Today Ladies and Gentlemen I took a stroll out to a beautiful park to review my brand new iPhone 13 Pro Max and let you know about the things I liked and didn’t like. Don’t get me wrong it’s a great phone but there are a few important things for you to know about first. One of them is the cinematic mode which I’ll talk about and how well it lives up to the hype. It has potential I’ll say that much.
But there were also lot’s I loved about the iPhone 13 Pro Max from the seamless integration to the image quality the increased refresh rate of the screen makes for a much smoother scrolling experience. But I’m not about to give it all away down here in the description ; )
So if you’re in the market for a new iPhone 13 Pro Max and looking to buy then give my review a watch and send it to your friends who buy Apple phones too and help them out. And if I helped you out with making this big purchase decision then please leave a like and let me know in the comments below what you think of the new iPhone 13 Pro Max because I'd love to hear from you. Do you like it? Is it over-hyped? Did you buy one already like I did?
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