Hello and welcome Ladies and Gentlemen to another episode of the JMOR Reviews channel. Today we have a very interesting light to take a look at called the Tzumi LED Multi Color Light Bar. But I do have to warn you though most of what’s interesting about it is in how many different ways it can let you down which is surprisingly many.
So if you were looking at or thinking about getting the Tzumi LED light bar let me spare you the trouble I went through and show you everything you need to be warned about before you make your purchase. Or at the very least come watch and be entertained by troubles because this thing has given me many.. Tzumis LED light has the potential to be great but in the end it just didn’t do it for me all that well with all its shortcomings. It may sound like it has some cool features with bluetooth control, voice control, strobes and other effects but the quality of the light and color accuracy means you’ll be juggling though all the different settings on the remote trying to find a color that actually matches what you picked.
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