge." And they're like, "how do we pay you?" Well, you can shower in my dorm room. You know, I'll trust you. There wasn't a big issue with that. And, it worked out pretty well. And I learned you could make a certain amount of money before you had to get formal. I learned about that obviously, we didn't make that much, but we made a little bit. Professors were even calling me. My professor who was a doctor who knows everything was calling me for computer help. But he didn't like me because I seem to be a little smarter than him in some areas. And so he would talk to me but even when he asked for my help, he would talk down to me. Like, "you don't know how to fix that."  


John C Morley:  (05:10)

I'm like, actually I do. And he was kind of like, sitting back at his chair. So I did that for a little while. And I remember just before I was getting out of college, there was this modem, it was called Prometheus. I'm not sure if you've ever heard of it. But it was the first modem that was able to do more than just talk to bulletin board systems and stuff like that. It was able to be a voicemail like these fortune 500 companies. Oh, this is great. I could have one of these. No store had them in stock. So I did some digging. Again, I'm not a formal company by the terms of the US treasury. And I said, "How do I get this?" So I called up some of the companies and they still didn't have it.  


John C Morley:  (05:52)

I said, "Where do you get your product from?" "Oh, we go to a distributor", they said. Well, what's a distributor and who do you use? So then I found the number of the distributor I finally got through after being persistent. He said, "We only talk to people with accounts." I'm like, "well, how do you get an account. If you won't talk to me?" That's another department. And so I got through the salesperson, they gave me the skew. They gave me the prices said, "Here it is John but you can't buy it until you have an account." I said, "Wow, the price is how much?" They said, "Well, it's only $199." I said, "It goes for $499. Well, there's a big markup. So you mean I get to buy it for $199."


John C Morley:  (06:26)

"Yes, you can and this is also not for research and if you get that, its price is $150." I said, "Wow." So then I spent a couple of weeks, they said, "You need something called a tax ID number." I said, "Wow, how do I get one of those?" "Oh, they're free. You just go online and you have to incorporate or file a business. And then you have to apply for a tax." So that sounds awesome. Got the number, realizing that the tax ID number helps you get an account but it creates a liability. So now in the state of New Jersey, you could do it for consulting, but certain things are taxable. So if I do an installation with the product that becomes taxable consulting is not taxable in New Jersey yet.


John C Morley:  (07:13)

Which is nice. And so I did that, started that company, wrote my first invoicing software with I remember to this day it was Access, which was terrible. So I looked for something better. I got Foxit, which I think I'm not sure if that was the exact name, but it was a database program. It was right after access. It wasn't Foxit, it was like Fox something. Fox database, Fox is into the program. That's a PDF program, but it was something with a Fox. And so I got this program and I didn't know anything about it. So playing around with it, I was calling Microsoft every single day because things didn't work.  


John C Morley:  (07:55)

I wanted to get the reports to work and I was spending a lot of money with them. But the funny thing was, I would always explain to them how they hadn't helped me. And so every time I called them, I got my phone call rebate back. It says if they can't help you and they would change the billing from $499 back to $199 because they weren't sure. They said that you're going to be rebate back, you can call customer service. I said, "You didn't solve the problem. You don't even know your software." So I spent months doing that. And then after doing that, I realized that I really should buy a program because there is just a lot in there and I don't want to spend years doing it. So I went through a lot of accounting programs and I found a lot of them out there. 


John C Morley:   (08:32)

They rip you off and then you're kind of indebted to them. So I later went to a solution where I bought it but I could learn how to develop it. So it could become a little bit of my own without having to be reliant on them. Later on, when I was not even out of college, I had this marketing advertising company. I won't make sure they're still in business today in Manhattan and they still serve some of the major fortune 500 companies, unfortunately. I went with them because a good friend of mine said that they could help me. I said, "I can't afford them." "Oh, don't worry. My uncle works there. He's going to get us a great discount." They got us a discount at the time.  


John C Morley:  (09:19)

I think it was 20 to 30% off. And I thought that was phenomenal. He's like, "John, this is so good. You have to go with them." I said, "So I'm spending thousands of dollars with them." He said, "Don't worry. You're going to make it all back. Just don't worry about it" and we get something but never what we paid. And so finally about 10 years back, I said, "This isn't going anywhere and I'm spending so much money. My IT Company is growing but nobody can market me." I don't know anything about marketing and advertising. Everyone always says to me, "John, you're never going to be a marketer. You're never going to be an advertiser." I said, "John, you have to stop listening to people. You have to believe in yourself." Then I went back. This was right after college, again diving back. I went back and got my certification in hypnosis, NLP, Neuro-Linguistic Programming. 


John C Morley:  (10:03)

And also I got my Reiki level two certification not to sell it to anybody but just to help myself become a better version of myself and to help motivate myself and stop paying people to tell me what I should and shouldn't be doing. And I remember creating my first MP3 at the time because that's the sound ones and I didn't want to buy the Apple. I want to buy cheap ones. It was a little knock-off one for like, I think $29. And I was so happy. I made my first subliminal hypnosis program. I would walk, listen to it every night. And then I say, "I want this luxury car." And it was out of my means at the time. And I said, "let me go drive it. Let me go experience it. Let me get a picture of it." 


John C Morley:  (10:50)

I put on my laptop. I don't know how? But in six months that car was in my driveway. And so I started learning about manifesting. And then I realized jumping back in the future again, 10 years back and we're kind of flashbacking here. 10 years back or so, I decided I had enough. So I went to Xerox who we were already a client of and we had a Xerox black and white copier and multi-functioned machine, fax machine, etc. And I said to them, "How do I become a mom-and-pop print shop?" "Oh, that's easy. It's just 200." I said, Ok no problem. I'll give it to you right now $200." "No, no, no, $200,000? I said, "Let me get back to you.” Fast forward, I went to my bank. They said yes.


John C Morley:  (11:40)

Signed on the dotted line. They took me to lunch and then I went into this firm and I knocked on the door and said, "Hi Greg." "John. Oh, Hey, how are you? Do you want some donuts? Do you want some coffee? Do you want some muffins? We got some bagels. We got those things that Cindy makes for you, the special raisin buns." I'm like, "No, I'm good. I was calling to say thank you. Thank you because we had a great run." "What do you mean?" I said, "We had a great run and we're done." "What do you mean we're done?" "Well, I'm coming to say that I no longer need your services." "John, hang on a second. Let me see if Mike is in his office. That's Mike, hey Mike, Mr. More is here." And Mike said, "Hey, how are you, John? Nice to see you! I am Mike."


John C Morley:  (12:22)

I said, "Nice to see you too." "You know, John's not very happy." Mike said, "Oh, no problem. Why don't we grab your coat? Let's go to the Diner and we can talk about, Cindy made those buns that you like." "I don't like." "You want coffee?" "I don't want anything." "Well, what's up?" "I just told your boss here that we're done." "Ok. We're done with the project and we're going to move to another one." "No, no, we're done." "I don't get you." I said, "Well, I just fired him. I'm now formally firing you and I'm firing everybody under your team. In other words, you're fired." He was trying to process this. He was like, "John, I'll tell you what we're going to do. You know, we should have done this a long time ago but we're going to give you a 30% discount."


John C Morley:  (13:06)

"On everything going forward and any bill you paid in the past, we're going to give you that money toward future invoices." I said, "That's nice but I'm not interested." "John, you know, I'm probably going to get fired for this but I like you. You're a good guy. We've been working with you before you even graduated." I said, "You were taking my money before I even graduated college and my dad's money." He was like, "Yeah, I shouldn't do this. We're going to give you 40%. I'm probably going to lose my hat. Don't fire me, guys. We're going to give Mr. More 40% off anything he spent in the past. That's a lot of money and 40% going further alright? So when we are going to sign up, we'll do that. Now we'll get some breakfast." I said, "No, no we're done." He said, "What do you mean we're done?”


John C Morley:  (13:45)

I said, "We're done. You don't understand that. We're not negotiating. We are done. You want me to go into, why? You made this mistake, you made this mistake. You charged me for this. You did do this wrong. I could go into a lot of things that we're done." And he's like, "John we're like best buds. I mean, that's like below the belt, he's like, that's low." I said, "Well, you know what's low taking somebody's money and then not giving on return for many years." He said, "Well buddy, we're just learning about you. You going to put more in. We're just getting started." I said, "But for how long, right? You don't even know anything about my industry. You haven't done a tech business in your life. Our company has."


John C Morley:  (14:22)

I said, "But you haven't, you've only been with the firm two years since the year I'm getting ready to graduate. You haven't been here that long." "Yeah, but we like you." I said, "I like you too. But business is business." So he says, "Well, who are you going to use?" I said, "There's a new company that I'm going to use. They're in Franklin Lakes. They're right across the street from me. They're going to open up soon." He says, "What's the name of them?" I gave them the name of the company, Neighbor publications. He said, "Oh, I didn't see them when I was at your place." I said, "No, they hadn't opened yet. They're across the street from us." he said, "Oh, okay. Well, who's the sales manager?" I gave him the sales manager's name Ricky something. He says, "Oh, I don't know him. I know every sales manager in this industry. Who's the owner?"


John C Morley:  (15:01)

And I said, "It’s there." He's like, "Isn't that your name?" I said, yes. He was like, "You don't know a thing about printing, marketing everything." I say, "You know what? You're hundred percent right. But you didn't either when you started and I'm going to fail probably my first year or two but then I'm going to grow." He's like, "You know buddy, I want to stop you. I don't want to see you go out of business. I feel for you and I want to help you." So, we struggled for the first couple of years. And then after that, we built a full print production, graphic media, and digital design center. Then we had COVID, unfortunately. So we're kind of reopening again. So that just happened and he comes to me and he says, "John, hi, how are you doing?"


John C Morley:  (15:42)

I said, "We're doing great." "Well listen, John, I want to sit down with you, with Mildred." I say, "We're done." He says, "No, no, I know you're done but we want to help you because you're not used to this kind of volume like you're not used to this. So we want to come down, maybe take you to lunch and let's see if maybe we could take some of those clients over your hand. You could still market them with your name but we'll do the work." And I said to them, "Why on earth would I do that and mess up a beautifully perfect almost reputation?" "Well, because we have the name of the experience. You haven't done squat." I said, "I got a better concept. Why don't we take some of your clients about ready to lose? Or some of the jobs that you can't do bring them over to my production team.


John C Morley:  (16:27)

We'll do the work. You can brand it and you can market it and make some money. Your client will get ROI. It might stay with you. How is that for a cookie for breakfast?" He says, "I have to talk to somebody that's not how we work." I said, "I don't think we have much to talk about." So we pursued, we went on and on and many years. So, JMOR was the Neighbor Publication's first client. And I remember renting space to that company for $5 a month, just so it was kind of formal. And we had a little spot in the corner and we called ourselves a print and marketing company. We just had a little tiny piece of the office and I was just so happy. I could produce flyers, I could produce little things and I could produce business cards. 


John C Morley:  (17:08)

And I was really happy and we did some mailings and then I got my first client, which was an insurance company and I was tickled pink. And then I decided to print a magazine. "This is a lot of work," I said. We ran for four days, 24 hours a day. I hired three shifts to do it because I couldn't do it. And I started realizing that this is not the way to run a print company. You can't grow like this and you can't be working 24 hours a day. You have to have the right equipment, the right people. I said, "This isn't going anywhere. I got to make a decision. It's nice that JMOR is getting all these things that it needs for itself. But do I just want to have a toy or do I want to have a business?"


John C Morley:  (17:49)

And that's when I decided to go for my lungs and build a new center. And then I love to do video. I want to expand and have a video production center. I want this year we opened up a photos center. We're launching photos with Santa and next year we'll be launching our green screen studio. So a lot of times when you go to a green screen, you probably can appreciate, they charge you $3000 to 4000 to get maybe a minimum for three or four hours. We're charging under a hundred bucks for 20 minutes. And what we're doing is, we're doing 25 minutes to set up and we time you 20 minutes.


John C Morley:  (18:26)

So we do that, we all kinds of photos. I looked at what a lot of these superstores are doing and they have the equipment but not the greatest equipment and they don't have the right knowledge. So I said, "If I know better equipment, I bet I could beat them eventually." And so our photo thing just started. We just launched it. And we've been doing videos religiously for over a year. I probably shoot over 40 hours of video a week. I have a link, I'll show it later. I have a John C Morley, serial entrepreneur motivational channel, every night on LinkedIn I stream out to a million people. I have a thing where I give people value. I interact I have an envisioned networking channel. I have a network with John where I do science experiments.


John C Morley:  (19:13)

And like we did one to build a rocket. I say, "You have to rock it, why do you want to rocket your desires?" And I show you how to make one. And then I go through the process and we let it catapult. One of my favorite ones that I did was on my motivational channel. I said, "Why do you need to or how do you imagine? Like, how do you imagine you have to play? Like, you're a kid." And I took bubbles. So I just love to do stuff like this. And I run an internship school or I have about five interns now working with me and every Friday we shoot from about eight o'clock in the morning till about five o'clock at night. That's our big shoot day. I'm president of the Franklin Lake Chamber of Commerce which I reenacted over five years ago, made a 501C3 but I'm just all about helping people.


John C Morley:  (19:58)

I am a first responder and I'm going for my next level next year, which will be my EMT, currently cert, and the radio license FCC. So I do a lot but my biggest thing is teaching people how to network, it's not about taking a card and showing it down someone's throat. It's not about telling you everything I do. You're interviewing me so I'm telling you but normally it's not about that. I'm boring it's usually all about you. And that's what I do whenever I meet somebody. It's like, I listen and I get permission, "It sounds like you're having a challenge in your marketing area. Is that something you're open to solving? Yeah. Well, what have you done in the past?" And then if they're open, I go further. If they're not I'm like, "okay, well, if you ever change your mind, I'm here to have a conversation because I believe all business is about conversations."


John C Morley:  (20:46)

I'm also the leading host of the JMOR Tech Talk show, a national talk show we have about 20 to 30,000 people. And we just became a TV show about seven months ago in Princeton. So I just like to give a lot of value back to people. And when I talk to people in the marketing or advertising I say, "Look, we're different than other companies but you're not going to find that out." I had an author that wanted us to work with them but he had an issue. He had two LinkedIn profiles. I said, "I can't work with you." He said, "Well, what's wrong?" I said, "You have one name here and one name there. I noticed you're the vice president of sales at this x-ray company. And you're writing a book." 


John C Morley:  (21:27)

He's like, we have to keep him separate. I'm like, "I can't because if I get you a press write-up, somebody's going to say, why there is a difference in spelling?" "Yeah, well, we can't mention." I said, "I can't work with you. Like if I get you coverage and now your boss comes back." "That could be a problem because I could get fired." I said, "It sounds to me like you got to make a decision and I can't make that decision for you. I'm not going be responsible if I get you fired because you're not ready to come out of the closet about your other business." And he's like, "I never thought about that." So I guess I just love to have conversations with people and understand what their challenges are. But the way I shock people with my potential is, I'm genuine. 


John C Morley:  (22:10)

And everything I do is from my core. The agenda that I have is to help everyone become better versions of themselves. And I share a story that's very relevant before I got into doing my business full-time. I got out of college. There wasn't a lot of money. So I took a government job. I won't mention where, but I took a government job and I was an IT Technical services coordinator, way under what my degree was, helped them with quite a bit, managed over a thousand computers and three buildings. And I didn't feel I was appreciated. And I knew I wasn't there forever. And I was two months from being vetted, which would be meant I would've gotten some big money because I was going to be vested and I went into the lady, I'll call her Gina. That's not her name but I'll call her Gina.


John C Morley:  (22:52)

I knocked Gina. I think it was two weeks before I was going to get vested. I walked to Gina. I said, "Hey Gina, I want to say, thank you." She said, "Thank you for what?" "Just want to say thank you," I said, "Thank you. I had a lot of fun. I learned a lot about myself and I want to thank you for helping me become a better version of myself. And hopefully, I helped you become a better version of yourself." She was looking at me like, where's this guy going. I said, "I'm going to be finishing out today and I won't be coming back tomorrow."


John C Morley:  (23:32)

She said, "Oh, okay. So this is an exit interview." I said, "Well, you can call it whatever you want but I'm done." And I walked out and people were grabbing me but it was different. For the first time, people were patient with me. They knew that they only had a few more hours with me but they weren't being so demanding and it just kind of changed. And I'm like, "if this would've been like this before, I probably would've stayed." And so what I've learned is everything happens in life to help us become better versions of ourselves. We meet people, we go in business, we go out of business, we network with people, relationships happen, we get pod show guests and all kinds of stuff because we're all learning from each other. And I say to people the day that you stop learning, it's the day you're dying. You need to be learning every single day of your life. So I shock people because I switch things up. Or as I would say I kick it up a notch. Another quick story, I had a gentleman.


Michael Sherlock: (24:40)

I'm going to interrupt you just for a minute, John. So we'll get into it in just a second. We're going to take a quick break and we're going to hear from our sponsor and we will be right back.


(Commercial Sound): (24:49)

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Michael Sherlock: (25:30)

And we are back with John Marley. We are learning a lot of lessons. And I know I interrupted you right before the break about a story. So I want to get the story but I also want to know maybe the top couple of things that you've learned on your entrepreneurial journey. 


John C Morley:  (25:43)

So the story ties into a big lesson that I learned. So I think it's very impactful. About five years ago, I mentioned to you that I took over a chamber of commerce because it was going nowhere and people were doing wrong things and stealing. And I decided stupidly that I wanted to take this over. So I approached the town and whatnot, they appointed me in and everything was great. But after I started getting going people weren't moving quickly enough for me. So I'm a mover and a shaker if you haven't already guessed. And so, I got some comments from them that they weren't sure about things. And I remember a head person, I won't mention the name but the person called me into their office after they booked time with me. And he said, "John, you know, when are you going to give up?" I said, "Excuse me." "When are you going to give up with this whole chamber nonsense? How many members do you have?" I said, "Well, we got about 30 in growing." He said, "When are you going give up? We don't need a chamber."


John C Morley:  (26:51)

I said, "When am I going to give up?" "When are you going to give up? What are you going to just stop this whole nonsense and just pack it in." I said, "Alright, so you just give me a minute. I want to think about that I want to give you the exact day or a minute and second I'm going to give, just give me a minute." It's like wondering, I come back and I say, "You know, sir, I'll tell you when I'm going to give up. I want to be honest. I didn't want to lie to you. I'm going to give up when a baby boy or a baby girl tells their parents that they don't want to learn to walk anymore."


John C Morley:  (27:26)

He looks at me. He goes, "When the blank is that?" And I said, "Well, you are a parent, correct? He says that he has two boys or girls. I said, "Okay, when have you ever known your children or maybe your friend's children to ever say they want to stop learning how to walk, doing these funny, like really hard faces?" He goes never. I said, "I knew that you were always a bright and intelligent man and would come with the right answer. He said to me, "John, you're arrogant now get out of my office" and I realized something that was only about a few years ago but that taught me something really big that I included in one of my motivational lessons, which I do every single day and evening and Fridays, I do super motivational Friday. If everybody likes you in this world, it's great to be liked. And I'm liked by a lot of people. But if there are not a few people that kind of dislike you, not hate you but they might dislike you or just don't support you, that's what you want because if you don't have that everybody loves you. You're not bringing your A-game. 


John C Morley:  (28:45)

That's a very, that's a very big lesson. So another lesson I've learned in the entrepreneur Neuro world is that you can be or have anything you want but you have to realize your inner voice, what do you say to yourself? Your motivation runs your subconscious and that's 95% of who we are every single day and how our life runs. We're like a program but most people don't realize it could take 30, 45, or 90 days to reprogram ourselves. You probably didn't know this ladies and gentlemen but you've been programmed since birth. And after that to do things you may or may not want to do. So I would tell you to look at the things you're doing and realize do you want to do that? Or you are on an auto program? You might be so into the motion of doing something. 


John C Morley:  (29:36)

"Oh, I don't want to do that. I don't want to see that or I don't want to be in this job." Well, why are you in it? "My parents like it or they want me to be a lawyer or my cousin said to do this or my boyfriend said it would be good and my girlfriend said" No one in life, ladies and gentlemen I have to tell you this upfront, has the right to make you feel inferior about yourself except one person exactly. So you need to understand that you have to give permission and you're not going to give permission. The other thing that I've learned is that you have to know when to say, no. We're both nice people, Michael. We always want to say yes to everyone, right? We want to do the right thing and be charity.


John C Morley:  (30:21)

And I remember whether it's a skill, whether it's marketing, whether it's IT and I can't tell you how many times this happened. This is probably over five or six years ago where I would be so nice. I would just do it. They would ask me I would do it. And at the end of the thing, I told them what it would be. They said, "Oh, it's just going to be something quick, and well, what do I owe you now?" They know what I charge per hour. I was like, "You know." They say, "I really can't afford to pay you right now. How about a TV dinner? Or how about some pizza?” Or people that just come around when they need something. These are also the same people that you're on Facebook or you're on LinkedIn to saying, "Hey, would you do me a favor?"


John C Morley:  (31:01)

I had one just a few months ago. "Would you post this to your mom's group for me?" And just share a copy. I said, "Hey, I never got that picture. Could you post it again? Here's the link." He said, "John. I'm not comfortable about that." So what are you not comfortable with, me or the organization? So I didn't say anything about it. I just filed it in the back of my head and said, I now know that person is a taker and I just moved them to the side. I'm never rude to anybody but you have to realize that. The other thing I want to tell you entrepreneurial journey part of the third lesson I want to include is that people will say and do things regardless of what you think or believe your perceptions change the reactions. 


John C Morley:  (31:57)

Pat Angerer said it best, which we learned from originally Dr. Dwayne Dyer, who was a great man, "Perceptions, when we change the way we look at things, the things we look at change. “So it is important and I guess the real quick sentence, I'm going to tell you lastly, a really important note is that if you feel in life that somebody's saying something that it isn't true about you, it could be anything because people are jealous of our life. My advice to you is to document appropriately, whatever authority, whoever you have to document things because people will try to rain on your parade every single day. And once you let them know. I'm not saying to be rude or I'm not saying to take them to court. I'm saying to protect yourselves because people every day will be trying to kick you under the fire.


John C Morley:  (32:53)

You are going to be resilient and make sure that when they put you to the fire, you're ready to protect yourself with the gloves and armor you need. And then these people will either go away or they may try to fight a little bit till they get tired but eventually they're going to look foolish to other people. So document what you do and what other people say because every day people are going to court because of what somebody says but they have no proof. So being an entrepreneur, you're going to run into that many times that a lot of times people say what you're doing is something, but you're not. So document it and realize that you're going to be the winner. And don't let these bad spectators who are supposed to be spectators and watching the game. They're trying to coach, they're trying to get involved with the game, don't let them be part of your life. Realize that your team, your inner team is the one you want with you. And it was other people. Keep them outside your circle.


Michael Sherlock: (33:56)

I agree. Keep yourself protected in all cases is because it will be good for your psyche as well as your ability to continue. Now, John, I know we're going to have all of your contact information on our show notes but just in case somebody wants to find you what's the best way for them to find you.


John C Morley:  (34:11)

So there's a lot of ways to find me but we made it simple. We have a link tree and the link tree is and there you can see all the works that I do and you can even help keep our content free, which my team and I always appreciate, a cup of coffee.


Michael Sherlock: (34:39)

Absolutely. I love it. Well, John, before we go, do you have any last words of wisdom or pearls of advice.


John C Morley:  (34:46)

The real Pearl that I have for you today is that if you have a vision and it's clear in your head, be very descriptive and make sure you know every little detail about it. Don't worry about how you're going to get there but just make sure you understand all the details. The universe will unfold that to you if you are persistent and have a good attitude. And make sure that you maintain an attitude of gratitude. 


Michael Sherlock: (35:19)

I love it absolutely, thank you John for sharing your story with us. I think a lot of elements that people can relate to and for sharing your motivation for how to keep going and make it through even the tough times. Thank you so much for being with us today.


John C Morley:  (35:30)

It has been a pleasure and an honor to be with you today. Michael. 


Speaker 5: (35:34)

Thank you for joining us on another episode of the Shock Your Potential podcast. Learn more about us today at including details on Michael's two bestselling books, “Tell me more: How to ask the right questions and get the most out of your employees” and “Sales mixology while the most potent sales and customer experiences, follow recipe for success”. Make sure to check out our Shock Your Potential app on-demand professional training resources to help you excel in your career. And as always, don't forget to subscribe, rate, and like us today.


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